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HGSE Fall 2013


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Yeah, I've been looking into some of the FEP stuff, too. Sort of hoping to get an internship at one of the nearby museums (Harvard has like ten gazillion alone)! But I want to be involved with so much at HGSE, ay. I just can't wait. :D


(By the way: any other AIE people? haven't met any yet, but hi if you are out there!)



Try on the pre-matriculation page.  They have a forum where you can  introduce yourself by program.  I haven't actually done it yet.  Perhaps I will do that now.  

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Looks like I won't be able to make admitted students weekend -- have a BES conference the next weekend and my bachelor party the weekend after and can't spare any more money now that I know for sure I need to save for not having an income next year! Anyone else here doing the School Leadership Program? 

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What changed between years, if you don't mind me asking?  I'll be doing a fellowship next year so am hoping that they think that's "legitimate" enough.  Regardless, the other two programs I'm strongly considering don't have a problem with me doing it so that would be a dealbreaker for me if Harvard didn't let me defer.


I rather not say on these forums. If Harvard doesn't let you defer you can always reapply this year. They would probably love that.

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Hi guys,


I have been stalking this forum for years and finally decide to come out of the closet. I will be doing TIE in the next Fall. Anybody interested in apartment hunting together? I think I am gonna need roommates. Harvard housing is so expensive and I don't like the idea of meal plan.



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Airwick, how do you enjoy living in Cronkhite? The location seems wonderful. Does it make you feel like you're back in undergrad though and is the food decent? I'd love the ease and location; I'm just hesitant to move from my nice one bedroom apartment into a dorm where I have to share a community style bathroom.


I confirmed my visit for higher ed on the Thursday. I also put in a request for classroom observations while I'm there. Anyone else do that yet?


I'm also a little torn as to what else to do. They make it sound like we can attend the events on Friday and some events on Saturday as well even if they are not technically for us. However, looking at the schedule, it seems like someone in a program other than the ones listed would feel out of place (ie. Program Meetings and later breakout sessions). Can anyone else in Higher Ed (or a non-Friday program) chime in with their thoughts?

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Echoing HigherEd2013's question to Airwick. The location and everything else seems decent; coming straight from undergrad, I'm sure I can deal with one more year of on-campus housing. With that said, however, my university has absolutely spoiled me with really great, healthy, vegetarian-friendly, and diverse food in the dining halls. Think parfaits, luna bars, breakfast crepes, and lots of fish. Not sure if even Harvard will compare :P ha. Also, what kind of renovation are they doing for Cronkhite??? I tried googling but it doesn't really say much about any big improvements going on in residence halls.


Also, I am studying an education-related major as an undergrad, and as I do my assigned research/readings my heart does huge skips and leaps on occasions when I read things along the lines of "According to Harvard University professor so-and-so...", or "Research conducted by HGSE professors A, B, and C concluded that...". There are many such occasions. Just throwing that out there.  :wub:


I also should start looking for a roommate... bah.

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I live in Cronkhite! Location is incredible. Meal plan is super convenient too. Also, they are completely renovating the place over the summer. You're all in luck haha


Anyone create a 2014 TIE Facebook Page?


I was snooping around for a TIE 2014 facebook page but haven't found one yet. Any other TIE people on this forum? Hellooo!


Airwick, how has the whole TIE experience been? I won't be able to attend the open house and it would be really helpful if you could give some info. 

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Was very excited to come home this morning (stayed at my parents' and ripped a contact so I had to drive all the way home with one eye before work today... not so fun) to see a large envelope from Harvard.  I mean, I knew I was in, but the package made it more real.  Plus, it came with a car sticker so the world is much closer to right.  :)  I put that baby on right away.  



Now if only I'd get that financial aid letter....  come on aid.....  you know you want to give me aid.... 


Getting closer to Open House!! I'm very giddy.  Going to the Chicago reception tomorrow night and am looking forward to that as well.  I feel bad for my jobs.  Harvard has taken control of my brain.  

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I got into harvard and told my friends and relatives and got the paper acceptance letter and.........it still hasnt sunk in......i still havent gone wooooooo hoooooooo! im still not over the moon....

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I got into harvard and told my friends and relatives and got the paper acceptance letter and.........it still hasnt sunk in......i still havent gone wooooooo hoooooooo! im still not over the moon....


Eh, whatevz. The cow already jumped over the moon, Bro Montana.


Oh yeah. I'm an adult. Making "Hey Diddle Diddle" references. w00t

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Eh no, I thought about either starting an HGSE 13-14 or HGSE EPM 13-14 group on facebook but I wasn't sure I wanted to keep it as an open group that anyone can join and I was very sure I didn't want to have to deal with approving/looking into join requests. I know at Penn GSE the Ed Policy group is moderated by their program coordinator (who has a full roster of who to accept requests from) so I'm sort of waiting to see if that happens with HGSE too. 


Also I'm pretty sure I just mailed my transcripts to 110 Longfellow Hall instead of 111 Longfellow. Every time I do something idiotic now, I have that moment where I think facetiously to myself, "why, yes, I did in fact get into Harvard" - finding another way to pressure myself into perfection wtf :P 

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Eh no, I thought about either starting an HGSE 13-14 or HGSE EPM 13-14 group on facebook but I wasn't sure I wanted to keep it as an open group that anyone can join and I was very sure I didn't want to have to deal with approving/looking into join requests. I know at Penn GSE the Ed Policy group is moderated by their program coordinator (who has a full roster of who to accept requests from) so I'm sort of waiting to see if that happens with HGSE too. 


Also I'm pretty sure I just mailed my transcripts to 110 Longfellow Hall instead of 111 Longfellow. Every time I do something idiotic now, I have that moment where I think facetiously to myself, "why, yes, I did in fact get into Harvard" - finding another way to pressure myself into perfection wtf :P

The class of 2013 has a closed group that was set up by one of the admits. 425 members, and I assume I'm the only one who isn't actually a member of the class. I don't believe the school ever set up a group.


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I finally found a large, dog-friendly apartment building in Cambridge!




VICTORY! You going to go for it, Bro DiMaggio (where have you gone, Bro DiMaggio? our nation turns its lonely eyes to you! now I'm going to sing Mrs. Robinson all day long)?


Eh no, I thought about either starting an HGSE 13-14 or HGSE EPM 13-14 group on facebook but I wasn't sure I wanted to keep it as an open group that anyone can join and I was very sure I didn't want to have to deal with approving/looking into join requests. I know at Penn GSE the Ed Policy group is moderated by their program coordinator (who has a full roster of who to accept requests from) so I'm sort of waiting to see if that happens with HGSE too. 


Also I'm pretty sure I just mailed my transcripts to 110 Longfellow Hall instead of 111 Longfellow. Every time I do something idiotic now, I have that moment where I think facetiously to myself, "why, yes, I did in fact get into Harvard" - finding another way to pressure myself into perfection wtf :P


I've been thinking about creating a HGSE 2014 group or an AIE group too but I've just been too scared of not knowing anyone else so I'd be the only one there, haha. I think you can set it so that any already-existing member can approve membership, which is sort of a nice compromise between everyone and one administrator.

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VICTORY! You going to go for it, Bro DiMaggio (where have you gone, Bro DiMaggio? our nation turns its lonely eyes to you! now I'm going to sing Mrs. Robinson all day long)?



I've been thinking about creating a HGSE 2014 group or an AIE group too but I've just been too scared of not knowing anyone else so I'd be the only one there, haha. I think you can set it so that any already-existing member can approve membership, which is sort of a nice compromise between everyone and one administrator.


Oh, I'm all over it, Lindsay Brohan!


Prior to today, I had only found TWO apartments that'd accept my dog (at like $22-2400 a month, too!). Now I've found multiple that are owned by the same place that are in the $1800s. Still sounds brutal, but there's two of us to split the load, making it only about 1-1.1k a piece after food/utilities are factored in. Best of all, one location is in Cambridge, making it super convenient for both me and her assuming she gets into Tufts (pretty confident about it!).


Now that I have 6-7 apartments to scout out, I'm leaning towards coming in a couple of weeks so that I can get the scouting process out of the way. That way, once June swings around and August availability opens up, I'll be in position to get the apartment that best suits us.


Feeeeeeels g0000000000d.

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has anybody found statistics on average scholarship/assistance? Started reviewing that admitted student packet today and $65k in writing made it seem a lot heavier than before... 

Edited by cardinal2013
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has anybody found statistics on average scholarship/assistance? Started reviewing that admitted student packet today and $65k in writing made it seem a lot heavier than before... 


The max need-based grant = $11,900

The max federal direct loan = $20,500 (@ a 6.8% interest rate)


The remaining amount will likely need to be supplemented with a Federal Direct Graduate Plus Loan, which is at a 7.9% rate of interest. That being said, there are other supplemental options. For example, here is Harvard's Supplemental Loan Comparison Guide.


Lastly, don't forget about things like the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program and Income-Based Repayment Plan (IBR). I believe these two things will make you feel more at ease about taking on this seemingly insurmountable amount of debt.


I hope that helps!

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So if the year at HGSE costs approximately 65k (including living expenses), and if you account for CQE's post above... that means at least 54k of it has to be out of our own pocket. Bah. I guess it's not THAT much compared to my friends' and sister's 350k+ loans for med school, but still... you can buy a decent home in Nashville w/54k.


So I was offered a free ride at Michigan, as well as a scholarship at Vandy, which will also make Vandy a free ride if you count in the assistantships they offer... and now I'm so SO torn. I want to love Harvard but right now it's kind of difficult... HGSE, YOU BETTER WOO ME HARD AT OPEN HOUSE.  :wacko:

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HigherEd, I would say the biggest benefits of Cronkhite are the community and the location. We are literally located two blocks away from the Ed school. Absolutely invaluable. Also, the Cronkhite community coming together almost everyday for breakfast, lunch, and dinner is wonderful. It keeps me sane. We study, party, celebrate, and commiserate together hah


M15 & TIE-ers,


I am blown away by the TIE program. You'll have every opportunity to create high-quality educational products in your coursework and outside of class. I am currently pursuing an education start-up at the Harvard Innovation Lab. We've had the opportunity to meet with over a dozen venture capitalists and entrepreneurial mentors. So many resources at your finger tips...


I am currently interning with Google Education and the MIT Media Lab. So, I mean that speaks to the connections you can make at HGSE. 

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I believe GSAS housing is cheaper than Cronkhite and open to HGSE students also.....anyone considering that?


I considered it for a few minutes and decided that a) I wasn't sure how cool I was with being surrounded by majority GSAS students (on the one hand, I like the idea of the variety, on the other, I didn't want to be the ONE random HGSE kid on the hall and feel out of sync) and b.) they're all single rooms and I am not a lone wolf pack. I personally feel like it can be a wild card in terms of ending up on a hall that socializes a lot despite the single rooms, or everyone just keeps to themselves. 


So, with those thoughts in mind, I personally am not sure it worth saving the money in terms of quality of life trade-off I'm assuming would be the case (based on my personal preferences) . HOWEVER, I consider this a personal opinion and do see that it could definitely be a great option for some. 

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