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MFA 2014 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!


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After lurking FOREVER... I've decided to post my results (so far) here. Just to let everyone know, this forum has been invaluable to me!


I'm flying to Cranbrook for an interview on the 3rd for photography.

I'm an alternate for Alfred University.

And I got one rejection from Carnegie Mellon.


Still waiting to hear back from a few (four) others. This is my second time applying for an MFA. Last year, I heard back from no one. I armed myself with all of the information I found here, and really worked on my portfolio. I think more than anything else, NOT worrying about what schools might like and just concentrating on making/submitting work that truly expresses my viewpoint has been the key.


Now I'll be searching for information on the in-person interview process.


Best of luck everyone.

Welcome Ellephoto! Its so great when lurkers come out of the shadows!  thanks for joining us in this crazy journey and best of luck to you as well.

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I've also been lurking forever. This is my first year applying. So far I have an interview with MICA and many presumed rejections. I am curious to hear what others think about applying to state schools in less well known cities. I currently attend a very small art program at a state university. Reading comments and looking at contemporary artists, I feel as though I'm playing catch up. We just aren't exposed to much critical art theory and current artistic practices. Has anyone else experienced this? I know that faculty and funding, as well as determination make all the difference. However, if you can't afford to visit major cities regularly, aren't you at a disadvantage?

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I've also been lurking forever. This is my first year applying. So far I have an interview with MICA and many presumed rejections. I am curious to hear what others think about applying to state schools in less well known cities. I currently attend a very small art program at a state university. Reading comments and looking at contemporary artists, I feel as though I'm playing catch up. We just aren't exposed to much critical art theory and current artistic practices. Has anyone else experienced this? I know that faculty and funding, as well as determination make all the difference. However, if you can't afford to visit major cities regularly, aren't you at a disadvantage?

Research is key. It's so so important to find out what shows are where, who's speaking at what institution, what lectures you can make, etc. exhibition catalogues at libraries for past exhibitions (that can be researched on museum websites) are a great resource to essays and works. You may very well be at a disadvantage but it's not impossible to expose yourself to work

I went to mica for undergrad- Baltimore is an amazing place! Good luck

Edited by Catz4evr
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First rejection- ceramics at Alfred. It wAs expected but I had to try. 1 down, 4 to go. I have faith that I will end up where I am supposed to be even if that means NOT in gradschool. Lol. :)


Sorry to hear about Alfred! I didn't even try, I really couldn't see myself getting in. Good luck on the remaining four!

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Hi everyone, Excited my SO received interview request at SUNY Purchase via email a couple of days ago. Interview is March 12th.  Hopefully he will attend in person, but there is option to Skype.  

Edited by egregore
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I agree, I got a little freaked out to see someone else on this forum applied to the same Mfa programme in Scotland as me, not only had they already been notified of a interview, but also accepted. Thankfully I didn't see it until after I also was invited for interview but i can only imagine the sinking feeling in my stomach would have multiplied.

I know I submitted only a few days before the deadline so I!m afraid they've already offered a bunch of places so it'll be harder to get an offer. If I had known I would have submitted earlier, I had been waiting on one of my reference though so I guess there was nothing I could do.


This would be me I think. Sorry, I didn't mean to cause alarm. For the record, I did apply a little earlier. (Entirely by accident! Somehow I had it in my notes it was due on the 15th.) A few people told me afterward that in Europe (or UK specifically?) they tend to review submissions on a more rolling basis. 


Have you visited the school? I'm going to try to check it out in March...Good luck with the interview! I was ridiculously nervous but they were friendly and encouraging. 

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I'm just now back from finishing up interviews no. 2 and 3, and it's pretty interesting how different they've all been. I had expected I'd be repeating myself a lot, but that really hasn't been the case. Mica was generally more about my background and motivations (why grad school, what's your experience with critical theory, what is the biggest challenge you've had to face in your work, or in your life). He took extremely thorough notes. Penn on the other hand was a very very close read of my portfolio and statement -- almost a crit  -- with follow-up questions sussing out my ideology. Very focused and specific questions bouncing at me from all directions. 


I've given up on interpreting whether they went well or not.  I'm gunning on a lot of it just coming down to presenting as a receptive, thoughtful, and mature person, rather than having the perfect answer to everything. 

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Hi Hi.


In terms of my own experience, I would say that the course work is mainly independently directed and that the bond between students is the core element of the school. If you are looking for a lot of engagement, while I can't speak for the program in specific that you are applying to, I would suggest looking elsewhere than Glasgow. 


I hope this was somewhat helpful. I cannot stress enough the importance of maintaining a practice post-degree in the location you choose to study. This will be a problem from international students, as was my experience.


Thank you! It's great to get some first hand accounts. To be honest, I am keen to get back home and practice here, which is where I see myself in the long term. But maybe graduate school will change my mind!


marzipanned and JoJoYang, thanks for letting me know! I've sent GSA an email, waiting to hear back.


I have my first interview tomorrow! An approximately hour long one with the co-chair of MFA Design at SVA. They said that I don't need to prepare for it at all, and that she would have already seen my work, so no need to have some of that ready. Very, very nervous - especially about being on the spot for 60 minutes!  :unsure:


Going through all the interview tips now  :mellow:

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OK, so I was admitted to CCA's Visual and Critical Studies program 10 days ago. In the e-mail the department chair asked me to go visit campus and go to some of the forums and attend classes and things, but because I'm so far away (and a high school teacher prepping my students for exams) it's basically impossible for me to do so at this point in time, which I told her. So she requested to at the very least do a Skype chat, which I will have with her in two days.


I have some questions for you all:

1) What's the main purpose of this chat? Is it to kind of woo me so that maybe I'll decide to go there? Or is it just for me to ask questions of her? Any ideas/experience with this?

2) Assuming that this conversation with her is largely so that I can ask questions, what questions should I really be asking? I've already been accepted, so it's not like I need to really work at impressing her, but I'd like to still feel prepared. The only major question I've got for her right now is about how likely it will be that I will have time to still pursue my own artwork. (I applied for their dual-degree program, but haven't heard back from the MFA side of things. Considering today is their last day of interviews and I have heard nothing from them I'm presuming it's a rejection.) What else could/should I be asking?


I know this is about an MA, not an MFA, so technically it's not something for this page, but I figure y'all might still be helpful on this.

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OK, so I was admitted to CCA's Visual and Critical Studies program 10 days ago. In the e-mail the department chair asked me to go visit campus and go to some of the forums and attend classes and things, but because I'm so far away (and a high school teacher prepping my students for exams) it's basically impossible for me to do so at this point in time, which I told her. So she requested to at the very least do a Skype chat, which I will have with her in two days.


I have some questions for you all:

1) What's the main purpose of this chat? Is it to kind of woo me so that maybe I'll decide to go there? Or is it just for me to ask questions of her? Any ideas/experience with this?

2) Assuming that this conversation with her is largely so that I can ask questions, what questions should I really be asking? I've already been accepted, so it's not like I need to really work at impressing her, but I'd like to still feel prepared. The only major question I've got for her right now is about how likely it will be that I will have time to still pursue my own artwork. (I applied for their dual-degree program, but haven't heard back from the MFA side of things. Considering today is their last day of interviews and I have heard nothing from them I'm presuming it's a rejection.) What else could/should I be asking?


I know this is about an MA, not an MFA, so technically it's not something for this page, but I figure y'all might still be helpful on this.


You should ask her about how much one-on-one time you get with professors. I've heard that lots of teachers there don't really even have their own office space and they give students an option to advise with local artists who aren't employed by them, but that is essentially a way for them to farm out some of the advising work. I guess you don't know about the MFA yet, but you could ask about class size and studio space. I saw some of their studio spaces, and it's basically a bunch of open topped rooms next to each other with a doorless entry. Some students put up a sheet for privacy, but if you need to work with sound, it can be awkward - you'd have to wear headphones most of the time. You shouldn't leave any valuables in the space so maybe also ask about locker space.


If cost is an issue I'd definitely ask her about some financials and if there are scholarships or aid you can apply to. Will you need to work (cost of living is fairly high in the city)? If so, ask them if they help students find internships or jobs. If you've actually been accepted, then I would say that the call is more for you to ask questions and them to woo you. Grill them! It's a pretty big investment to go there, so no question you have is too small...


If you really can't go visit before deciding, you could also see if they'd be willing to refer you to a current student or recent grad if you have more questions later.

Edited by seeingeyeduck
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Not gonna lie, all of you having interviews makes me a bit nervous since I've had nothing but silence from my three remaining schools... maybe it's different with ceramics than other mediums because there's only ever one opening, maybe two, so I don't know...

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This would be me I think. Sorry, I didn't mean to cause alarm. For the record, I did apply a little earlier. (Entirely by accident! Somehow I had it in my notes it was due on the 15th.) A few people told me afterward that in Europe (or UK specifically?) they tend to review submissions on a more rolling basis.

Have you visited the school? I'm going to try to check it out in March...Good luck with the interview! I was ridiculously nervous but they were friendly and encouraging.

Ah you applied two weeks before me, fair enough. There's probably a quota of international students and home students anyway so I'll forget to worry about it.

Yeah I visited for the open day and spoke with some of the current students/staff. I live in edinburgh so going to Glasgow is easy, It's only a 45 min train ride.

Glasgow is the only school I've applied to. It's the best combination of everything I want, interdisciplinary, good mix of visiting lecturers, teaching as a elective and I really admire the alumni. I did consider some places in London but I know the financial stress would crippled my practice. I prefer a balanced approach to life and after moving to Scotland four years ago it's hard to leave for good, I live it here.

Plus glasgows art scene is really good and the emphasis is on the individual who wants to take part to carve their own opportunities out. London's art scene if difficult to impact on, you're one of many many down there. I know from speaking to some Americans who did the MFA in edinburgh they were surprised and in some cases very upset by how hands off tutoring is but that's just how art education is in the UK, for undergrad and postgrad. There isn't lots of classes it's mostly self directed. You probably already know all that and maybe that's what attracted you in the first place but just a heads up.

Where else are you applying to?

Edited by Echo_in_ground
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Not gonna lie, all of you having interviews makes me a bit nervous since I've had nothing but silence from my three remaining schools... maybe it's different with ceramics than other mediums because there's only ever one opening, maybe two, so I don't know...


supaslim - right there with you. Nothing but silence from 7 of my schools. The one acceptance I got was from SCAD and they accept on a rolling basis, so it doesn't really count. The silence is deafening at times, and I find myself rethinking my decision to apply and put myself out there. I just want to hear SOMETHING. :(

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I've also been lurking forever. This is my first year applying. So far I have an interview with MICA and many presumed rejections. I am curious to hear what others think about applying to state schools in less well known cities. I currently attend a very small art program at a state university. Reading comments and looking at contemporary artists, I feel as though I'm playing catch up. We just aren't exposed to much critical art theory and current artistic practices. Has anyone else experienced this? I know that faculty and funding, as well as determination make all the difference. However, if you can't afford to visit major cities regularly, aren't you at a disadvantage?

Hi Alicia Gale, did you apply to Hoffberger??

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Hi Allandygon. No, I applied to Mount Royal. Does Hoffberger always conduct interviews? I haven't heard of anyone receiving an interview request from that department but I could be wrong.

Nor have I, just getting more anxious as we all get closer to the finish line.  Thanks for replying so promptly and good luck!

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greetings all - 


I've applied to a few schools for a masters in curation, I've been invited to interview at RCA for which i am very nervous and not sure what to expect - any insight welcome.


also, what have you guys heard from Goldsmiths? back in december i received an email saying decisions would be made in january and i have yet to receive any news. seems rather odd.



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Sorry to hear that about UNM, you still have plenty of schools left though... I'm still in the dark about UNM.


Bizarre.  If you do hear from them by mail monday or tuesday then these school make no sense at all.


It seems the other programs at NMU accepted people about a month ago, then sent out the rejections a couple weeks later.



I am assuming Oregon is a No as well, since you interviewed over a month ago.

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greetings all - 


I've applied to a few schools for a masters in curation, I've been invited to interview at RCA for which i am very nervous and not sure what to expect - any insight welcome.


also, what have you guys heard from Goldsmiths? back in december i received an email saying decisions would be made in january and i have yet to receive any news. seems rather odd.




You've been very patient, but I think it is time to contact them and find out what is going on.


Congratulations femnotfem!

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greetings all - 


I've applied to a few schools for a masters in curation, I've been invited to interview at RCA for which i am very nervous and not sure what to expect - any insight welcome.


also, what have you guys heard from Goldsmiths? back in december i received an email saying decisions would be made in january and i have yet to receive any news. seems rather odd.



Congrats on your interview at RCA!


I received an email from Goldsmiths at the beginning of February saying they would send out interview invitations at the end of the month. They said their interview dates were between March 17-28 and that you should take this into account if you are planning a holiday. I applied for the MFA in Fine Art and not Curation so I'm not sure if there is a difference. But I also got the same email in December so who know. I'm anxiously waiting to hear back from them! 

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I'm just now back from finishing up interviews no. 2 and 3, and it's pretty interesting how different they've all been. I had expected I'd be repeating myself a lot, but that really hasn't been the case. Mica was generally more about my background and motivations (why grad school, what's your experience with critical theory, what is the biggest challenge you've had to face in your work, or in your life). He took extremely thorough notes. Penn on the other hand was a very very close read of my portfolio and statement -- almost a crit  -- with follow-up questions sussing out my ideology. Very focused and specific questions bouncing at me from all directions. 


I've given up on interpreting whether they went well or not.  I'm gunning on a lot of it just coming down to presenting as a receptive, thoughtful, and mature person, rather than having the perfect answer to everything. 

Very similar experience! Did you interview with Luca Buvoli for MICA? Were you in person or skype? My temple interview was with 8 people and very critique like. They even said that at the end that the Tyler critique environment is similar to what I had just experienced. I had 14 pages of preparatory notes for these interviews! I still was caught off guard by a couple questions. No idea how my interviews are going. I'm trying to stop myself from obsessing. askjdddd

I'm confused about Penn. I assumed I was rejected because I didn't get a request for  interview but I got an email the other day telling me to fill out my fafsa on time. Do they conduct interviews for all finalists? Which program did you apply to?

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