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Acceptances/rejections/funding in MTS/M.A./M.Div for 2014??!!


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I'm trying to gather the same information right now about PhD placement for Duke RS MA, HDS MTS, and UChicago MA to study Islam and authority.  Each school has such different strengths and weaknesses, that it might come down to placement.  


Yuanzhu - what I've been doing is checking where current PhD students at programs I am interested in got their masters.  

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I feel ya', Instanoodle.  I'm weighing HDS and UChicago.  I'm doing Islamic studies with an interest in Shi'ite esoterism and mysticism.  Chicago is definitely WAY stronger in that department, but I'll probably end up at Harvard considering that it'll save me about $36,000.

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Did anyone else get a surge of (false?) hope seeing that someone was accepted to Notre Dame just yesterday?! It said, "Theology, Masters" and I'm assuming that means MTS. I feel like it's more of a cruel mirage than reason to hope, but I still can't help myself. Anyone else hear back from ND?

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I just called ND and anyone who was admitted to the MTS program has been notified. Final decisions for the wait list will be made soon and the people will be notified in the next week or so. The school is on spring break right now.

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I just called ND and anyone who was admitted to the MTS program has been notified. Final decisions for the wait list will be made soon and the people will be notified in the next week or so. The school is on spring break right now.


Awwww... I was afraid of that. :(  Well, that will at least keep me from refreshing my inbox every 5 minutes. Thanks for the info!

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I feel ya', Instanoodle.  I'm weighing HDS and UChicago.  I'm doing Islamic studies with an interest in Shi'ite esoterism and mysticism.  Chicago is definitely WAY stronger in that department, but I'll probably end up at Harvard considering that it'll save me about $36,000.

That sounds like a good plan, Perytion. I'm also going between HDS and UChicago (for Tibetan Buddhist philosophy), but they both offered me the same aid package, so I'm leaning strongly towards Chi-town. It seems that Chicago is, very generally speaking, stronger in Asian religions. I also like the intellectual feel, which happens to suit me personally :)

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I'm only frustrated that we didn't see more activity on the Results Search screen. If I had just been following the activity by that, then I wouldn't have any idea that ND had done anything. Unless I'm missing something, there weren't any posts for this year?


Yeah, I noticed the same thing and felt frustrated too. Oh well. I've resigned myself that I'm getting my second rejection from Notre Dame in as many years. Unless I get great news from Yale today, I'll be heading to Boston College!

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Yeah, I noticed the same thing and felt frustrated too. Oh well. I've resigned myself that I'm getting my second rejection from Notre Dame in as many years. Unless I get great news from Yale today, I'll be heading to Boston College!

Did bc give you much funding? You don't have to answer that but, I was just curious because I was somewhat disappointed with their offer.

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Did bc give you much funding? You don't have to answer that but, I was just curious because I was somewhat disappointed with their offer.


I just PM'd you. :)

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The online application has been updated for YDS. Mine did not include financial aid information, though.

Yeah, same here. I wonder if that's why there hasn't been an email sent yet.

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