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Official decisions thread!


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i'm deciding between university of montana and csu - chico, although i'm leaning towards the latter, mostly because it's more affordable (and i've spoken to some profs and students this weekend; so far, so good!). so daunting! updates to come soon..

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I accepted U Maryland's offer last week for PhD in archaeology. Still havent heard back from two schools and I'm wait listed at another, but I don't care. Maryland was always my top choice and I jumped at the opportunity!

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I just wanted to add no matter where you choose you'll always have second thoughts even a few years later like me? It's the curse of having multiple offers.

Ugh, this is my biggest concern right now. I'm not good at big decisions! Here's hoping I can be happy with this one.

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an update, as promised: unless a million things somehow go horribly wrong at some point in the next few hours, i'll be committing to university of montana tomorrow night. long, arduous decision-making process over the last week (seriously, it's been taking up a ton of space in my head since i first got my MT acceptance a couple weeks ago)




i went from being a jumbo to being a grizzly. incessant fun-poking will ensue, as i'm a short, skinny, freckly, soft-spoken, extremely non-intimidating person, at least as far as appearances go! :P my whole family called me "jumbo shrimp" during my freshman year of undergrad. lord knows what kinds of awful punny nicknames they'll come up with now!



edit/ps: so many smarty-pants in this thread. loving it. congrats to all!

Edited by pears
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I'm waiting for someone to turn down an offer at UPenn or Princeton (both socio-cultural) so I can get off the wait list. Keeping my fingers crossed!



I'm about 90% sure I'm turning down my UPenn offer. I still have yet to visit,but it looks like I am going to pass on their offer if that helps. :D I'm trying to schedule a visit as soon as possible because visits can change everything.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I put all my eggs in one basket, got off the waitlist on Friday :) 


I'll be attending the University of Toronto in September, for the MA in Medical Anthro program.

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All Anthropology graduate students going to Yale.

Declare yourselves. Let us get to know each other, at least preliminarily so that we find potential roommates amongst each other, share our anxieties, queries, etc.

To begin with - I am 25, female, from India, presently in New Delhi,  going to Yale for Socio-cultural Anthro.   

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