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Are acceptances always extremely positive?


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Just wondering if stuff like this is contained in every letter.


"The overall quality of our applicant pool this year was extremely strong. Your

remarkable academic accomplishments put you at the top of this applicant pool, and I
want to congratulate you on behalf of the entire department."
My gut says me "yes". :D
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Probably, though not for European universities. I have the impression that those acceptances are a lot more to the point, in general.


"It is our pleasure to confirm that you will be offered a place in the XXX"

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My favorite was: "We had a very strong applicant pool this year and were forced to make some difficult decisions, but the committee was very impressed with your application in particular. I was one of the committee members who read your file, and believe you bring some unique strengths to our group of graduate students."

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"A special congratulations on being admitted... with the offer of a... PhD Fellowship. You were selected from an applicant pool of the most highly qualified students in the world. We believe that USC will benefit from your talents -- and that you will thrive in our academic community."

I'm sure it was generic, but I love that they italicized special, haha

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They want to flatter you into accepting their offer, of course! 

...But an acceptance is a good thing, because the talent pool usually is significant. 


My acceptance so far was generic compared to these... "Congratulations! We are pleased to inform you of your addmission to xyz program for Fall 2014. XYZ is a renowed institution and you have been selected from a very qualified group of applicants", the rest went on to say what happens if I don't send yet another set of offical transcripts with degree posted.

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"Your application materials and letters look really good -- you were easy to promote as someone that the department should bring in if we can." - From my POI at my top choice.  Hearing that from someone you consider a rock star is just about as amazing as something can get. 

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"Your application materials and letters look really good -- you were easy to promote as someone that the department should bring in if we can." - From my POI at my top choice.  Hearing that from someone you consider a rock star is just about as amazing as something can get. 


Show it to your family and they'll be like "OMFG I am so proud of you".


But yes it is amazing. I never even expected to be admitted into my top choice and that I just laughed for one whole day when I read that :D

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Show it to your family and they'll be like "OMFG I am so proud of you".


But yes it is amazing. I never even expected to be admitted into my top choice and that I just laughed for one whole day when I read that :D

This whole experience has been great for filtering out family and friends that care vs. those who don't (for me, anyway).

I'd share stories, but they're kind of bummers :P

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This whole experience has been great for filtering out family and friends that care vs. those who don't (for me, anyway).

I'd share stories, but they're kind of bummers :P

No!!! There are people who aren't happy for you when you get into your program(s)? I mean my friends got a bit annoyed when I was whiny/braggy but I always tried to keep it in check so they also kept their annoyance in check :D

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Show it to your family and they'll be like "OMFG I am so proud of you".


But yes it is amazing. I never even expected to be admitted into my top choice and that I just laughed for one whole day when I read that :D

I laughed and screamed and laughed and cried.  I wasn't sure what my reaction was going to be when I was accepted, but I definitely didn't expect that! 

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"The MCBB Program Committee is impressed by your record and your research promise.

Might not be as sparkly as some on here but it still makes me feel pretty special.


I also know I got the standard reply: the prof said he enjoyed meeting me at the recruitment weekend.. but I didn't go to the recruitment weekend, heee. Still has my name on the top of the letter, so therefore this email was not missent, so I've got that going for me, which is nice. :D 

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No!!! There are people who aren't happy for you when you get into your program(s)? I mean my friends got a bit annoyed when I was whiny/braggy but I always tried to keep it in check so they also kept their annoyance in check :D

Unfortunately yes. Once when I got an opportunity and told my mom, she said, "do you have to do that?"

These days I just share with my closer friends and post a more generic announcement on Facebook to a small list of people. Then they can deal with their annoyance on their own and still like the post. :P

Edited by seeingeyeduck
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Unfortunately yes. Once when I got an opportunity and told my mom, she said, "do you have to do that?"

These days I just share with my closer friends and post a more generic announcement on Facebook to a small list of people. Then they can deal with their annoyance on their own and still like the post. :P

Oh I'm so sorry to hear that. Now I truly feel lucky to have supportive people in my life, even though they're not entirely sure what it id I'm not getting myself into :D Maybe your mom just needs a bit of time to warm up to the idea. A friend of mine just told me that she's waiting for her mom to start speaking to her again after getting so mad because my friend wants to go on a cross-country trip by herself!

If the situation is not the same, I'm sorry for being a little presumptive. Either you can always celebrate with us! We'll be totally psyched for you!

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"You submitted a very impressive application for graduate study at UB. Your record is great. Your preparation for a scientific career is excellent. Your progress in your publication record is scary (in the most positive way). I hope it works out for us to work together because I believe we would have a strong collaboration. Congratulations on your acceptance. We had many excellent applicants requesting to join our laboratory this year, and my recommendations for you reflect a serious regard for your abilities." (some more personalized parts removed)



That sub-quote alone would make me want to go to this school. XD Congratulations!!

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"You submitted a very impressive application for graduate study at UB. Your record is great. Your preparation for a scientific career is excellent. Your progress in your publication record is scary (in the most positive way). I hope it works out for us to work together because I believe we would have a strong collaboration. Congratulations on your acceptance. We had many excellent applicants requesting to join our laboratory this year, and my recommendations for you reflect a serious regard for your abilities." (some more personalized parts removed)



That sub-quote alone would make me want to go to this school. XD Congratulations!!


Ditto.  That would be extremely hard to turn down.


And bragging is fun...as long as you're bragging to others that were accepted.  I'm hoping that those with only rejections so far are stirring clear of this thread!

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"Your application materials and letters look really good -- you were easy to promote as someone that the department should bring in if we can." - From my POI at my top choice.  Hearing that from someone you consider a rock star is just about as amazing as something can get. 


^This!  I was blown away that my POI seemed as excited about admitting me as I was about being admitted.  It's amazing, but also a little frightening because now I have all these awesome expectations to live up to... @_@

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The email I received when I was waitlisted was far more "gushing" than my acceptance email.


Waitlist:  "many highly qualified applicants" .... "your application was strong"


Acceptance: "Congratulations. We are pleased to inform you..."

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Guest Gnome Chomsky

We had a lot of exceptional applicants this year. We also had a lot of sucky applicants. After accepting all of the exceptional applicants, we still had some spots available. Your application seemed to suck the least out of the remaining applicants. Regrettably, we would like to offer you admission into our program.

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^This!  I was blown away that my POI seemed as excited about admitting me as I was about being admitted.  It's amazing, but also a little frightening because now I have all these awesome expectations to live up to... @_@

Ditto here.  I'm working on not being as intimidated (or at least acting like I'm not as intimidated) as I feel. 

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Guest Gnome Chomsky

Mine were just normal, they congratulated me it wasn't overly personal

Did they use punctuation? Or have you guessing where the emphasis was?

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