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The Waiting Game - Fall 2014


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I think the FIL is definitely part of the cult and involved Hart's older daughter, explaining her drawings in 1995 and acting out in 2002.



Thats what I was thinking.  I wish I didnt have to watch on HBOgo and could watch live tonight.  Ugh, tomorrow night.

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I think the FIL is definitely part of the cult and involved Hart's older daughter, explaining her drawings in 1995 and acting out in 2002.


totally agreed. if either of y'all have looked into the king in yellow connections, it makes me wonder whether the daughters are cassilda and camilla, the twin suns, or something else entirely. super stoked for tonight's episode! i wonder if what rust found was his own grave, someone else's, a whorl of a portal to carcosa…

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totally agreed. if either of y'all have looked into the king in yellow connections, it makes me wonder whether the daughters are cassilda and camilla, the twin suns, or something else entirely. super stoked for tonight's episode! i wonder if what rust found was his own grave, someone else's, a whorl of a portal to carcosa…

See what you did? haha, now instead of writing this paper I'm about to google King in Yellow.  

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I sort of feel like acceptance is just the first part of the waiting game.  Then you have to wait to hear about funding and housing and visiting weekends.  I'm still waiting! I almost wish I would have been notified of acceptance and all the other stuff at the same time.

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I sort of feel like acceptance is just the first part of the waiting game.  Then you have to wait to hear about funding and housing and visiting weekends.  I'm still waiting! I almost wish I would have been notified of acceptance and all the other stuff at the same time.


Yeah, the waiting game doesn't stop! I think it will stop the day we start classes hehe

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Don't do it Daykid!!! Stay strong! Risking sounding annoying and getting pushed over the fine line between accept and reject is FAR too great of a chance to take! I'm still waiting on 4/5 and it's so hard. BUT they have to tell us EVENTUALLY, right!?! and e-mailing may not get them to tell us any faster. Solidarity!!

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There's my Columbia rejection.... now everything's hanging on one school. I'm so not in a good place right now.


Hi Emma -- so sorry to hear about Columbia.  They are one of my last chances too...do you mind me asking how you heard?

ETA: OOPS! Realized you applied to AH&A -- different department.  But keep the faith!  It does only take one. 

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Penn is officially taking forever. Anyone have news? I'm about to go against myself and email the grad coordinator.... I need to know what's happening!


I would definitely say don't email them. I know the History department was crystal clear about applicants not emailing them about decisions, and while that may just be departmental policy, it's better not to risk it. Their decisions have to be this week. 


There's my Columbia rejection.... now everything's hanging on one school. I'm so not in a good place right now.


I'm so sorry :( I'm probably going to be in the same boat soon, and it's not a good place to be. We're all here if you need anything, even just to commiserate.

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Thanks guys - I really need this to come off as (barring winning the lottery or something) this will probably be the last chance I have to take my PhD.


Whilst I was fininshing my MA I was accepted to the PhD at my uni, but there was no funding. I then worked for a year as a curatorial intern, during which time I got into other UK unis, including Oxford, but again there was no funding. My job contract ran out at the end of last year, I haven't been able to even get an interview anywhere else (because even entry-level curation needs a PhD apparently) and now I'm living with my parents and waitressing to try and keep my head above water. I have basically no options - if this doesn't work out I really don't know what I'll do as I apparently have no marketable skills. I can't compete with fresh graduates for office/desk-based (ugh) grad schemes  - even my little brother who graduated last summer with a first from Cambridge hasn't been able to find work - he's currently doing temp work on a ski resort just to earn some money! I can't deny I'm feeling fairly trapped and pretty terrified.

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*hugs* Emma, I think all of us have an idea of what you're going through and it's seriously tough.  I feel like I've been through a freaking war with you guys because of how stressful and scary this all is.  It feels like your whole life is resting on the grad committee's decisions and social science/humanities degrees are not very marketable at all without significant additional schooling.  I am so sorry you are going through this and I really hope you hear something good soon.  You can always vent here no matter what happens <3

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I sort of feel like acceptance is just the first part of the waiting game.  Then you have to wait to hear about funding and housing and visiting weekends.  I'm still waiting! I almost wish I would have been notified of acceptance and all the other stuff at the same time.


And then you start applying for external funding, travel grants, submitting papers to conferences, submitting papers to journals, waiting to hear back if the department has money to send you to a conference or to do preliminary field visits. I hated the process while I was applying but now that I'm on the other side I appreciate it. It's prepared me pretty well for meeting deadlines, making sure I have the best work possible turned in, and above all else being able to wait patiently without freaking out.

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JMU - that's exactly what I was thinkin when Sara mentioned that we would finally stop waiting when classes start. We really just learn to apply for and wait for answers on additional things at that point. I just applied for my first grant and it was actually a lot less intimidating since I've done the whole grad school application process.

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Yeah, jmu and strudelle, I completely agree! What I meant was that I'd be able to relax a bit when I'm able to decide between programs, once funding is figured out, once moving is figured out... you know, logistics. That's what I was referring to, but I completely agree. 

We're tough cookies by now hehe

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Yeah, jmu and strudelle, I completely agree! What I meant was that I'd be able to relax a bit when I'm able to decide between programs, once funding is figured out, once moving is figured out... you know, logistics. That's what I was referring to, but I completely agree. 

We're tough cookies by now hehe


Funding never seems to be settled. I've spoken to a number of people and they've all said that if you want a tenure track position, you have to have external funding. Even if you have a completely funded PhD, it seems to be implied that you will at least be applying for the DDRI, SSRC, Wenner-Gren, etc. If you are coming without a master's add the GRFP to that list. Having an outside source of funding has become very much the norm in the social sciences, or at least it seems to be that way.

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Funding never seems to be settled. I've spoken to a number of people and they've all said that if you want a tenure track position, you have to have external funding. Even if you have a completely funded PhD, it seems to be implied that you will at least be applying for the DDRI, SSRC, Wenner-Gren, etc. If you are coming without a master's add the GRFP to that list. Having an outside source of funding has become very much the norm in the social sciences, or at least it seems to be that way.


Yeah, asbolutely! I just meant that I need to know my funding situation for the first year (at least).

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Funding never seems to be settled. I've spoken to a number of people and they've all said that if you want a tenure track position, you have to have external funding. Even if you have a completely funded PhD, it seems to be implied that you will at least be applying for the DDRI, SSRC, Wenner-Gren, etc. If you are coming without a master's add the GRFP to that list. Having an outside source of funding has become very much the norm in the social sciences, or at least it seems to be that way.

wait...hold on....are you saying that BEFORE i get accepted i need these funds/????? Like.....if i dont have them no one will take me into a PhD program or are you saying AFTER PhD ???/

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Daisy, For the program I've been accepted to, I get funding from the university for the first four years.  It's my understanding that this is typical (not necessarily for four years, but for a set amount of time after which you find your own funding) because most people who aren't coming from an MA program probably don't have their research focus completely settled before starting the PD.  Then after that, I assume that I will have to find external funding.  Which is the ideal situation in my opinion because I won't have to worry about funding until I'm deeper into my program and I will be able to get some guidance for finding external funding - and the fact that I am capable of GETTING external funding will show post-doc or tenure track positions that I'm capable of getting funding. 

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Daisy - My situation is the same as what strudelle mentioned. I have three years of guaranteed funding and a fourth year available if needed but it is expected that, after three years, I will have secured at least some form of external funding. I can't, for example, be a TA or RA when I am spending a year in the field. I've applied this year for the GRFP (I should have applied last year but I don't think I would have gotten it anyway) and regardless of the outcome of that intend to apply for the DDRI and SSRC to pay for my dissertation fieldwork. Most of the funding applications have specific points within the PhD that you are able to apply for them so there is no need to freak out too much about them but it is worthwhile to start looking into them so you are familiar with the requirements and timelines. There are also opportunities for smaller amounts of money to use for travel. I have a guaranteed $1500 a year that I can use for travel ($750 for conference travel and $750 for field site visits) but I have also applied this year for small ($200-600) grants that are only available to graduate students doing preliminary site visits through sections of my professional association (the AAG but I'm a member of AAA also and I see similar emails get sent around.)


As strudelle mentioned, having this funding shows future potential employers (whether as a post-doc, VAP, or tenure-track position) that you are capable of getting external funding, that you know what a good proposal looks like, and that you will likely be able to bring money into the program through these funding sources. Along with publications in top journals, this is what will help you get these positions the most. (At least, that is what I've heard.) They can help to make up for a lack in another part of your application such as prestige or pedigree (see the discussion in the other thread about the difference between the two) but they won't replace them entirely. For example, I will have a very good pedigree but FIU is not really a prestigious school. My committee have great connections which help with that but I also need to do work as well; that work includes publications and funding.

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