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Do Adcomms Google You? (Get your mind out of the gutter)

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Do Adcomms google you while making decisions?


I ask because I just got a notification on my Academia.edu account that said, "Someone just searched for you on Google and found your page on Academia.edu.” According to analytics, it looks like they are based out of the bay area in California, where I applied to a couple of programs. I don’t even use that account, but I’ve had it for a while and that’s the first time I’ve gotten a notification like that.


Is it wishful thinking to wonder if an Adcomm or POI is academically checking me out? Haha

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I think it's very likely they Google us. Why wouldn't they? There's so much information to be had on the internet now they'd almost be silly not to do a prelim search on their best candidates. The Chronicle article you posted in the other thread about overeager applicants had a comment from a professor who monitors GradCafe, so it's not much of a leap to assume they monitor Google as well.

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Haha I hope not because I definitely Googled myself last week to see what they'd find if they did decide to look me up. Nothing too exciting though, so I don't think it would help me and it definitely wouldn't hurt me. 

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I think some, but not all, probably do. I also have an academia account, and I got a few random pings to my name during this application process. Of course, it could just be one of my students looking me up, but there's always other possibilities. 

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Okay, now I KNOW that someone from UC-Davis is scoping me out--they just looked at my LinkedIn profile! Here’s to hoping this means good news, since it looks like most of their acceptances already went out. 

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That means they want you and are doing their due diligence before making the final decision. Is that what you want to hear? lol


I hope you get in if you want it that bad. I have a friend that teaches there and he loves the city and school. 

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Yes. So far my LinkedIn has registered at least one professor and one graduate student at two universities I applied to. There are also "anonymous" users who have looked at it and the number has definitely risen significantly since my application deadlines.

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That means they want you and are doing their due diligence before making the final decision. Is that what you want to hear? lol


I hope you get in if you want it that bad. I have a friend that teaches there and he loves the city and school. 


Haha it would be nice if that were true :) 

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Yes. So far my LinkedIn has registered at least one professor and one graduate student at two universities I applied to. There are also "anonymous" users who have looked at it and the number has definitely risen significantly since my application deadlines.


Please don’t be giving me false hope! Haha

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I've had professors google me and find my personal website. I think they do this in part to see what your presence on the internet is. For example, you may be on the website for a lab group or for a large volunteer service. This can give them an impression of how other groups perceive you, in addition to getting to read on projects that you may not have been able to elaborate on in your application materials.

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I've had professors google me and find my personal website. I think they do this in part to see what your presence on the internet is. For example, you may be on the website for a lab group or for a large volunteer service. This can give them an impression of how other groups perceive you, in addition to getting to read on projects that you may not have been able to elaborate on in your application materials.


This is good info. Do they do this for all candidates?

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I just checked my Linkedin, and it has noticeably more views than I usually get.  And it hasn't been "forever" since I last checked.  


I had already thought about the whole "Do they Google us?" thing and made sure anything on the Net was okay for adcomms to see.


A regular Google of me shows my RateMyProfessor reviews, plus my LinkedIn account, and a lot of links to a reading group I'm in (very related to my research interest).

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