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Anyone else losing their damn mind?


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It feels like the second one freak out finishes another starts.


Freak out about quality of applications before they are due december first.

Freak out about all the materials getting there(these places really need to invest in better updating for online stuff)

Freakout while waiting all of december/freaking out about Jan 1st applications(which is where the top school is)

Freaking out about admissions for the Dec 1st schools

Look at the results page and find the absolute earliest was Jan 17th and 20 something for the schools that are lowest on my list.

Freaking out about the fact that if I dont get accepted there it means I am unlikely to get accepted anywhere.....


That is the current stage of freakout right now.


I have having a hard time even doing things I enjoy.  I want to work on my hobbies but it is just a non stop worryfest because nothing is new enough that it can occupy enough brainpower/focus to not worry.  Hopefully the new release this saturday will occupy my time.

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I just spent I-don't-know-how-long converting acceptance dates from last year on the results search to this year's calendar. For example, the first peep last year from any of my programs was Jan. 19, which was eleven business days from Jan. 2, when I'm assuming people started looking at apps. (No, this is not based on any actual information.) So eleven business days this year from Jan. 2 would be next Wednesday. So I could hear something next Wednesday? I may have officially gone off the deep end with this one...

Edited by Bearcat1
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I just spent I-don't-know-how-long converting acceptance dates from last year on the results search to this year's calendar. For example, the first peep last year from any of my programs was Jan. 19, which was eleven business days from Jan. 2, when I'm assuming people started looking at apps. (No, this is not based on any actual information.) So eleven business days this year from Jan. 2 would be next Wednesday. So I could hear something next Wednesday? I may have officially gone off the deep end with this one...


If you've gone off the deep end, I'm right behind you! :)  I was just doing almost exactly the same thing. The good news is that folks in my programs did start hearing right around now and/or "next week" - so at least I'm right to be freaking out (and not, like, a month too early).

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If you've gone off the deep end, I'm right behind you! :)  I was just doing almost exactly the same thing. The good news is that folks in my programs did start hearing right around now and/or "next week" - so at least I'm right to be freaking out (and not, like, a month too early).


MLK is throwing off my completely made up schedule! You're so lucky you are this week. (Is this the conversation of two enablers?)

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I just spent I-don't-know-how-long converting acceptance dates from last year on the results search to this year's calendar. For example, the first peep last year from any of my programs was Jan. 19, which was eleven business days from Jan. 2, when I'm assuming people started looking at apps. (No, this is not based on any actual information.) So eleven business days this year from Jan. 2 would be next Wednesday. So I could hear something next Wednesday? I may have officially gone off the deep end with this one...


WOW... I thought I was the only one that took it that far. You all are amazing. I'm sitting here laughing. It's finally funny (but only for a couple minutes...then I go back to the nervous fretting).

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WOW... I thought I was the only one that took it that far. You all are amazing. I'm sitting here laughing. It's finally funny (but only for a couple minutes...then I go back to the nervous fretting).

I just had to explain this to a co-worker who found my 2012 Jan/Feb calendar on the printer. Oops. Ha!

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I believe the ones I get are because I signed up for some school search thing when I took the GRE. I got a lot of them early on, which I liked because it introduced me to soem progams I hadn't known about. Now, however, I keep getting emails from the same 3 or 4 schools (mostly medical schools, which I'm not interested in) that keep inviting me to open houses and online gy.graduate fairs. I also keep getting letters in the mail from programs that have nothing to do with my intended program of study, like architecture and sociology.


Same. Except I get engineering ones, Which is odd, since I've never expressed interest in engineering except for when I took the PSAT (I was deluded, thinking I could be a BME major) back in high school :s The plot thickens. 

I got something similar from BU - "We are pleased to acknowledge.."  I almost died on the spot. :) and then I was like "nooooo!"

I got a similar email from BU yesterday too. There was a moment of trembling excitement, followed by opening the email and realizing I've been had. I wonder if they just troll all their applicants, no matter which program, Ha. x_x

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WOW... I thought I was the only one that took it that far. You all are amazing. I'm sitting here laughing. It's finally funny (but only for a couple minutes...then I go back to the nervous fretting).


No, this is probably common. Or at least I'd like to think we aren't totally insane. I have an Excel spreadsheet with a list of my schools and their notification dates for 2012 and 2011. Lol.

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I made the mistake of looking at one of my POIs' twitter accounts (because let's take the craziness up a notch, shall we?!)... and saw she posted something about reviewing apps and complaining about SOPs not addressing why they wanted to get into that particular program.  Cue me immediately opening my SOP to make sure I didn't botch it somehow, lol.  (I didn't... I think...)

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I made the mistake of looking at one of my POIs' twitter accounts (because let's take the craziness up a notch, shall we?!)... and saw she posted something about reviewing apps and complaining about SOPs not addressing why they wanted to get into that particular program.  Cue me immediately opening my SOP to make sure I didn't botch it somehow, lol.  (I didn't... I think...)


I wish all my POIs were Twitter.

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I made the mistake of looking at one of my POIs' twitter accounts (because let's take the craziness up a notch, shall we?!)... and saw she posted something about reviewing apps and complaining about SOPs not addressing why they wanted to get into that particular program.  Cue me immediately opening my SOP to make sure I didn't botch it somehow, lol.  (I didn't... I think...)


I will not look for POI's on twitter. I will not look for POI's on twitter. I will not look for POI's on twitter...past tonight....

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I am waiting on a letter from a recommended so I can submit one of my apps. The university is AMAZING in turn around and promises a decision in two weeks. Since it's my favorite program I really really want that acceptance or rejection in my hands. Also so I can learn the Latin I need for the program.

So a question for all of you guys. How long after the initial requesting letter do you follow up? This man literally just has to attach a file to the email. Doesn't even have to change anything!

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I made the mistake of looking at one of my POIs' twitter accounts (because let's take the craziness up a notch, shall we?!)... and saw she posted something about reviewing apps and complaining about SOPs not addressing why they wanted to get into that particular program.  Cue me immediately opening my SOP to make sure I didn't botch it somehow, lol.  (I didn't... I think...)


Wow, I don't use twitter and have never even looked at it, but I sure am tempted now... must not look! Eep!

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I really, really thought I'd hear something this week, even something I don't want to hear. But nothing. Crickets. Maybe tomorrow? Next week? Congrats to all those that have gotten interview invites this week!

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Now that we are talking about Social Websites, 


I have my POI in Linkedin and I am vigorously following his new connections to see if he is making new connection with any prospective student :D


Safe so FAR :D

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I'm not a Twitter-er(? Tweeter? I don't know what is the name for a Twitter user), but is there a strong academia presence on Twitter? I was under the impression that Twitter was for celebrities and the like. Then again, a bigwig in your field of study is a bit like a celebrity...

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I'm not a Twitter-er(? Tweeter? I don't know what is the name for a Twitter user), but is there a strong academia presence on Twitter? I was under the impression that Twitter was for celebrities and the like. Then again, a bigwig in your field of study is a bit like a celebrity...


I have not sought out a ton of profs on there, but the one I came across did have tweets to/from other profs... so perhaps it's a younger academia trend...?

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Digital humanities/media studies people are really big on the twitter. It can be a really great academic resource. People put out questions about texts, talk about teaching, etc. And the #realforbesprofessors from the other day was wonderful and hilarious and difficult.

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I've never been so happy to cut my vacation short and go back to school. I'm so nervous! I'll be happy when it's Feb... at least I hope so. hahahaha.


I just want to know already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Losing my mind for a different reason. My first interview is in exactly a week! Freaked out because I wanted an interview, now freaking out over the interview! Be careful what you wish for!

Biotechie, I know how you feel. I wish my first interview wasn't at my top school though, don't want to use it as an experimental interview.


Mine, too. Next Thursday I leave. My interview is also at my top school. :/ So nervous! Plus I'll be there four days... you think I can be a good little biotechie for that long? I don't know what makes me more nervous... the interview, or the thought that my lab might explode before I get back to my current school!

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