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Acceptance Freakout Thread

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Congrats to you too, cicada!! Did you just get the email from Laura Tanner? Are you planning on visiting BC? I might try and go when I'm in Massachusetts the week of March 18-22, maybe to sit in on a seminar, but mostly to express really inappropriate amounts of affection to my professors from the MA program who wrote my recommendation letters.  

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I'd been checking my e-mail rabidly all morning and finally stopped.  Came back to an acceptance from Ann Arbor.


STOPPED.   ASkflajflkajfakl;fjk!!!


It was a very short e-mail, but it came with all of the personal attachments; PDF letter, funding info, etc.


Did I mention askfjal;kjsfkl;j:KLJ!!!!!KJASL:Fkja?

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I'd been checking my e-mail rabidly all morning and finally stopped.  Came back to an acceptance from Ann Arbor.




STOPPED.   ASkflajflkajfakl;fjk!!!


It was a very short e-mail, but it came with all of the personal attachments; PDF letter, funding info, etc.


Did I mention askfjal;kjsfkl;j:KLJ!!!!!KJASL:Fkja?


Congratulations!!!  That is so amazing!!!


You know, both of my acceptances came during times when I had taken a few hours off from constantly checking my email. Perhaps it proves that a watched pot never boils :D

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Congratulations!!!  That is so amazing!!!


You know, both of my acceptances came during times when I had taken a few hours off from constantly checking my email. Perhaps it proves that a watched pot never boils :D



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Congrats to you too, cicada!! Did you just get the email from Laura Tanner? Are you planning on visiting BC? I might try and go when I'm in Massachusetts the week of March 18-22, maybe to sit in on a seminar, but mostly to express really inappropriate amounts of affection to my professors from the MA program who wrote my recommendation letters.  

Hey! I did just get that email from her. And I am planning on visiting! There is another student admitted from my university who is also going to visit, and we were going to arrange to go at the same time. If you'd wanted to plan to go at the same time as us, that would be great!

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Looks like Michigan results are starting. Fingers crossed for all of you Language and Literature people! Hopefully English and Women's Studies will be out soon...


Fingers crossed, dazed; I'm waiting on the same thing.  Then again, with only 2 (where did I hear this?!) spots to fill, gradcafe may never hear.



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Fingers crossed, dazed; I'm waiting on the same thing.  Then again, with only 2 (where did I hear this?!) spots to fill, gradcafe may never hear.




Yeah, I heard two as well. And there are so few entries on the results search for that program; I feel like I'm entering the uncharted territory of Unknowableness.

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Hate to be the harbinger of doom here, but I think that 2 acceptances per year is pretty standard for them because Women's Studies can only support so many... In my awesome rejection letter from that program last year, they specified two. 


So fingers crossed for you and dazed--maybe it'll be a GradCafe monopoly this year on that joint program!


Fingers crossed, dazed; I'm waiting on the same thing.  Then again, with only 2 (where did I hear this?!) spots to fill, gradcafe may never hear.



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I knooooooow. I'm on my phone and that was all I could remember of the username. I promise that isn't at all passive aggressive, ha.

I totally didn't read it that way, either, but beet-nik's comment made me LOL so hard... Sometimes I wonder if that's what everyone is secretly thinking when they post on this thread.  ;)


I'd been checking my e-mail rabidly all morning and finally stopped.  Came back to an acceptance from Ann Arbor.




STOPPED.   ASkflajflkajfakl;fjk!!!


It was a very short e-mail, but it came with all of the personal attachments; PDF letter, funding info, etc.


Did I mention askfjal;kjsfkl;j:KLJ!!!!!KJASL:Fkja?

Hahaha, I love your freakout! Very suitable for this thread! :D


MICHIGAN!!!!! I'M IN!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

CONGRATS! Go celebrate!




I hadn't checked TGC for a couple of hours (what?!) and suddenly I check and all of these Michigan decisions are up. Yipe! Good luck to everyone else who is waiting to hear from them!

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Hate to be the harbinger of doom here, but I think that 2 acceptances per year is pretty standard for them because Women's Studies can only support so many... In my awesome rejection letter from that program last year, they specified two. 


So fingers crossed for you and dazed--maybe it'll be a GradCafe monopoly this year on that joint program!


It just seems less than diplomatic to overlook gradcafe-ers in their entirety; we're an institution, damn it!  


Wouldn't say no to a monopoly either.

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Congrats to you too, cicada!! Did you just get the email from Laura Tanner? Are you planning on visiting BC? I might try and go when I'm in Massachusetts the week of March 18-22, maybe to sit in on a seminar, but mostly to express really inappropriate amounts of affection to my professors from the MA program who wrote my recommendation letters.  


Congrats on your acceptances cicada and katja! I just got the email from Laura Tanner as well and am going to try to visit in mid/late March, so maybe we'll be meeting each other there! What are your areas of interest?

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I don't know what just happened, but I got emailed today that I've been accepted off of the waitlist at UNC! Yesterday they'd said it would be a few weeks before I'd have an answer, but maybe a bunch of people with my same interests all just jumped the ship--if you're a person who gave up your spot, THANK YOU SO MUCH! I can't believe I'm actually going to grad school.  :o


Congratulations! This is awesome news! Are you coming to the open house/prospective student weekend? I'm so excited to meet the new cohort! :)

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It just seems less than diplomatic to overlook gradcafe-ers in their entirety; we're an institution, damn it!

Wouldn't say no to a monopoly either.

Yeah, they need to acknowledge that we are a powerful force to be reckoned with! Jk. As to the monopoly, imagine if that did happen. We'd be gradcafe legends!

"Remember that year when BOTH admits to Michigan's English and Women's Studies program were in gradcafe? So epic."

I wouldn't say no to that.

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Congratulations! This is awesome news! Are you coming to the open house/prospective student weekend? I'm so excited to meet the new cohort! :)

Yes! It will be pretty far for me, but I think I can swing it. I am so so so excited--I've only been to North Carolina (Charlotte) once before, and I thought it was so gorgeous. Never visited UNC before but I have been fangirling over the faculty for a while and I can't believe I'll actually get to meet (and maybe work) with them! You're a current student, right? Tell me LITERALLY EVERYTHING about the department. ;)  Haha.


OK, confession: this song has been posted in my gchat status since this morning...  B)

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