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SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship/CGS Doctoral Scholarship 2014-2015


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They met for the entire week in Ottawa last week (not sure on the exact LOCATION, but I do know that the professor I know on the committee was there for the whole week adjudicating).


I should add, however, that I do not know if she is on the committee for the MA applications or PhD application (or Post Doc).

Profs from all over Canada gather in Ottawa for 1 week to adjudicate SSHRC Ph.D. applications. MA SSHRC are now university-administered and SSHRC PDFs applicants have already been notified (end of February).

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Hello people,

Quick question: in the posts about SSHRC (adjudicating time, when to expect notification, etc.) - is your info relevant to Vanier as well, or is that a totally different process?


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They met for the entire week in Ottawa last week (not sure on the exact LOCATION, but I do know that the professor I know on the committee was there for the whole week adjudicating).


I should add, however, that I do not know if she is on the committee for the MA applications or PhD application (or Post Doc).

I've been throwing #sshrc into twitter and coming up with random profs who are tweeting about adjudications for the sshrc Insight. You think they would have done the docs at the same time?

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Hello people,

Quick question: in the posts about SSHRC (adjudicating time, when to expect notification, etc.) - is your info relevant to Vanier as well, or is that a totally different process?


Hi Foreign Guy, I don't know a lot about the Vanier Scholarship, but I know that Vanier applicants are notified around the same time as SSHRC applicants -- sometime in April. Too bad there is no thread on Grad Cafe about Vanier. More information about it is available here: 



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Hi Foreign Guy, I don't know a lot about the Vanier Scholarship, but I know that Vanier applicants are notified around the same time as SSHRC applicants -- sometime in April. Too bad there is no thread on Grad Cafe about Vanier. More information about it is available here: 



Thanks Konstantin.

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I am still waiting and I hate every moment (makes me wonder why I applied for such a long shot). Can I ask how did they correspond with you? Was it by email or letter or did they send it directly to the university? I just want to get it done with.

Hi, re: Trudeau, another applicant I know contacted them last week and asked about the interviews, since we heard from a prof who is on the adjudication committee that there are delays. Anyway, the contact at the Foundation said that interviews will be held at the time that was advertised - March 21-22.

That's next week! I don't know how they are notifying people, whether personally or through the university, but I hope to hear something in the next couple of days...


Good luck everyone

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Hi, re: Trudeau, another applicant I know contacted them last week and asked about the interviews, since we heard from a prof who is on the adjudication committee that there are delays. Anyway, the contact at the Foundation said that interviews will be held at the time that was advertised - March 21-22.

That's next week! I don't know how they are notifying people, whether personally or through the university, but I hope to hear something in the next couple of days...


Good luck everyone

oh, the game is still on? Thanks for this, Foreign Guy! I had lost all hope. I have been thinking that my reject letter was lost in the mail and I was not looking forward to contacting them next week to look at it on my screen. They have not sent out any acceptances yet? Seems really weird that they expect folks to prepare for an interview and book tickets within a week. I am still not too hopeful, but do keep us posted.

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oh, the game is still on? Thanks for this, Foreign Guy! I had lost all hope. I have been thinking that my reject letter was lost in the mail and I was not looking forward to contacting them next week to look at it on my screen. They have not sent out any acceptances yet? Seems really weird that they expect folks to prepare for an interview and book tickets within a week. I am still not too hopeful, but do keep us posted.

well, I wouldn't want to create false hope... I also begin to wonder whether it's not too late to expect an invitation to the interview.

However, I do know that they always send out acceptances very last minute. My university warned me from this, and I was advised to prepare to the interview anyway. This is very annoying, I have no idea why they do it this way.

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For those waiting on the Trudeau... I received a phonecall today from the scholarships program director, who invited me for an interview. She has 26 calls to make, so I don't know how long it will take her to get around to everyone. Good luck to those who are still waiting!

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Just got an email from my university: I didn't make it to the interview stage for the Trudeau. :(


I'm waiting on the Vanier now, but definitely not holding my breath...


Good luck to everyone!

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I heard from an administrator in my department that the sshrc docs are supposedly adjudicated already and at this point it's all administrative wait time. Who knows though. Figure I would share any news with the thread.

Edited by crimsoc
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Crimsoc, thanks for sharing this news. Foreign Guy, it's sad to hear that you didn't make it to the interview stage. I hope we all get something from SSHRC. Good luck to everyone.

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I heard from an administrator in my department that the sshrc docs are supposedly adjudicated already and at this point it's all administrative wait time. Who knows though. Figure I would share any news with the thread.


Thanks for sharing, crimsoc. And so we wait...

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I heard from an administrator in my department that the sshrc docs are supposedly adjudicated already and at this point it's all administrative wait time. Who knows though. Figure I would share any news with the thread.




Here's hoping that I won't be participating in next year's thread...

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Alright. Got my Trudeau reject today. End of that story. I had too much bourbon and chocolate the last two days waiting for closure and now I get to nurse my hangover and blues. Good luck everybody.

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Hello people,

Quick question: in the posts about SSHRC (adjudicating time, when to expect notification, etc.) - is your info relevant to Vanier as well, or is that a totally different process?


Hi there! Just saw your post about the GFAD at York- I just had to do the same quick throw together! Would love to know the update! Did you end up getting the GFAD, and/or did you find out any more about it? Do you know how many people typically get nominated? How much competition is there for the awards?  Thanks so much!



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Alright. Got my Trudeau reject today. End of that story. I had too much bourbon and chocolate the last two days waiting for closure and now I get to nurse my hangover and blues. Good luck everybody.

Sorry to hear that, mistralesque. It's probably the most competitive scholarship in Canada... Don't be discouraged!

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Good thinking crimsoc. I'll pay a visit to my department in the next couple of days to see if the grad coordinator has a specific date that she will be receiving the competition results. I'll report back.

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I spoke to the grad assistant in my department and she estimated that SSHRC notifications will be mailed out mid-April. I really don't think that any university department knows for sure when this will happen, and maybe not even SSHRC admins themselves.

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I spoke to the grad assistant in my department and she estimated that SSHRC notifications will be mailed out mid-April. I really don't think that any university department knows for sure when this will happen, and maybe not even SSHRC admins themselves.

Yeah I think we're still too early in the game at this point. That being said, consensus is leaning towards an earlier notification than years past.

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