thumbprint Posted March 12, 2013 Posted March 12, 2013 (edited) I found out I got into School of Visual Arts today via email! One thing I don't like about this forum is that anyone who doesn't get an interview request assumes that they didn't get in to the program. I came on this forum looking for answers when I was anxious about graduate schools, and when I saw that people were already interviewed for Ohio State, some wait-listed, and I assumed I was rejected, but guess what I got in, with a GTA award and tuition waiver. I also was not interviewed at SVA, straight up got in with no warning. So keep your heads up my friends! Thank you. This gives me hope in an otherwise stressful time. (Also congratulations!) Edited March 12, 2013 by thumbprint
herki Posted March 12, 2013 Posted March 12, 2013 congratz! one question, were interviews required for Ohio State and SVA? because in my case, when school A says on their website they will interview the finalists and I heard nothing yet, it would be logical to assume it is a rejection for me? Do you know the timeframe on school A? For instance, are they a part of the group of schools that have deadlines on April 15? I guess it really comes down to timeframe. If they've got a week until they want decisions, the logical assumptions are different than if there's a month to go. It might be my optimism speaking, but I wouldn't just assume rejection either. I don't think I'd assume a school has rejected me until I have a letter in my mailbox saying so, or it's next September and still no news. Perhaps they do multiple waves of interviews, they're super-busy and crunched for time, or the interviews are more of a formality to meet the applicants. Who knows!
Maxine Posted March 12, 2013 Posted March 12, 2013 She didnt actually say she "disliked" the other pieces. If I remember correctly, she said she really enjoyed one of the pieces because, unlike the rest, that one wasn't as literal. I guess in my mind I took it as she disliked the others. I'm leaning towards Massart, but SMFA seemed to really emphasize the fact that they give a lot of opportunities to their grad alumni. One of the admission tour guides said he didnt apply to Massart because they basically spit out their students once you have graduated, not really creating a lasting relationship with them. Of course, his opinion is probably super biased. Facilities have never been a big issue to me, I've primarily worked at home on my own, but I am interested in Massart's pouring and weaving facilities. Do you feel as if Massart's program is well rounded between technique and contemporary art theory/criticism? Both schools seem wonderful, but it was a little hard to take SMFA seriously. Their entire interview day felt like a wine and dine experience, it was impossible to figure out how much of it was genuine. Thank you for such an informative post Hi there! I'm a Mass Art grad, for undergrad, I loved my time there. I disagree with Mass Art spitting out their grads, especially since the grad program is so small. SMFA takes 50 students per year, with a total of 100 graduate students. Mass Art has a higher faculty to student ratio and the faculty stays there longer. You could find out who is tenured at each school too. I interviewed at SMFA and both the faculty member and grad student hadn't seen my work before. They asked me questions that were evident from my essay and resume and I felt like it wasn't very personal. Made me hesitant about the school..
Kelly Anna Yllek Posted March 12, 2013 Posted March 12, 2013 You did everything you could do already. Now you just need to wait. Remember that time goes by slowly when you are waiting for something. It probably is moving at normal speed or fast speed to them, so if you keep contacting them, it probably would be very annoying. Also, keep in mind that people who applied there also applied to other schools and are waiting to hear back. So as the rest of the schools give their notifications, then the students will decide. Once everyone on this forum has heard back from all their schools, (and decided on a school) then most likely people at your school will start notifying them as well. Thank you for the advice, I am very glad for this resource here as such a community for information sharing. I know I'll need to be good and wait. I wouldn't stress too much about it right now. Patience is key. Oregon wants to hear back from the people they've accepted by April 15, so I'd expect that they might be able to move on waitlisted people closer to April. You just got notified about being waitlisted, which means they just told people of acceptances too. Some of the letters are probably still in the mail! I have now set my calendar on to alert me two weeks before the 15th of April so I can be prepared if I haven't heard back yet. Hah. Like I won't be staring at the calendar regardless. Yes, April 15th is the required date to accept an offer (assuming most offers have some financial support attached) at most grad schools, especially public ones. If they are on the council of graduate schools, they are supposed to abide by the April 15th deadline. Many private art schools aren't in the Council. There is a list of member schools in the link here. This is the most awesome link. My waitlist school is on there. I received a paper letter yesterday with my waitlist status. I take that as being officially waitlisted, fancy paper and everything. I feel better about myself at least that I was almost good enough for being accepted anywhere
Emoree Posted March 12, 2013 Posted March 12, 2013 Umm, wouldn't you instead not like the applicants attitude, rather than the forum itself? But for real, I am sure glad you stalked this forum for probably months and decided to give us your two cents after you 'got something' so you would feel inferior to the rest of us, dick! Have a great time either A, living in dumptown Ohio and letting your 'free ride' take you nowhere or B, paying with your asshole at SVA where ultimately - even when trying to buy your way in - you will end up with a masters in serving cafe mochas. This will be fitting because most likely, anything you produce, will never make outside the walls of your place of employment. Unless, you throw it to the curb, where it will better be served as a urinal for some stray animal. <3 i'm telling you... this person has GOT to be doing some really idiotic ~performance art~ here... i can't believe this is for real. wow. I found out I got into School of Visual Arts today via email! One thing I don't like about this forum is that anyone who doesn't get an interview request assumes that they didn't get in to the program. I came on this forum looking for answers when I was anxious about graduate schools, and when I saw that people were already interviewed for Ohio State, some wait-listed, and I assumed I was rejected, but guess what I got in, with a GTA award and tuition waiver. I also was not interviewed at SVA, straight up got in with no warning. So keep your heads up my friends! Congratulations!! Yay for a fellow printmaker! Now, was that so hard???? Ren Adams and ArsenicYellow 2
grounded Posted March 12, 2013 Posted March 12, 2013 does anyone have any info on UNLV anything would be helpful!
buddyholly Posted March 12, 2013 Posted March 12, 2013 Umm, wouldn't you instead not like the applicants attitude, rather than the forum itself? But for real, I am sure glad you stalked this forum for probably months and decided to give us your two cents after you 'got something' so you would feel inferior to the rest of us, dick! Have a great time either A, living in dumptown Ohio and letting your 'free ride' take you nowhere or B, paying with your asshole at SVA where ultimately - even when trying to buy your way in - you will end up with a masters in serving cafe mochas. This will be fitting because most likely, anything you produce, will never make outside the walls of your place of employment. Unless, you throw it to the curb, where it will better be served as a urinal for some stray animal. <3 no, but for real, what is your problem? why have you been trolling this forum for months adding your inane comments when you know no one here gives a shit about you? is it because the only time you get to interact with other people is when you annoy them to the point that they'll actually tell you to shut up? worldly, Emoree, smartstrategy and 1 other 2 2
printmaker2013 Posted March 12, 2013 Posted March 12, 2013 exactly! I wish everyone would figure that out... nirvana4me2 1
buddyholly Posted March 12, 2013 Posted March 12, 2013 exactly! I wish everyone would figure that out... except that he's been on this forum for god knows how long now spewing rude comments and insulting people left and right, and it's gotten to the point where someone needs to say something. ignoring his posts hasn't really been a very effective tactic.
lemons Posted March 12, 2013 Posted March 12, 2013 What are everyone's thoughts on Art Center College of Design? I was accepted to their MFA program, it is in LA and the faculty members are all impressive artists. It is a small program and is also is ranked well - #18, higher than USC and UC Irvine, for example (not that rankings are everything, mind you). I'm just wondering why I haven't heard mention of it yet in this forum. Thoughts? I'm going to visit the school this week to get a better sense of it. Thanks!
thismessageispaidforby... Posted March 12, 2013 Posted March 12, 2013 OK OK OK OK OK - I get it.... I am thinking this must be a very stressful time for you because of the tone of what you just posted. I think you misread the post you refer to. I suggest you look at the posters other posts. They have been very helpful and made with a positive attitude. The intent of the post was to "not assume" the worst because something good might be coming. Assumptions are not based in fact and can get one into trouble. Many people here send PM's to help others for personal reasons. As I've said before, I've found many of your posts to be of interest. I hope you continue with those kind of posts. If you ever feel you want to delete a post you have made you can click hide in your options. It is always a good idea to reflect a bit before pressing the submit button Respond...rather than react. All the best to sounds like you've had some great acceptances at excellent schools and also all the best on your upcoming interviews. Stress - No Misread - No No Thanks In this Instance - Not Helpful - Only bragging. Not to assume the worse - Yes, we all get it. Glad someone told us all again. Assumptions - what kind of trouble you speak of? Interesting Posts - Sure. More like Real. Maybe I will Go back and delete - Never. Reflect before posting- Sure did. Toned it down a bit actually. Schools acceptance - Thanks. After leaving school once before I doubt even going back again. I accepted, but still. Academ-dick BS is killer. DO NOT let those fools at the higher level control your though power. Personally, Im tired of people asking why I have an incomplete MFA degree? ____ You clearly missed the point. Let me try and explain this again... People shouldn't assume that they didn't get in some where just because they didn't get an interview request. There is no reason for people to experience heartbreak because they are assuming they've been rejected. There is still hope. Stay positive. All you have done thismessageispaidforby... is tried to make me feel like shit about the schools I got into. I'm not sure what you were trying to accomplish by doing this. I hope you realize it's not just me you are insulting. Lucky for me, I really don't care what you have to say about the programs I chose to apply to, but if your main concern is the other people on this forum, you're failing. You may have diminished the joy of anyone of the people who posted TODAY about their acceptance to SVA. To anyone who isn't going to a top 5 school, unlike thismessageispaidforby... apparently, ignore her nonsense. It doesn't matter where you go to school. If you love your professors, and if you have the resources you need to create your work, your career as an artist is limitless. Make the most of any and all opportunities you are given. This was not a personal attack, but rather a generalization of how schools work. Nothing schools give you everything. Those that think they are PIMP SHIT, charge you everything they can. SVA is a cash dump hole. They take anyone who has a functioning brain and is willing to pay. Take it personally if you would like. You shouldnt. What you said pisses me off. Not becuase of how you set it, but the content itself. Everyone on this forum has shelled out muko bucko to apply to schools where it is nothing but a crap shoot. Does anyone here actually realize what is happening with our economy and the world we live in. They are taking our freedoms and liberties away one day at a time. What about the poison they put in all your waters? Your food? The air you breath? The security and fact that the government is recording EVERY SINGLE phone call, text message and email. How about the Smart Meter? How about everything 30 seconds your smartphone sends out a signal to show your exact location. Dont believe me? Put your phone by a music player and listen for the music to get interrupted by the signal. Control!!! This forum is about freedom and what can believed to be perceived as truth. Try saying something about gun control or any heated political topic on twid-turd or fakebook and see how long it takes for your account to be suspended or monitored. ITS ALL CONTROL. It happens at the very top, and it happens with the wanna-be professors who pick and choose who they want. Why the F are you people applying to school in the first place. Don't you all realize the art world is dead and unless your are in with the 1%, blew a blue chip gallery director or you fuck a chicken in public. 99.9999% of you, including myself, DO NOT STAND A CHANCE out there. Get a clue people. Your 'graduate degree' will not help you or make you a better artist. It only postpones the realization. Here how it is in school - 'try this, try that, do this, do that, write this, write that, experiment here, experiment their. Your just wasting your time. If you are good, then you will be good. Its not like learning a language or how to read. You dont get better as you go. Graduate School pumps you full of BS and then they say, good luck! On to the next crowd of losers with no chance. IF YOU WERE GOOD - they would know it and would probably reject you because you are a threat to them and others around. Or, they give you a shit tone of money and do what it takes to get you to the school. I like the second way better but thats me. Top 5 school? Does anyone actually know how those rankings work? Its based on the income of previous Alumni and schools they teach at. Ignore my nonsense? This is truth, my fellow patriot, and if you dot believe me, try calling or contacting some recent graduates from SVA or Ohio State and see what they are doing, at this moment? You are diluted as every other american who thinks that the american dream is about doing whatever it is you want and going to school and getting a little jobby so one can live all comfy and shit. HAHAHAHAHAHA! FUCK THAT! Get out there and make a difference, bro. You 'straight up' got in, but so did everyone other person, so now what. You going to take a chance and move to the BIG GAUNTLET, I mean BIG APPLE, and grind hard, get dirty and do some shit or you going to go to broketown OHIO, where you live all comfy and teach a bunch of UG losers who are attempting to get a BFA when they should be more concerned with a BS or something that benefits humanity, not their penis. 'your career as an artist is limitless. Make the most of any and all opportunities you are given' - HAHAHAHAHA - limitless my ass. Good luck showing anywhere besides some 'National Juried Exhibition' which costs you forty bucks. HAHAHAHA i'm telling you... this person has GOT to be doing some really idiotic ~performance art~ here... i can't believe this is for real. wow. That is as cute as your little bunny in your picture. This is for real, so be wowed!!! no, but for real, what is your problem? why have you been trolling this forum for months adding your inane comments when you know no one here gives a shit about you? is it because the only time you get to interact with other people is when you annoy them to the point that they'll actually tell you to shut up? Hello, we meet again. I see you have thrown in your two cents. That is nice. I know no one cares on this forum what I have to say, but you sure do. To make at least a quarter of your posts directed to hatred towards me. Don't worry, I am used to it. Grad Crit, Streets or Public Forum - you all are alike. I would tell you to stuff a fat one in your mouth, but I am not like that. So, BUDDY, why not trying being a little bit more creative with, not only your name choice, but how you say things about a fellow poster. I don't believe a 'Troll' would have posted over 50 times. I will admit, one could see some of those posts as negative or a bit touchy in subjects, but thats how life is. I give input when it seems necessary. Spontaneous at times, but informed. Its nice that people share what schools they applied for and if they got rejected. Haven't heard much from you? Did you even apply to school? Are you an 'Artist'? Why not share something about yourself instead of dogging on what others say? Are you sad because the 'BIG school' rejected your pa-the-dick application and human existence. Either way, I still love you and hope where ever you are today, that the sun is shining and there is a cool breeze blowing ever so gently across your backside. I wish you would smile, look up at the clouds and take a deep breath. In and Out. Rising and Dissolving. Coming and Going. Completion. Realize everything around you is in the same position as you and you are no better then the earth you stand on or the rock that is to your right. ----------- What someone does is artful. What comes out is a bi-product called ART. Schools are buying you, your personality, your talent, your mind - not some product. They want engagers, not closet dwelling poopers. Best to you all. student#1, littlenova, michaelwebster and 7 others 1 9
thismessageispaidforby... Posted March 12, 2013 Posted March 12, 2013 except that he's been on this forum for god knows how long now spewing rude comments and insulting people left and right, and it's gotten to the point where someone needs to say something. ignoring his posts hasn't really been a very effective tactic. HAHAHAHA - you again. You really can't keep it together can you? Though, maybe some insults and a little 'keeping it real' positivity is better then listening to a bunch of whiny, sacred individuals who only place a post to either: A. Say they got in or rejected for a specific program B. Get some 'inside info' about a fucking interview so they can 'better' themselves and make up some lies to tell the professors. C. Say congrats (secretly pissed off at the same time) WOW neverpromised, relentlesslemons, Appli-can and 6 others 9
Emoree Posted March 12, 2013 Posted March 12, 2013 it's a hamster, btw. neverpromised and lady rainicorn 2
capers Posted March 12, 2013 Posted March 12, 2013 well dammmmmn. buddyholly, lady rainicorn, capers and 2 others 5
thismessageispaidforby... Posted March 12, 2013 Posted March 12, 2013 Here is a bit of REALITY for y'all - I would suggest watching the 4:46 if you can, but if you are short on time, start at 2:10. I was here for this and it was very empowering. This festival was a great space for 'ideas' and the fact they would try to shut something like this down is OBSURD!!! buddyholly, Kelly Anna Yllek and littlenova 3
thismessageispaidforby... Posted March 12, 2013 Posted March 12, 2013 it's a hamster, btw. LOVE sctdshowers 1
thismessageispaidforby... Posted March 12, 2013 Posted March 12, 2013 'A child's game, this epic battles of good and evil depicted in war and sold to the youth of our nature, is glorified and commercialized to justify violence and murder as something grander than its reality is. I have entitled my project 'Excessive Machine,' the overt use of children's' imaginations and the drive to live a heroic and proud through the bodies of the immature. The human machine is a driving force that, with enough power behind it, can change whole countries and societies. The excessive use of violence that is indoctrinated into boys at such an early age is a farce to disguise the true horrors of slaying another human being. They no longer are human once you enter the military; They are the enemy.' SO, you make a statement like this and then have the nerve to give a (-1) to video about tyrants. Really?
woofwoof Posted March 12, 2013 Posted March 12, 2013 Ignore my nonsense? This is truth, my fellow patriot, and if you dot believe me, try calling or contacting some recent graduates from SVA or Ohio State and see what they are doing, at this moment? You are diluted as every other american who thinks that the american dream is about doing whatever it is you want and going to school and getting a little jobby so one can live all comfy and shit. HAHAHAHAHAHA! FUCK THAT! Get out there and make a difference, bro. You 'straight up' got in, but so did everyone other person, so now what. You going to take a chance and move to the BIG GAUNTLET, I mean BIG APPLE, and grind hard, get dirty and do some shit or you going to go to broketown OHIO, where you live all comfy and teach a bunch of UG losers who are attempting to get a BFA when they should be more concerned with a BS or something that benefits humanity, not their penis. It is clear that YOU are the one who values the MFA as simply a piece of paper - a 'merit badge.' You go to get an MFA not for the piece of paper, but for the critique community, the guidance of faculty, the resources and settings enabled by a school that dont typically exist in the real world. Sure, some schools are a bit of a scam. Sure, some schools are in the midwest. But to label entire schools pointless misses the biggest asset to these schools - the students. If you are a motivated, passionate student you can make great work, and improve upon great work, anywhere. Not just yale, not just columbia. (and by the way to insult schools like SVA and OSU and somehow leave the ivies untouched is criminal) and Columbus OH rules and is an up and coming art city. to call it 'broketown' is totally misinformed on your part. You're thinking of cleveland.
nirvana4me2 Posted March 12, 2013 Posted March 12, 2013 Rejected from IUB - letter received yesterday. Sorry to hear that. So far, I haven't heard anything yet but then again I haven't gotten to check my mail at home.
buddyholly Posted March 12, 2013 Posted March 12, 2013 HAHAHAHA - you again. You really can't keep it together can you? Though, maybe some insults and a little 'keeping it real' positivity is better then listening to a bunch of whiny, sacred individuals who only place a post to either: A. Say they got in or rejected for a specific program B. Get some 'inside info' about a fucking interview so they can 'better' themselves and make up some lies to tell the professors. C. Say congrats (secretly pissed off at the same time) WOW cute diatribe. not interested. i see now why people have just been ignoring you.
littlenova Posted March 12, 2013 Posted March 12, 2013 (edited) Why the F are you people applying to school in the first place. Don't you all realize the art world is dead and unless your are in with the 1%, blew a blue chip gallery director or you fuck a chicken in public. 99.9999% of you, including myself, DO NOT STAND A CHANCE out there. Get a clue people. Your 'graduate degree' will not help you or make you a better artist. It only postpones the realization. Here how it is in school - 'try this, try that, do this, do that, write this, write that, experiment here, experiment their. Your just wasting your time. If you are good, then you will be good. Its not like learning a language or how to read. You dont get better as you go. Graduate School pumps you full of BS and then they say, good luck! On to the next crowd of losers with no chance. IF YOU WERE GOOD - they would know it and would probably reject you because you are a threat to them and others around. Or, they give you a shit tone of money and do what it takes to get you to the school. I like the second way better but thats me. Top 5 school? Does anyone actually know how those rankings work? Its based on the income of previous Alumni and schools they teach at. Ignore my nonsense? This is truth, my fellow patriot, and if you dot believe me, try calling or contacting some recent graduates from SVA or Ohio State and see what they are doing, at this moment? You are diluted as every other american who thinks that the american dream is about doing whatever it is you want and going to school and getting a little jobby so one can live all comfy and shit. HAHAHAHAHAHA! FUCK THAT! Get out there and make a difference, bro. You 'straight up' got in, but so did everyone other person, so now what. You going to take a chance and move to the BIG GAUNTLET, I mean BIG APPLE, and grind hard, get dirty and do some shit or you going to go to broketown OHIO, where you live all comfy and teach a bunch of UG losers who are attempting to get a BFA when they should be more concerned with a BS or something that benefits humanity, not their penis. What graduate school, some humility (and some research?) might teach some blow-hards on this board: Art school is what you make out of it. It's a resource. It's not a guarantee. While programs like RISD and YALE are well connected institutions, they don't guarantee you a career anywhere. Likewise, coming out of a smaller program like OHIO doesn't mean you will have a sleepy career. My professor at MICA came from OHIO STATE and is blowing up in Berlin and in the UK. Michelle Grabner, a recent selection to curate the Whitney Biennial this year, came from Northwestern. Two of my classmates who came from the University of Florida went on to be quite successful at the Whitney Biennial, Venice Biennale and the Perrotin in Paris. Artists come in all shapes and sizes, hail from all kinds of programs and the scope of their impact reaches in a multitude of ways. The idea that someone is either a good artist or a bad artist innately, is modernist bullshit that died in 1950. Education/historical awareness, rigorous critique and community create a critical art maker. And yes, being aware makes us better. Making work in a bubble is not relevant if we are to be in dialogue with the world. Going out there and just "making thingies" is irresponsible without a thoughtful practice and one that weighs the historicity of contemporary art. Art, indeed, functions like a language. The presentation of signs and signifiers is one that should be understood so that artists can respond mindfully to the bombardment of competing visual ideologies. Most of the systems of control that we rebel against began with visual domination...How do we combat this without education? I attend MICA and I have loved every minute of it. But, none of that comes with any entitlement. It's just another experience that I was lucky enough to get almost entirely funded... an experience of learning and research that I want to pass along to my own students someday. Further, I detest this polemic that real artists only make works to exhibit, struggle to show alot and become art stars. That's more romantic mythology. Art is resistance. Art is activism. Art is engagement. That could look like a community organizer, an educator, a performer. It could look like a lot of things. Success in this field shouldn't be confined to the commodification of what you sell or your popularity. Teaching doesn't mean you are less of an artist. Being radical doesn't mean you have to act like a duchebag or discourage people who are trying to add to the conversation on this board. Manners. Respect. p.s. If you were in a MICA crit, and spewed out that nonsense, you would be eaten alive with a side of bacon. Edited March 12, 2013 by littlenova emeliej, Lucia Werd, capers and 5 others 8
littlenova Posted March 12, 2013 Posted March 12, 2013 @thismessageispadiforby: Lol... Just wikied Info Wars...just another brand of Libertarian ideology. Isolationism...Coo-coo for Cocoa Puffs, folks. If I would've known, I wouldn't have even wasted my breath on the response above. student#1, smartstrategy, Kelly Anna Yllek and 4 others 5 2
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