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MFA 2014 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!


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I guess will have to wait!


Ya, if it's 6:30 EST and nothing yet, I suppose it's not today. Drats, I'm preparing myself for the worst, but also stretching my legs out in case I need to do a victory dance. Ha.

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Haha. Well ... Some of us should call. I remember I did that when I applied for my first masters. And actually they told me the results days before they sent out notifications

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Well, I think we are all in the same boat, tofutuesday. I think focusing on other enjoyable activities is a great idea. And maybe some meditation. And you are in a great location to distract yourself!


You're totally right. This is the second year I'm applying though (I opted to do a Post Bacc at SFAI rather than an MFA at SCAD) and I remember how the rejection felt. Even more I only applied to 4 schools because I was feeling pretty particular. I feel those odds heavily. 


Good luck to you!! I hope you get into your first/ second/ third choices so you get to make the choice. :)

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I feel like a crazy person but I am considering applying to Hunter's IMA program and the Dramatic Media program over at UGA.... I really like both programs and I'm 90% done with all of my other apps. Since I am already applying to 9 this would be 11, which feels like a lot to me. Then again, I don't know my chances and art is subjective so I'm not 100% sure that anyone will actually like my work or thesis proposal... Is anyone else applying to 10+ schools?


I've applied to 14 schools because I really want to get started on an MFA this fall. Once you have the letters of recommendation it's not that much extra work to add in a few more applications, in my opinion. Might as well go for it.....


Ya, if it's 6:30 EST and nothing yet, I suppose it's not today. Drats, I'm preparing myself for the worst, but also stretching my legs out in case I need to do a victory dance. Ha.


Yeah, it looks like Yale emails will be next Friday. Oh, well, more time to dream about what it would be like to go there. I definitely wouldn't do a victory dance yet if you get an interview....only about 30% of interviewees get a spot.

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Just invited to do a Skype interview with UT Austin.  It seems that they do all their interviews that way, so I'm not at a disadvantage for not flying down there.  Anyone else applying there this year?  

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Just invited to do a Skype interview with UT Austin.  It seems that they do all their interviews that way, so I'm not at a disadvantage for not flying down there.  Anyone else applying there this year?  


I came really close to applying there. I know one of the sculpture professors there and she advised me not to. They are gutting their ceramics and metals programs. As in, literally selling the equipment & tools and converting the spaces for other uses. 

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Hello everybody,



I've been following this forum for a while now, and I think we're all nervous and anxious and expecting news. I decided to write here because I just saw that actually Yale has already updated the application status ( you have to open your application and you will see there is an update). Unfortunately, for me it was a rejection. Right now I feel that I suck :´(. I sincerely hope that the other readers have been scheduled with interviews. Best of luck to everyone ho's still in the Yale game.


***** I was applying to sculpture

Edited by samilk
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Hello everybody,



I've been following this forum for a while now, and I think we're all nervous and anxious and expecting news. I decided to write here because I just saw that actually Yale has already updated the application status ( you have to open your application and you will see there is an update). Unfortunately, for me it was a rejection. Right now I feel that I suck :´(. I sincerely hope that the other readers have been scheduled with interviews. Best of luck to everyone ho's still in the Yale game.


***** I was applying to sculpture


I just logged into my Yale application for Painting/Printmaking and saw that I've been rejected, too. :(   Please don't feel that you suck. There will be a program for you out there.....

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Thank you Firenze for the kind words. You're right, it's sad, but we have to continue making art and we'll eventually find our own way, hopefully through another program. This is my first time applying, and I only applied to 3 programs. Had I read this thread before, I would've applied to at least 10!!!!

It's sad to see your work being flat rejected, but I have to cope with that, and improve. Again, best of luck to everyone apllying.

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There seems to be a lot of people in these threads who only apply to the top 10-20 schools. (according to US News) 


And several of these people seem to be on their 2nd or 3rd application season.


I'm curious as to why people continue to apply to these "top tier" schools. 


Besides reputation, are these schools offering something that similar but lesser known (ranked) schools could offer with a much higher acceptance rate? 


Not trying to sound antagonistic, just genuinely curious.  

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I think we all just need to keep believing in our art. I'm an artist and my sister is an actress. As two creatives, we deal with rejection time after time. The only way to forge ahead is knowing in your heart that the work you're doing is meaningful. I could end with a Journey quote, but I will stop now.

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I applied to Yale mainly because of its proximity to NY city and its funding possibilities. I also applied to Hunter and Alfred, both in sculpture. As you see, I'm aiming at places relatively near to NY. I would really enjoy the availability of museums, galleries and an active art scene, since I come form a place where very little artistic movement takes place.

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I applied to RISD. I'm retreating into my shell now until I know of my fate. I don't have a website set up right now, so maybe later. What I submitted overlaps with fine art, so I hope RISD will get my work better. We will see.

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