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Applying Fall 2013? Where?


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Hi everyone,


I have applied to two phd programs. UCLA Human Development and Psychology and Claremont Graduate University Applied Social Psycholgy.  I was accepted at UCLA this week monday and I have yet to hear back from CGU. Is anyone else here applying or been accepted into UCLA?


Good luck to everyone applying!

I got accepted to UCLA Human Development and Psychology 3 weeks ago, and I am super excited to go visit. I have yet to receive any information in the mail though about funding and the visiting day (I know it's March 18 and they'll cover the flight, but that's about it). Would you mind PMing me your POI and letting me know if you have any additional info?



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Now that we've reached mid-February, I'm starting to get even more nervous because now it really feels like crunch time. I heard from four schools in the span of a week or so, and silence since then. Even though I appreciate the emotional break, it's making me paranoid as to what I might hear soon.


I know that most schools are operating on a four week response time window (or claim they are), so I think most of us will be hearing back very soon. I'm pretty anxious about what's to come. Anybody else feeling the same way?

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Totally feel you, Loseric. I applied to six schools and have only heard from one. Am starting to feel like maybe I just dreamt the whole application process and didn't actually submit anything. :angry: Heh. Hang in there.

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I hope this doesn't constitute bragging, but I just heard from my last school yesterday. I was really shocked considering how many people I've seen on here haven't heard from anyone yet or just a couple of schools. I guess I happened to apply to quick ones! (Plus, I think I was on the instant-reject list for several of them, which helps.) Anyway, I heard from three in three days not too long ago, so maybe all of yours will come raining in soon, too. Good luck!


Edit: Though I suppose I will be waiting for a decision after my interview, so maybe I'm not out of the woods yet...

Edited by Lulubelle
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Totally feel you, Loseric. I applied to six schools and have only heard from one. Am starting to feel like maybe I just dreamt the whole application process and didn't actually submit anything. :angry: Heh. Hang in there.

Pretty much same here. I've heard from one of my seven schools. I'm expecting to hear from Penn next week around Wednesday or so and then a bunch the last week in February and first week of March. I just wish the emotional roller coaster of self-doubt one minute, confidence the next would subside. My body is even feeling the effects of it. JUST TELL ME ALREADY :(. I don't know if I'll be east or west coast, let alone which state I'll live in. Do I need to buy a new wardrobe? Buy a bunch of plane tickets to visit programs?


Can anyone prescribe me a sleeping pill that would allow me to wake up in three weeks?

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I got accepted to UC Santa Barbara for Ph.D yesterday! I just got an automated email linking me to the decision website, so I was thrown off when it was actually good news  :lol:


Is there anyone on the forum with info about the program and/or funding? 

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I got accepted to UC Santa Barbara for Ph.D yesterday! I just got an automated email linking me to the decision website, so I was thrown off when it was actually good news  :lol:


Is there anyone on the forum with info about the program and/or funding? 

Yay!!! Congratulations! While I've never been there personally, I've heard UCSB is gorgeous :).

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Echoing that thought… I am waiting to hear from UC Santa Cruz too. My heart started racing when I saw that acceptance in the results search… but still nothing in my inbox from UCSC.

Really nerve wracking! Who's your POI?

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Super interested in Cruz. You?

Oh yes, tied for first place for me. I'm super nervous because I met with a prof there who liked my work but was afraid the rest of the dept would not.

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Has anyone heard from UT-Austin yet? PhD or EdD specifically?


I didn't apply for a PhD or EdD but I was accepted for Master's in Language and Literacy Studies at UT Austin. I heard back from them late Wednesday night. 

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Guest HEPhD13

I didn't apply for a PhD or EdD but I was accepted for Master's in Language and Literacy Studies at UT Austin. I heard back from them late Wednesday night. 


Congratulations! Any info on funding? I'm interested to know their funding structure since its pretty nonspecific on their site.


I applied to their Higher Ed Masters program and the online app system's telling me it's still in committee review.


My app is still in review as well-- I'm wondering when they'll let us know...good luck!

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Congratulations! Any info on funding? I'm interested to know their funding structure since its pretty nonspecific on their site.



My app is still in review as well-- I'm wondering when they'll let us know...good luck!


Thanks! No word yet on funding but I did receive an email from the financial aid office saying they received my FAFSA app and will process it once I am admitted--that was a week or so ago. I checked the financial aid tab after checking my admissions status and it also said processing but that I would know something in two weeks. 

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Got my first acceptance yesterday to UNC Chapel Hill! The interview was only via phone and I've never been to Chapel Hill, so sounds like I'll have to plan a visit pretty soon!
Woot woot! Congrats EdNerd! I've never been to Chapel Hill but a few people I know say its very pretty. Relish in the excited and pat yourself on the back. :)
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I've got a question for anyone going to these Master's program Preview Day/Visitation Day events... are they expecting attendees to be dressed nicely -- i.e. business professional? Super silly question, I know, and I'm not sure if this question is already addressed elsewhere. But I had to ask since I have one coming up quite soon. I would appreciate any input  :)

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