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Fall 2015 Applicants

dr. t

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Just an FYI- I heard on Saturday that the UMich decisions are being close to finalized. No idea when they'll be out but they have to go through multiple rounds of people.


I know that's not very helpful, but maybe more helpful than silence? 

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I've found acacdemia.edu to be a nice way to get your name out there a bit. I've posted the book reviews I've published up there, along with audio from some conference presentations.

They will let you know when someone searches for you. I had someone at Stanford search out a book review I wrote and then explore my whole profile, and Academia.edu emailed me to let me know. Didn't seem to help with admittance, however.

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When I make my final choice, I'm taking my grandfather out to a nice dinner. He immigrated here in the 70s, but before he came to America he was one of the most educated and ambitious men on the island he was born. He moved here to improve his family's chances, like many immigrants do, but ended up doing backbreaking or janitorial work the rest of his life, never really learning the language. His dream was to be a professor in Portugal.

When I left his house today, he choked up, saying "one day, I'll be able to tell people my daughter is a doctor." He raised me, so he's like my dad. It made me cry. Of course, he said something was caught in his throat. My grandpa never cries ;)

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What's everyone gonna do when they get their first/dream acceptance?

I'd lose my tiny little sleep deprived mind, take a nap, buy a bottle of single malt, and try to go 24 hours without obsessively checking this feed (after finally discovering what the magical and mysterious Submit Results button is all about of course).

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Last night, I dreamed I was accepted at UNC Chapel Hill (my dream school). The most memorable parts of the dream were the reactions of my wife and my immigrant mother when I told them I was accepted. Like ashiepoo, I am my family's American Dream, I hope that dream comes true with an acceptance.

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When I make my final choice, I'm taking my grandfather out to a nice dinner. He immigrated here in the 70s, but before he came to America he was one of the most educated and ambitious men on the island he was born. He moved here to improve his family's chances, like many immigrants do, but ended up doing backbreaking or janitorial work the rest of his life, never really learning the language. His dream was to be a professor in Portugal.

When I left his house today, he choked up, saying "one day, I'll be able to tell people my daughter is a doctor." He raised me, so he's like my dad. It made me cry. Of course, he said something was caught in his throat. My grandpa never cries ;)

I have a very similar background, both my grandparents are immigrants from the Azores. Where in Portugal is your family from?

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How can I be out of upvotes???  I haven't given any today!


I, too, am the first person in my entire family to pursue a graduate degree, and one of the few to have a college degree period, let alone one from the US.  My father does have a bachelor from the US, which he got only a few years ago.  Needless to say, everyone thinks I'm the bee's knees, and when I tell them I applied to Harvard they think I'm a demigoddess.  If I get into Harvard, even if I end up going somewhere else, they might just build a shrine in my name.  It's inspiring and terrifying at the same time.

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I was thinking the same thing. I noticed alot of rejections, in recent years, occurred in the first full week of Feb, but if you go back alittle further, responses were sent out in late Feb. Whatever the case, we will most likely hear something in the next two weeks. *fingers (also) crossed*  I think we can say the same thing about Rice. 


Thought this may interest you. I spoke with a professor in the Austin history department today in an informal capacity. They informed me that decisions have not been finalized as of yet, so we may have to wait till the 3rd week of Feb. I also expect to hear back from Michigan and Emory around then so I suppose some of us will get a ton of decisions in one massive wave.

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Last year they didn't notify me until Presidnts day. I probably already got rejected because I didn't get an interview. But thank goodness I didn't pay anything for that app :D. Did you interview ?


I think that there's a little more than a snowball's chance that Emory notifies tomorrow. Any other opinions/predictions?

I am praying Emory notifies today...I don't think I can go through another whole week of waiting.

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Re: Vanderbilt admissions. I've had it from my source that the department is still negotiating with the Graduate School for a number of history slots. So while they're deliberating, it may be a little while longer than this week before results come out. Hope y'all are hanging in there!

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What's awesome is that, though we all have different backgrounds, our family histories got us to where we are. It's really cool hearing all your stories. Makes me want to be a historian of aspiring historians :)


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Pico! Where is your family from? Always love meeting another Azorean!

Well I guess I should clarify my grandfather is from Faial, but my grandmother is from Funchal. She would find the distinction very important!  Where did your family settle in the states. Mine are in Rhode Island.

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My grandfather's family settled in Massachusetts, my grandmother's mostly in California. We have some family back on Pico and some in Canada. I've never been to Funchal, but Faial is gorgeous (and so close to Pico!!) I'm traveling to the islands for about a month this summer. Have you ever been?

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