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Acceptance Freakout Thread

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I've only got the one acceptance, so I'm not worrying about that for now.  Of my remaining schools, only one will probably notify before the end of February and the rest March.  I'm going to do as best I can to visit as many schools as my budget allows, but I have no idea if any more offers are going to come in.

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I've only got the one acceptance, so I'm not worrying about that for now.  Of my remaining schools, only one will probably notify before the end of February and the rest March.  I'm going to do as best I can to visit as many schools as my budget allows, but I have no idea if any more offers are going to come in.

Good plan! Do you think you'll visit any of the schools you've been wait listed at? I'm trying to decide if I should put forth the time and money to visit Ohio State. It's an ideal fit; if I eventually get in, I would love to have visited before so I could make a quick decision... But the Money! Time! Work! Ugh. Why hasn't anyone invented teleportation yet? 

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I don't know.  Lubbock is so expensive to fly to and I know if you get in TTU will fly you out to visit the campus on their dime, so I may hold off on that.  Knoxville would be a lot more affordable and I could make it a one-day trip, but I have no idea how long the waitlist is and if I even have a shot of getting in there.  I guess I'm just going to hold off for now; I think I have a pretty good chance of getting into at least one or two more schools that I'm waiting to hear from, so if I do end up having a couple acceptances, I may end up releasing my spot on the waitlists.  Ugh.  Too many variables.

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I LOVE GOOD NEWS! Congrats, everyone!




On another note, are you all planning on visiting all of the schools you get into? Or will you narrow it down to your top choice(s) before you schedule visits? 

This is so not worth saying, but I love your video post here. Scrubs!

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I LOVE GOOD NEWS! Congrats, everyone!




On another note, are you all planning on visiting all of the schools you get into? Or will you narrow it down to your top choice(s) before you schedule visits? 

Whoops, I meant to answer your question at the same time. I'm very confused about this--I've been accepted to three of my schools and waitlisted at another two (on both waitlists I'm at the very top and have a good chance of acceptance off of it, or so I've been told). I know the three schools I've been accepted to are going to pay for visits, and one of the others is probably going to pay for a visit, though this is more uncertain. It's more a question of how much time I actually have right now, being that I'm writing my MA thesis. At this point, though, in order to make a decision, I do think I need to visit all of the three and possibly the waitlist that will pay for me to visit. And I'm not sure if another acceptance/waitlist will roll in out of the others yet--so there's that.

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I HAVE to visit my school because of how conflicted I am about my decision right now. I live basically on campus of one, while my other one is a thousand miles away. Unfortunately, the far distant one is the one I desperately wanted to get in to, but now that it's a reality and not a pipe dream, the difficulties of moving halfway across the country are starting to hit me. It doesn't help that the one nearby has been doing a really good job of convincing me to stay. I'm hoping that the visit will make me think either "Oh, I definitely have to come here" or "Yeah, there's no way I'm moving here".

Edited by dazedandbemused
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I HAVE to visit my school because of how conflicted I am about my decision right now. I live basically on campus of one, while my other one is a thousand miles away. Unfortunately, the far distant one is the one I desperately wanted to get in to, but now that it's a reality and not a pipe dream, the difficulties of moving halfway across the country are starting to hit me. It doesn't help that the one nearby has been doing a really good job of convincing me to stay. I'm hoping that the visit will make me think either "Oh, I definitely have to come here" or "Yeah, there's no way I'm moving here".

You have to share how your visit goes!


Lately, I've been wondering if it's worth it. Going the distance is quite pricey, specially when you live in a remote Island. :/

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I HAVE to visit my school because of how conflicted I am about my decision right now. I live basically on campus of one, while my other one is a thousand miles away. Unfortunately, the far distant one is the one I desperately wanted to get in to, but now that it's a reality and not a pipe dream, the difficulties of moving halfway across the country are starting to hit me. It doesn't help that the one nearby has been doing a really good job of convincing me to stay. I'm hoping that the visit will make me think either "Oh, I definitely have to come here" or "Yeah, there's no way I'm moving here".

If you happen to be talking about visiting Austin, I can vouch for the city with all my heart. Feel free to ask me any questions you have about the city, or even the university. I'm a native-born and went to school there for undergrad.

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You have to share how your visit goes!


Lately, I've been wondering if it's worth it. Going the distance is quite pricey, specially when you live in a remote Island. :/


Have your schools offered you any travel reimbursement? I know my program is paying directly for the plane and hotel, so I don't have to dip into my credit and wait to be repaid.

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I HAVE to visit my school because of how conflicted I am about my decision right now. I live basically on campus of one, while my other one is a thousand miles away. Unfortunately, the far distant one is the one I desperately wanted to get in to, but now that it's a reality and not a pipe dream, the difficulties of moving halfway across the country are starting to hit me. It doesn't help that the one nearby has been doing a really good job of convincing me to stay. I'm hoping that the visit will make me think either "Oh, I definitely have to come here" or "Yeah, there's no way I'm moving here".


dazed, get out of my brain! I'm having the same exact thoughts about BC and Davis right now. Maybe make the decision for both of us? Thanks!

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If you happen to be talking about visiting Austin, I can vouch for the city with all my heart. Feel free to ask me any questions you have about the city, or even the university. I'm a native-born and went to school there for undergrad.


I am talking about Austin! I've heard amazing things about it, but my heart isn't really winning over my brain, which is screaming that I'll be too poor.



dazed, get out of my brain! I'm having the same exact thoughts about BC and Davis right now. Maybe make the decision for both of us? Thanks!


:D Ok, so we'll call our options school A and school B and whichever one I choose, you choose! Will you be doing visits as well?

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I am talking about Austin! I've heard amazing things about it, but my heart isn't really winning over my brain, which is screaming that I'll be too poor.




:D Ok, so we'll call our options school A and school B and whichever one I choose, you choose! Will you be doing visits as well?

You should really find a way to visit. Austin is an amazing city, and if I hadn't lived there for most of my life, I'd choose to live there for another 5-6 years in a heartbeat. Really do feel free to PM if you have any questions or anything--I can tell you things about the cost of living, the best places to live around the city, etc.... 

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Another shout-out for Austin here (from a lurker)... I grew up there, and I can't think of a better place to spend 6 years! Unfortunately UT didn't feel the same about me :P but I would really recommend visiting and letting your heart win over your brain. Congrats btw!

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Penn State said they'd pay for a weekend visit to their program, even if it's not for the prospectives weekend (which I can't go to because of NeMLA)... and I want to go, I definitely do... but should I feel guilty that it is my only acceptance, and was my second choice and I'll definitely be going there unless (hahahaha, right) I get in to Michigan and they offer me $30k? The DGS seemed like he really wanted to convince me to come, which felt awesome, but I played it cool like I had tons of good offers--lol. I'm thrilled w/PSU--it's perfect for me and my family situation (which is totally awesome). But should I feel guilty about wanting to go up for the visit anyway, as if they need to "woo" me? :wacko:

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But should I feel guilty about wanting to go up for the visit anyway, as if they need to "woo" me? :wacko:


No!  It's important to visit a program in person, even if it's your only option, just to make sure you can really visualize spending the next 5+ years there.  You could love it, or you could decide it's not for you and that you'd rather do another round of applications next year.


Plus the Michigan iron remains in the fire -- what if it comes through?  


So I'd go ahead and accept the visit funds without qualms.

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Penn State said they'd pay for a weekend visit to their program, even if it's not for the prospectives weekend (which I can't go to because of NeMLA)... and I want to go, I definitely do... but should I feel guilty that it is my only acceptance, and was my second choice and I'll definitely be going there unless (hahahaha, right) I get in to Michigan and they offer me $30k? The DGS seemed like he really wanted to convince me to come, which felt awesome, but I played it cool like I had tons of good offers--lol. I'm thrilled w/PSU--it's perfect for me and my family situation (which is totally awesome). But should I feel guilty about wanting to go up for the visit anyway, as if they need to "woo" me? :wacko:

I say go! Visiting isn't just about having the programs woo you, although that is nice. It will also give you mental images to refer to when you are signing up for classes, emailing your professors, and contacting the grad division about paperwork. After you establish a connection with the current students, staff, and faculty during your visit, the first week of fall semester won't seem as daunting or alien because you've already walked through those walls and met everyone. Also, we are all excited about going to grad school, but I imagine lots of us are nervous about aspects as well. Maintaining a high excitement rate throughout the Spring and Summer may help us wade through the seas of doubt, and a visit could help with just that. 


Just my two cents, but I definitely say go for it! 

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bfat, I wholeheartedly agree with both katzenmusik & proflorax. think of all the dollars spent on application fees by all the hopefuls at all the schools... factor in acceptance rates, & I'd bet cold hard cash that the department can more than afford to spring for your visit right now :)

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Thanks! I am still a bit jealous of your Buffalo acceptance, but I am not gonna complain too much ;) If I haven't told you congrats on that one before, then I'll say it now: CONGRATS on Buffalo!



Thanks! I'm super excited about it and it still seems unreal. You've got Ohio State (where they definitely don't want me) and Rochester (where, given today, I'm thinking they also don't want me) and I've got Buffalo. All evens out, but there seems to be no logic to it that we can predict from our side!


Rochester and Buffalo are both great programs!  Two of my best friends are at Buffalo, and I'm in the second year at U of R.  If either of you have any questions, just let me know (I can answer some of the Rochester ones, and pass along the Buffalo ones).  Congrats!

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