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Anyone else losing their damn mind?


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I haven't had a good nights sleep in weeks, to make matters worse, my partner just got accepted to UNC (top 5 in Soc), I am super excited and happy for her, but it just makes me feel the pressure of expectations even more. I hate the pressure of everyone expecting me to get into a great program. Yeah, I was the standout in my department at my lowly state flagship R1, that doesn't mean jack compared to the pool of applicants I'm competing against. Even some of my professors, who do not understand just how competitive it has gotten since they applied, expect me to get accepted into a top 30 program. It's driving me a bit nuts. 

Edited by xdarthveganx
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...Yeah, I was the standout in my department at my lowly state flagship R1, that doesn't mean jack compared to the pool of applicants I'm competing against. Even some of my professors, who do not understand just how competitive it has gotten since they applied, expect me to get accepted into a top 30 program. It's driving me a bit nuts. 


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Glad to know I'm not the only one who cannot focus on anything. Not that it actually makes me feel any better...


I've been towing the line on whether or not I should attempt to find out when my adcomms meet or send out emails, and right about now I'm thinking I should. Where's the best place to get such information?

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Unfortunately, I'm using a school email account for my official correspondence.

I did the same. I've forwarded my school email to my gmail account, and set it up so that I can send from my school account via gmail. It's a blessing and a curse, because now I get notifications on my phone (and now I'm even more addicted to my phone than I was before).

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I hear ya. I haven't heard a peep in over 2 weeks.


It's so odd that I applied to 13 programs, only 2 in the city I currently live in and it looks like the only interviews I'm going to get are at those 2 schools. Guess the universe is telling me it's not the year to relocate (which I was kind of looking forward to).

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I haven't had a good nights sleep in weeks, to make matters worse, my partner just got accepted to UNC (top 5 in Soc), I am super excited and happy for her, but it just makes me feel the pressure of expectations even more. I hate the pressure of everyone expecting me to get into a great program. Yeah, I was the standout in my department at my lowly state flagship R1, that doesn't mean jack compared to the pool of applicants I'm competing against. Even some of my professors, who do not understand just how competitive it has gotten since they applied, expect me to get accepted into a top 30 program. It's driving me a bit nuts. 

Abso-bloody-lutely.  I wish my parents, friends, and professors would realize that their unflagging confidence in me is NOT making me feel better.  If anything, it's adding to the pressure. :P


another day of radio silence for me. just agonizing. 

I feel ya...I swear I'll go crazy if I don't hear something by the end of the week.  Well, crazy-er!  :blink:

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We all seriously need chill pills. Not that this isn't probably the most important decision that is out of our hands so far but... we all need to calm down. Driving everyone within spitting distance insane too is probably not a good idea.

On the other hand...

My beef right now is with time differences. I'm five hours ahead of my East Coast schools, 6 for Indiana. So when I wake up at 10 on a Monday to check my email and see if anything's changed, well, it's 4 in the morning Central Time. Yeah, I understand midnight, but no decision is going to come in at 4 in the morning. -_-

My South Carolina apps have gone from "Reviewing applications" to "Decision Pending." No idea what that means but I'm just going to go with it. That's all I can do, right?

eh, the east coast is 13 hours behind me!! we're not even working on the same DAY schedule

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I'd love to hear back from a school this week...just one Lord...I just need one.
I will be the most overexcited human on the face of the plant. They may have to peal me off the ceiling. I hope you do get your acceptance!
Should I get an acceptance tomorrow, I will be the most relaxed human on the face of the planet.
May ALL your dreams come true!
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Dear adcoms: please send me an acceptance for my birthday. It would be the best present ever. Love, kyjin.   Going to will myself not to check my email every fifteen minutes today and actually get some work done/celebrate birthday with friends. We'll see how well that plan goes.
Happy Birthday! May your wishes come true!
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I'm definitely going crazy. All my apps were due the beginning of December, none of my programs hold interviews, and I won't hear anything until March 1st for one, end of march for the others. I'm jealous of everyone who is starting to hear back :P

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Wouldn't it be funny if they could see how many times we've refreshed/logged into our applications online?

I worry about this because, like, what if they don't think I want it enough? Should I be checking it MORE?

To answer the question in the title of the thread: no, not losing my mind at all, thank you.

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Has anyone else sent an email to a POI that they obsessively checked for mistakes, only to find the mistake immediately after hitting send?  :wacko:


Ha! I sent an email today (2 sentences) which I spent nearly 30 minutes proofreading. No mistakes though, I don't think.

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