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Just got an email from my POI at Harvard requesting an informal skype interview. If I don't post back here again it's because I had an anxiety attack over the next couple of days and actually died.


The fact that I haven't gotten any requests for Skype interviews makes me want to have an anxiety attack.

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About the only people I remember doing them last year were the Harvard kids.


I had been doing really well with the wait but am starting to get impatient. Last year I was anxious. This year I'm just impatient.

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The fact that I haven't gotten any requests for Skype interviews makes me want to have an anxiety attack.

I get the sense that it's dependent on your POI. It isn't an official interview by any means. I exchanged e-mails with this professor before applying, but I've never met him in person, so he probably just wants to get a better sense of who I am.


From what I can tell, most schools don't do Skype interviews, and even those that do leave it up to the individual POIs as to whether or not they want to interview prospects. So don't sweat it!

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Thanks for the response, guys!  I went into panic mode because the professor wanted it to happen ASAP.


@gineau  I think your impression might be correct.  This is the only history program I applied to, so I'm not sure what standard practice in the field is. It wound up being a pretty informal chat with my POI about the department, the environment there, fit, etc.  There were some interview-y aspects, but it was really more of a dialogue.  I very much got the impression that the professor was taking the initiative (out of the goodness, kindness, and helpfulness in his heart!) and that it wasn't required by the school.


@Andean Pat and jamc8383: Thanks for the helpful reminder to prepare questions.  I frantically spent half an hour putting together a list of questions and it let me have a dialogue.  Where I hopefully didn't come across as an unprepared moron.  Kinda.  I hope.


P.S.  As tempting as it was to wear sweatpants on the bottom, I did in fact wear real people clothes.  Confidence boost!

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You don't have to wear pants to a Skype interview.  I kid, but seriously.  Put on a nice shirt, make sure that there's nothing "off-putting" in the background of your feed frame and be prepared to talk about yourself: the work you've done, the work you aim to do, how you think University X fits in, etc.  If you've put a reasonable amount of effort into your application package, you should be in a good place to talk about this stuff (as you've likely reviewed it recently, ad nauseam).


Good luck!  :)

Lies, definitely wear pants. You never know if you might accidently push back in a chair and reveal yourself. Some of my grad professor revealed that this has happened before when they were interviewing job candidtates. Also I was told by a professor to put your computer on some books (if you're using a laptop), so that they aren't looking up your nose the entire time. Good luck!

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I also got an email today from my Harvard POI and did a Skype interview this evening. I got the sense that it was "off the books," and was very informal. It was a very positive talk, but not an implied acceptance.

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As you can tell from my signature, I've applied to a lot of programs.


For each program, I contacted one or two POIs. In each initial email, I stated I'd like to speak with them via Skype to learn more about the program.


While most POIs didn't flat out reject the Skype idea, they did make it clear that email was more convenient. To date, only two were very enthusiastic about Skyping. I have another phone-call interview (he gave me his home number) set up.


Realistically, I can't imagine a professor Skyping with every applicant interested in working under him/her. It makes more sense to narrow down the application pool substantially before committing to interviews.

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Seems a little presumptuous to ask for Skype interviews. Maybe suggesting a phone call IF they have time is OK, but it's probably enough of a chore just to answer all the emails they get from prospective students.

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Re: skype, I don't think it presumes all that much-- or at least it doesn't come across as rude, if it isn't meant that way. At worst, you might seem eager and naive. It also depends on whether you see all that much difference between skype and a phone call. I'm overseas, so one is more or less the other, and while I've actually preferred to speak to professors without the camera (because who really looks good on a webcam), I've spoken with some who prefer to video chat. 


So in conclusion, who knows. I wouldn't have personally proposed it in an initial e-mail (it was my POI's suggestion), but I don't think it is out of place if you've taken up correspondence, and I actually learned some really helpful things to mention on the application. 

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Any other applicants to Harvard who have not heard anything yet?  No one from the department has even let me know if my application is complete...


Haven't heard anything yet, although as I've applied for the joint ME Studies & History, I'm unsure which department handles it. Also I already had a Skype chat with a POI last August. But I would imagine in any case that, given the holidays, they've only just begun sorting through the applications in the past week or so.

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That's ballsy to push a Skype talk, kdavid. It's not surprising that a majority backed away from it. What made you think that it would help you?



Below is the outline of my initial email to POIs. You'll see I certainly didn't push it, but simply expressed my interest. If a POI said email was more convenient, I didn't mention it again.


I spoke with probably 15 - 20 different people. I feel all correspondence with all POIs was courteous and productive. I certainly didn't receive any push back.




Dear Professor XYZ, 

[brief self-introduction.]


[brief outline of my research interests and how they align with the POI’s.]


[Comments on the POI’s recent scholarship; particularly work that coincides with my research interests. Also praised piquant points made in the monograph/article mentioned.]


[Why XYZ university is a good fit.]


I understand that you have a very busy schedule. If you are accepting students for the fall intake of 2014, I would very much like to have an opportunity to speak with you further about our interests—perhaps via Skype—and possibly about my application to XYZ program. 

Thank you very much for your time, and I look forward to hearing back from you soon! 


[My name and email here.]



The average initial email was about 300 words.

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Any other applicants to Harvard who have not heard anything yet?  No one from the department has even let me know if my application is complete...


From looking at the board and last year's thread, it seems that Harvard notifications didn't come this early before. A couple of us have been contacted by POIs, but as others have said, I think that varies widely by faculty member and just because you haven't been doesn't necessarily mean bad news.

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To everyone worried about interviews:


I had several pre-admission phone/skype interviews and only one "real" admission interview via skype with three professors. At the time of the interview, my mother was having an emergency surgery. At exactly the same time. I succeeded, and got an offer for that school. If I could survive that stress, anyone can do it!!!! 


In short: all the best to you! Be yourselves, and everything will just flow. 

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Hello! Just found this thread and thought I should say hi. Am applying to History PhD programs for Fall 2014 too. My interest is in South Asia/Indian Ocean/British Empire.


Welcome, bombilfry! I'm curious to know where you applied.

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Hi. I am also new to this forum. I am glad I found the history section. I have applied to 5 PhD programs for African history, one being Michigan. I freaked out a bit when I saw the accepted result, but this conversation has eased my nerves. This is my first year applying, and I am going crazy waiting. I have moments of I'm being accepted no prob to my chances are so slim. The competition for few spots is agonizing. I feel like I have done everything I possibly could. Now, it is out of my hands!

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Welcome, bombilfry! I'm curious to know where you applied.

Hello, czesc! Thanks for the welcome. I'm looking on this as a first shot at applying and am trying just five schools. Michigan (Ann Arbor), Toronto, Illinois (Urbana Champaign), Minnesota (Twin Cities) and UC Davis. I've stuck with places that are a good fit, where POIs were encouraging and that are open to applicants from disciplines other than history. Should it not work out this time, I'm planning to work on my languages, get more research experience and reapply next year. The application process has been quite a ride so far!

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Is the result legit? Seems early... Congratulations to the successful applicant, anyway!


It's about the right time for the early programs to start admitting, there are two of them, and there is a note on both that they haven't heard about funding.  The fake posts usually reference bigger name programs, come without other posts from the school, and usually include lots of enthusiasm but no detail.  The way to early Michigan post is classic suspicious result for grad café.


For those of you waiting on Princeton I'll repeat what I've said before.  First 10 days in Feb has been my department's mode the last everal years.  Earlier is possible but still unlikely as this few weeks in January we're running a ton of job candidates through and the end of our fall semester isn't until the week after next.

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It's about the right time for the early programs to start admitting, there are two of them, and there is a note on both that they haven't heard about funding.  The fake posts usually reference bigger name programs, come without other posts from the school, and usually include lots of enthusiasm but no detail.  The way to early Michigan post is classic suspicious result for grad café.

That makes sense. Missed the second entry, somehow.

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