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Would you pick NIU over Virginia Tech if you went with an unfunded offer? Just curious; I am in a similar boat with NIU and VT.


Given their placement records, I would choose NIU over Virginia Tech. I know a handful of people that went through NIU's program, all with great things to say about it. On the other hand, if VT decided to fund me, I would have to choose VT's program over NIU. Im thrilled to be in a position with such options, though I almost wish I had just one. 


I'm assuming you have unfunded offers from both? Did you apply to WMU at all?

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Given their placement records, I would choose NIU over Virginia Tech. I know a handful of people that went through NIU's program, all with great things to say about it. On the other hand, if VT decided to fund me, I would have to choose VT's program over NIU. Im thrilled to be in a position with such options, though I almost wish I had just one. 


I'm assuming you have unfunded offers from both? Did you apply to WMU at all?


I have also been admitted without an assitantship at NIU. I am still waiting to hear back from Virginia Tech, Western Michigan, Brandeis, and Wisconsin-Milwaukee, but given my interests and the program's placement record, it will be difficult for me to turn down NIU (assuming the tuition waiver comes through). 

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I have also been admitted without an assitantship at NIU. I am still waiting to hear back from Virginia Tech, Western Michigan, Brandeis, and Wisconsin-Milwaukee, but given my interests and the program's placement record, it will be difficult for me to turn down NIU (assuming the tuition waiver comes through). 


I would like to nominate you for the best username award. 

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I have a complex love/hate relationship with you.


I'm sorry, ZS. I know it's kind of douchey posting about successes like this on TGC, even in the acceptance thread. Maybe there's some way I could make it up to you. (Tossing my copy of The Puppet and the Dwarf, perhaps?   ;))

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I'm sorry, ZS. I know it's kind of douchey posting about successes like this on TGC, even in the acceptance thread. Maybe there's some way I could make it up to you. (Tossing my copy of The Puppet and the Dwarf, perhaps?   ;))


Just become a awesome philosopher and shake the world so I know that I lose to a worthy guy.

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BPhil puts me at 10/10. What the actual fuck.


Wow congrats! you're a beast! I'm so glad you didn't apply to Columbia because you would have totally taken the Early Modern spot from me (although I am a continentalist, I think my Spinoza writing sample is what got me in). Best wishes.

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I'm new here and have mostly been posting in the biology forums (it's complicated) but figured I'd chime in and say that I just got accepted at the Cambridge MPhil program. Probably won't go as I didn't apply for internal funding and the external funding that I thought was likelier fell through, though. ): 


Does anyone have any ideas about funding possibilities? I know it's a shot in the dark, but feel free to pm me or post here if you have thoughts!

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April 15 is absolutely ridiculous. Suppose a person received an acceptance offer from a bottom-ranked program B, but wait listed at a very-high-ranked program H, both of which set the deadline for their offers for April 15. Suppose the person has to accept or deny B's offer on April 15 when she does not hear from H. The most rational choice is to accept B's offer. But it turns out that she received an acceptance off the wait list at H after April 15, which she had to painfully deny because she was stuck with B. So April 15 is so ridiculous. This is partly because it is the standard deadline and almost every school follows it. If programs do not adopt a uniform deadline, the April 15 disaster would be avoided. 

How would having non-uniform deadlines possibly help? If B's deadline was April 15 and H's was April 20, that would just make it less likely a wait listed applicant would hear in time...

Having a standard deadline doesn't solve very problem, but it seems pretty clear that it's the best option.

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Congrats! I'm very jealous now.


Thank you! They said they were planning to make 7 funded offers this year. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! It was a personalized email, so seems likely that they could take a while to get them all out.

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Thank you! They said they were planning to make 7 funded offers this year. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! It was a personalized email, so seems likely that they could take a while to get them all out.

Thanks for the info. I sure would relish the opportunity to study with Michael Bergmann. If the rest of this season has been any indication, I'm probably going to end up going the MA route this time around. I will, however, hold on to hope as long as I can...

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BPhil puts me at 10/10. What the actual fuck.

Not at all surprising! Congrats on an incredible season. I hope you end up becoming a very famous philosopher one day so we can all say we knew you when. ;)

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