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Fulbright 2014-2015


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Never fear, Netflix is available in a ton of countries, though rights permissions will vary pretty widely.  If you're curious and use Google Chrome as your browser you can add the "Hola" extension (link below) to allow you to simulate browsing as if you were in any number of foreign countries.  Switch over to your country of interest and then log in to Netflix; if your potential future Fulbright home has a less-than-optimal selection, you can always do the reverse (switch back to US browsing) once you're abroad.  I found this out somewhat by accident when using Hola to stream international soccer matches not available from a US IP address, then signed into Netflix before I switched back and determined that there are a lot of excellent films available abroad that are not available on the US service. 




Good to know, thank you! :D

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Love that this forum went from having maybe 5 people (max) reading it (including lurkers), to a current figure of 8 members and 31 lurkers. To quote our favorite survey, we are most certainly "anxiously waiting."

Edited by olioliwoo
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I'm curious to see if the results come out the same way as last year (yes--I stalked that thread, too). It seems like "bad" news was delivered first, around 6 pm, and then the good news about a half hour later. My heart and best wishes go out to everyone waiting for the news!

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I called earlier today to ask about my deactivated email address from university and happened to ask about decisions going out... I was told that they are not sending out recommendations/rejections this week and that they were aiming for the last week of January. Rest easy, everyone, we all have at least another week to keep freaking out. :)

Haven't we already established there aren't going to be decisions today? Why is everyone here still making me stress out about this afternoon?? :P

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I'm curious to see if the results come out the same way as last year (yes--I stalked that thread, too). It seems like "bad" news was delivered first, around 6 pm, and then the good news about a half hour later. My heart and best wishes go out to everyone waiting for the news!

That's good to know. Although it probably won't stop me from anxiously refreshing my email at work. :-)

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Haven't we already established there aren't going to be decisions today? Why is everyone here still making me stress out about this afternoon?? :P

I think we established that they always say "by the end of the month" regardless of when the notifications actually go out!

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I think we established that they always say "by the end of the month" regardless of when the notifications actually go out!

I agree with this. I'm not convinced that there were just simply no FPA's this year who gave any of those who happened to be lurking the thread a heads up... but maybe that's just me rationalizing an optimistic hope! 

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Haven't we already established there aren't going to be decisions today? Why is everyone here still making me stress out about this afternoon?? :P

I don't have to be on campus on Fridays, and while I certainly can't say I have nothing better to do, if I'm going to be on my computer anyway I might as well check in here, you know, constantly. (Also: Sorry if my post re: the futility of calling the other day sounded crabby-- that wasn't my intention. I went through this process a few years back, sans gradcafe support, and no one I called would tell me anything!)

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Longtime lurker here. In my anxious state I've been searching the interwebs and found this tweet from @Fulbright_Eire (Fulbright Ireland) earlier today: 


"A. All Student and Scholar panels have been notified and FLTAs will be shortly. If you haven't heard please email us! #FulbrightFAQFriday"


So the question is: In the past, have the FLTAs been notified the same day as the U.S. Student Program? I really like the use of the word "shortly" here.  :)


So I checked last year's thread, and FLTAs were, in fact, notified the same day (a few hours before) U.S. Student Program applicants. Today could be the day!

Edited by FingersCrossed_118
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So I checked last year's thread, and FLTAs were, in fact, notified the same day (a few hours before) U.S. Student Program applicants. Today could be the day!

Now we're all going to dwell on what the Fulbright Ireland folks meant by "shortly"!! 

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Eminem is right on about how I feel right now.
His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy
There's vomit on his sweater already, mom's spaghetti
He's nervous, but on the surface he looks calm and ready

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Hey friends! LONG time lurker and I'm out of the shadows. Anxiously waiting. Trying to convince my brain that the word will come January 31 and no sooner... but clearly it's not working as I am glued to this thread...


Putting in my two cents to the relationship bit: we are talking about my boyfriend joining me for a handful of months in the middle of the grant period. I've done solo travel once and that was plenty. I prefer traveling with companions!


Wah! Sending good thoughts everyone's way. Drink some tea and breathe :)

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De-lurking. This anxiety is the same as it looked to be last year on the forum, so maybe it's a sign that the inevitable will happen today. Here's to hoping-and good luck to everyone!

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Never fear, Netflix is available in a ton of countries, though rights permissions will vary pretty widely.  If you're curious and use Google Chrome as your browser you can add the "Hola" extension (link below) to allow you to simulate browsing as if you were in any number of foreign countries.  Switch over to your country of interest and then log in to Netflix; if your potential future Fulbright home has a less-than-optimal selection, you can always do the reverse (switch back to US browsing) once you're abroad.  I found this out somewhat by accident when using Hola to stream international soccer matches not available from a US IP address, then signed into Netflix before I switched back and determined that there are a lot of excellent films available abroad that are not available on the US service. 



I wish I had known about this when I was visiting my sister in Korea last year... No Netflix, no HBOgo, and even some Youtube videos were restricted because of IP. DANGIT! :)

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I guess it's good (or bad. I dunno) but I feel much  more passive about all this than I did last year. I was so nervous about all this last year that I was sick to my stomach all day... but I was rejected so whatever. lol. I am prepared for a rejection this year :( 

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Thanks! One of my main questions is who you got to do your 3 recommendations. If I were still in college (or law school), it would be easy to pick three professors, but now that I'm working, the issue is a lot trickier, especially since I really don't want to tell anyone I'm applying, because, if people fear I may not be here in a year, they won't give me work now. Also, what are you trying to do in the UK? Teach, or research?  And, since you're at large, how did you go about finding an affiliation? Did you just figure out some key people and then send out targeted emails? Thanks so much for the help.


To all: I wish you the very, very best of luck and hope to be reading about your good news on this thread very soon! :)

Well,, this could take a bit of time. One, thank you for your good luck, even being short listed I could still not get it. So we'll see. Well I'm in a bit of a different boat, i work full time and used them as my sponsoring  affiliation, I work full time there and part time as an adjunct faculty at a University. Thus they all know i applied and if I get it, they are behind me 100 %.. My letters came from  two fellow professors and someone i work with. In your shoes, I would look for possibly a law school professor depending on how long its been from your graduation. Maybe a fellow lawyer who does not work with you, someone who could state their position and a bit about you. Maybe a judge whom you have dealt with.. i would look at those three angles. Judges are more then willing to help out. 


I applied under Research only, but will be expected to do some lecturing. Though, you will have to decide if you will teach more or research more, if its 50/50 I would go under both. If it's like 90/10 like mine, i would go with the 90%.  I know a Judge who did a Fulbright and she said there a strong need for teaching of law in other countries. They like the professionals from the US, especially in the law arena.


My Affiliation was where i work, for you, you could go independent practicing attorney..I don't think they care so much... They are very use to Academics applying so it's refreshing to them to have a professional apply.. not my words, but what they told me when I called some time ago. 


Hope this helps....let me know what else you need

Edited by Bluefit
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Nothing too much to add, but good luck!! Whether we sit around anxiously, or not, the results won't change, so go out and enjoy yourself for the day, and if there is something to know, we will know at the end of the day :)


So does say the voice of reason. I am going to go and (try to) follow your words of wisdom.

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