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Acceptance Freakout Thread

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I'm also ENFP! Sometimes I feel a bit outnumbered (even occasionally misunderstood) by my more introverted colleagues, even though I'm only an E by about 51%. I definitely get my energy from being around people (which I've read is really what is meant by introversion/extroversion). Nevertheless, speaking in front of large groups makes me nervous. I'm still working on the "performative" aspects of teaching; I think I excel one-on-one. And I've always loved meeting new people. Hoping to meet many of you in the future!

Hah, I am pretty firmly E--that's one thing that never varies when I take Myers-Briggs tests. I am also a Leo, which also supposedly means that I am outgoing and like to be the center of attention. I find it interesting (if not meaningful) when my personality traits actually correspond with what astrology says.

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I'm also ENFP! Sometimes I feel a bit outnumbered (even occasionally misunderstood) by my more introverted colleagues, even though I'm only an E by about 51%. I definitely get my energy from being around people (which I've read is really what is meant by introversion/extroversion). Nevertheless, speaking in front of large groups makes me nervous. I'm still working on the "performative" aspects of teaching; I think I excel one-on-one. And I've always loved meeting new people. Hoping to meet many of you in the future!

51% 'I' here. I'm talkative and an extremely "performative" teacher but love to be alone. Hell is other people. 


In my current situation (Masters' level professional program for overachievers), I'm a INTJ in a sea of ESTJs. 

Edited by ErnestPWorrell
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Two INTJs, one INFP, one INTP and one ENFP.


Is the N function integral for grad school in the humanities?

The N function is about a preference for abstract thinking and making connections between ideas, as opposed to a more concrete, sensory, fact-based orientation towards information. So yes, it makes sense that it is very common among academics, particularly in the humanities. In the general population, 75% are S, and that number is reversed plus some towards N in academia.

-an ENFP/INFP - I'm right on the border and get each result about half the time.

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i'm in i'm in i'm in i'm in i'm in i'm in i'm in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


riverside's my no. 1 choice in terms of fit, & at first glance it seems as though the package they're offering trumps what i'd get at davis were my waitlist to convert, i'll probably remove myself from the waitlist so someone else can move up. just gonna wait a little bit for the adrenaline to die down.


*so not able to think straight emoticon*

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i'm in i'm in i'm in i'm in i'm in i'm in i'm in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


riverside's my no. 1 choice in terms of fit, & at first glance it seems as though the package they're offering trumps what i'd get at davis were my waitlist to convert, i'll probably remove myself from the waitlist so someone else can move up. just gonna wait a little bit for the adrenaline to die down.


*so not able to think straight emoticon*


get after it!

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i'm in i'm in i'm in i'm in i'm in i'm in i'm in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


riverside's my no. 1 choice in terms of fit, & at first glance it seems as though the package they're offering trumps what i'd get at davis were my waitlist to convert, i'll probably remove myself from the waitlist so someone else can move up. just gonna wait a little bit for the adrenaline to die down.


*so not able to think straight emoticon*



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i'm in i'm in i'm in i'm in i'm in i'm in i'm in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


riverside's my no. 1 choice in terms of fit, & at first glance it seems as though the package they're offering trumps what i'd get at davis were my waitlist to convert, i'll probably remove myself from the waitlist so someone else can move up. just gonna wait a little bit for the adrenaline to die down.


*so not able to think straight emoticon*


killin it!



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i'm in i'm in i'm in i'm in i'm in i'm in i'm in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


riverside's my no. 1 choice in terms of fit, & at first glance it seems as though the package they're offering trumps what i'd get at davis were my waitlist to convert, i'll probably remove myself from the waitlist so someone else can move up. just gonna wait a little bit for the adrenaline to die down.


*so not able to think straight emoticon*

D'aww, I love the raw emotion of people's acceptance posts. YOU GO, GURL! Congrats!

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i'm in i'm in i'm in i'm in i'm in i'm in i'm in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


riverside's my no. 1 choice in terms of fit, & at first glance it seems as though the package they're offering trumps what i'd get at davis were my waitlist to convert, i'll probably remove myself from the waitlist so someone else can move up. just gonna wait a little bit for the adrenaline to die down.


*so not able to think straight emoticon*



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Way to go, LisaJay, mostlytoasty, and isol3!! :) Congrats all around!



INTP here....In my department the most overwhelmingly shared letter among grad students and faculty seems to be I ( from my observation...not enforced institutional testing ). Makes for great parties  ;)


A few drinks gets that kind of party going!


Also, I agree that N = humanities people generally, but not always, of course. I always score like 96% N.

Edited by asleepawake
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I would think that it's an unofficial acceptance? You could always call them up and ask about it? (And then you can ask why I haven't heard anything from them yet! ;)) Either way, congrats on the nomination!


Thank you! I will! And I'm sure you'll hear back from them soon. My boyfriend called his top choice a few days ago and the admissions officer told him to relax an that the Admissions Committee still has a lot of applications to rummage through.

Which means there's hope!!!

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