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MFA 2014 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!


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California College of Art offers me an interview a couple weeks ago for Sculpture and then doesn't follow up with a Skype interview date and time.  I have made a followup email and phone call.  The department is interviewing this week and it makes me nervous.  Anyone else experiencing the same thing?


I wish I could tell you that I was! Going into this whole process CCA was my top choice school so that I could do their dual degree program, but I haven't heard anything at all from the MFA side of things. (Because I've heard nothing from them I'm assuming it's a no-go for me, but I guess you never know for sure until the final letters are sent out.) I hope you hear back something soon! It certainly looks bad on them to be this disorganized and not get back to you. :mellow:

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California College of Art offers me an interview a couple weeks ago for Sculpture and then doesn't follow up with a Skype interview date and time.  I have made a followup email and phone call.  The department is interviewing this week and it makes me nervous.  Anyone else experiencing the same thing?


Other news, Im keeping my Cranbrook March 28th interview in person… apparently i wasn't the only one with conflicting schedules for the Feb 28th request. 

Hi Yellow Magnet!

I had the same problem. I called as well a few days ago and they said they were still working on the schedule. They also told me they would be conducting interviews until the end of the month. Today I received an email from the faculty member I will be talking with to set up the interview. I was a total stress case about this as well. But you should here very soon. 

Also, I will see you in Chicago for the SAIC sculpture interview!

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after getting upset reading the "results" section, i realized today that i need to quit agonizing and hypothesizing about outcomes i have no control over anyway and get back to making the work that has been stalled/neglected since Dec/Jan. 


planned a short vacation for myself following decision time, in order to celebrate or cheer me up  :P


AGREED, 100%. It's hard to see others get accepted / interviews to the same programs I applied to when I haven't heard anything. It's too easy to read possible conclusions into it. Think I'm going to have to take a break from reading on here for my sanity. 

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AGREED, 100%. It's hard to see others get accepted / interviews to the same programs I applied to when I haven't heard anything. It's too easy to read possible conclusions into it. Think I'm going to have to take a break from reading on here for my sanity.

I agree, I got a little freaked out to see someone else on this forum applied to the same Mfa programme in Scotland as me, not only had they already been notified of a interview, but also accepted. Thankfully I didn't see it until after I also was invited for interview but i can only imagine the sinking feeling in my stomach would have multiplied.

I know I submitted only a few days before the deadline so I!m afraid they've already offered a bunch of places so it'll be harder to get an offer. If I had known I would have submitted earlier, I had been waiting on one of my reference though so I guess there was nothing I could do.

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yellow magnet, 

the same for me, I still haven't heard from CCA and I emailed them to follow up about the interview...still nothing. It is kind of annoying, but i have to be patient. I did talk to a graduate last night for a while about CCA, he had alot of really great things to say about the program.

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Can I ask you guys something? I applied for an mfa painting in SAIC and mfa in CalArts, I haven't heard from them for an interview. Does this mean I'm rejected, how and when the latest will I be informed of the status of my application?


Thank you..


Not necessarily. lf you haven't heard anything you just haven't heard anything. It's possible your department is working at a slower pace or there were applicants to that department or a million other things. I wouldn't lose all hope yet. You may still hear from CalArts in the next few days. Good luck!

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hey tofutuesday,


I was just wondering, how did you feel about SFAI? did you get a good impression from their masters program? Where did you go for undergrad? i wish you the best of luck hearing back from your schools! 


I would say the painting department is one of the better ones at the school. There are a lot of notable teachers. I had mixed feelings about being a photographer there obviously since I chose not to apply to the school. I think SFAI is what you make of it. There are people who are more than willing to help you and crit you etc but you need to reach out and steer yourself. The studios are on the other side of SF from the main campus so that can be a pain in the ass as well. It really depends on your work and your work process. There were some administration issues which left some of the staff feeling very disenfranchised but there are just as many who are still very devoted to teaching and will push you. Matt Burruso is a painting teacher there and he was one of the best professors I had. Likewise Allan deSouza who is in the new genres department. In my experience the students genuinely want each other to exceed, it's not a cut throat if you get that opportunity there is one less opportunity for me environment. Anyway, I hope this helps a little. 


I went to Penn State as my undergrad. I originally started getting a BA in print journalism and then tacked on a BA in integrated arts with a minor in international studies Can you tell I like school? :) So I don't have a BFA which is why I decided to take the Post Bacc year (that and I really wanted to move to SF). When I first applied I got accepted to SCAD and turned it down.


I don't regret my year at SFAI. They are very open there and that allowed me to break down some of my own barriers and create work that I feel is more honest. Let me know if you have a specific question. 

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I have my first ever interview next week with Pratt.  I was curious about what to expect?  Has anyone been through this?  


My interview was through Skype 


I had an interview with Pratt on Feb 13th, and am invited for a second interview for March 7th. 


The interview was pretty casual, I had it with one of their associate professor. He asked me what I did after I graduated, how long I worked, what I did, why I want to go back to grad school, why I want to go to Pratt, told me a little about the program, and asked me how I can contribute to their program. 


Depending how you answer your questions, it might lead to a completely different set of questions, so, I think all you need to do to prepare is to be yourself. One of my friend reminded me yesterday, that not only they are learning about you, you are learning about them too. This is a chance for you to ask some questions. The worst thing is at the end when they ask you if you have any questions, and you go "ermm......nope". :)

Think of something you would like to know about the program, and see if Pratt is a good fit for YOU, not only if you are a good fit for THEM. 


I'm a bit more nervous about the committee interview, there will be 4~5 professors, and students are invited to sit in as well. my nerves :( 


Anyone has any experience interviewing with a panel? 

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Any idea of how many people are going to get to USC and UCLA Interdisciplinary ?




I believe that they said during the UCLA grad information meeting that each discipline admits 2-3 people per year. 

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How did you hear back from Rutgers, Coffeeblack? Did you apply for painting?



I applied for interdisciplinary with an emphasis in painting.


I found out by checking my status online.



Hope you have better results!

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Thank you! The actual program I applied to is a bit broad...Fine Arts. It's an interdisciplinary studio program.


I know someone finishing up in that program and it has done wonders for her. She is in serious debt and talked a lot about the struggles there, but is now pretty content with her decision. Good luck!

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I would say the painting department is one of the better ones at the school. There are a lot of notable teachers. I had mixed feelings about being a photographer there obviously since I chose not to apply to the school. I think SFAI is what you make of it. There are people who are more than willing to help you and crit you etc but you need to reach out and steer yourself. The studios are on the other side of SF from the main campus so that can be a pain in the ass as well. It really depends on your work and your work process. There were some administration issues which left some of the staff feeling very disenfranchised but there are just as many who are still very devoted to teaching and will push you. Matt Burruso is a painting teacher there and he was one of the best professors I had. Likewise Allan deSouza who is in the new genres department. In my experience the students genuinely want each other to exceed, it's not a cut throat if you get that opportunity there is one less opportunity for me environment. Anyway, I hope this helps a little.

This is good advice but I did want to note that Allan Desouza has been hired by Berkeley since.

Also, for those of you considering coming to SF, I'd just caution that we are in the middle of a real affordability crisis here, so if you don't have good funding, really research rents and food costs, because we have become virtually the most expensive place in the nation. It's still doable to do it on a student stipend but if you have to take out loans, it might hurt. Just keep that in mind.

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I would say the painting department is one of the better ones at the school. There are a lot of notable teachers. I had mixed feelings about being a photographer there obviously since I chose not to apply to the school. I think SFAI is what you make of it. There are people who are more than willing to help you and crit you etc but you need to reach out and steer yourself. The studios are on the other side of SF from the main campus so that can be a pain in the ass as well. It really depends on your work and your work process. There were some administration issues which left some of the staff feeling very disenfranchised but there are just as many who are still very devoted to teaching and will push you. Matt Burruso is a painting teacher there and he was one of the best professors I had. Likewise Allan deSouza who is in the new genres department. In my experience the students genuinely want each other to exceed, it's not a cut throat if you get that opportunity there is one less opportunity for me environment. Anyway, I hope this helps a little. 


I went to Penn State as my undergrad. I originally started getting a BA in print journalism and then tacked on a BA in integrated arts with a minor in international studies Can you tell I like school? :) So I don't have a BFA which is why I decided to take the Post Bacc year (that and I really wanted to move to SF). When I first applied I got accepted to SCAD and turned it down.


I don't regret my year at SFAI. They are very open there and that allowed me to break down some of my own barriers and create work that I feel is more honest. Let me know if you have a specific question. 

hey thanks for the insight tofutuesday!!! sounds like you made some good decisions.  good luck :)

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Hi Everyone!


I have been following this post for almost a month, the waiting period is getting a little tormenting. I have noticed a lot of the interviews are being giving out during this time, in particularly for Pratt, I applied to their Industrial Design program, but I have not heard anything from them yet. Are there anyone applying to the same program? Hopefully, I'm not the only one waiting anxiously :|...

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