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Everything posted by Human_

  1. I question your sanity... I would normally agree unless you are buying a first-gen product.
  2. Nothing in the market compares to the macbook. Once you've used a macbook for a period of time, anything else you get your hands on just feels shitty. If you don't need a performance machine, I would suggest the macbook air. Otherwise I'd say go for the retina.
  3. i'm too overqualified to be talking to you people on this forum
  4. The fact is that they are attending an academic institution and have to be enrolled in order to participate in sports. They are "student athletes" not "athletes". You should note that basketball players do not have to go to college in order to enter the NBA draft. Some players go straight to the developmental league and get into the NBA through that path. College is not necessary to go pro, so it is completely the choice of the athlete. No one is "forcing" them to go to school. If you think it's unjust that they have to attend class (which I disagree with), what do you think about the fact that they are unpaid? I understand the reasoning behind the rule, but I think it's even more ridiculous that a private company, like EA Sports, can make billions in sales on their video games without giving a dime to the players.
  5. 10 days, and my last recommender hadn't even submitted their letter yet.
  6. You're doing it wrong OP. The whole reason you overpay for the macbook hardware is to run a superior OS. Spending 2 grand on a mpb retina with the intent to only run Windows OS is completely asinine.
  7. That means they want you and are doing their due diligence before making the final decision. Is that what you want to hear? lol I hope you get in if you want it that bad. I have a friend that teaches there and he loves the city and school.
  8. I have read that it does help a lot to come from a prestigious undergrad program, especially since the adcoms understand how difficult it is to maintain a high GPA in that program whereas they have no idea how to judge GPA from a school they have never heard about. Though if your application is competitive all around, then you should still have a good shot.
  9. Yes. I didn't even realize that I wanted to go to grad school until late in my senior year.
  10. Well you still have this semester + your senior year left, so there's still time. Actually, I have 3 strong recommendations that all came from relationships I built my senior year, so it's definitely doable. Is there any type of optional thesis for your major? If a thesis requires you to get an advisor and possibly a second reader, then there are two people right there that will be able to write good LoR's for you. Plus, completing a substantial research project will definitely help your chances anyway. The next best option is to try to get involved with research that fits your interest. Other than that, you could start going to office hours for classes that are relevant to your desired field of study, and have conversations about whatever interests you. Just be sure you do well in class and show enthusiasm for the material.
  11. You're upset that she compliments your fashion sense? I don't get...
  12. I prepped minimally over a few months since I had a lot of free time. The main thing that helped me was understanding the way they try to trick you in the quant section. Especially in the quantitative comparison questions. As for the analytical writing, I hadn't read a single prompt until the morning of the test and scored a 5.5. Since you're applying next year, it will be good to have a base score that you know you can improve upon if you need to. But since it's an expensive test, wouldn't you want to reschedule and have a little bit of time to prepare in order to score better?
  13. It's Google's adserving platform (adsense). The algorithm determining what ad is displayed is largely based on your search history (while logged into a google account), your cookies, relevant information/keywords on grad cafe, and advertisers' bids (how much they're willing to pay per click in order to be shown instead of other advertisers). And it's a pay-per-click ad, though you do still earn a few pennies if you reach 1000 views with no clicks. At that point, though, you must be doing something really wrong to have a nonexistent or sub-1% click through ratio. This is what I see. They must have a high bid, because I'm definitely not looking up insurance on my free time lol. That has to be the ugliest ad ever created by a multi-billion dollar company.
  14. Learning disability? Maybe. But anything that requires you to medicate with amphetamines can hardly be considered an academic disadvantage lol
  15. Don't start off right away with the example. Your first paragraph should state in a general sense why you agree or disagree with the premise, and provide an outline of your argument. Each following paragraph should correspond to one of the points in your argument. At least that's how I wrote it and scored a 5.
  16. Definitely a higher GRE score. I'm really surprised you didn't get any higher than 158 considering your background.
  17. Loric you have 24 hours to reply to post #27 or Eigen wins by default.
  18. +1 Email decorum makes no sense. It's what happens when old people have to adopt a new technology. I don't see any point in manually writing a signature when the receiver can clearly see who sent the email before even opening the email. An auto-signature with name/title/information works well to abide by decorum without conforming to awkward email protocol. I hope these inane conventions change when a more tech-savvy generation comes to power. Generalize more plz. You're a TA, yet you act like you've won a nobel prize. Try removing the stick up your ass. For all things: USA > Canada
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