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Fall 2015 Applicants

dr. t

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I was at work when I found out so between screams of excitement with my boss there were tears. Then I called my mom while my coworkers quickly grabbed wine to celebrate. It didn't fully sink in until the next day.

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@Heimat Historian,

I also have an account on Academia.edu, and several of my POIs looked me up, as I did them. Personally, I dont think it matters in admission. I think the POIs that looked me up, did so to gain more information about myself; rather than calling/emailing for a scheduled interview. Either way, I dont think it matters. If the POIs are interested in a candidate, theyll ask for more information, one way or another. Nevertheless, I love the site cause some POIs post their articles and you can read it without paying for individual subscriptions.



Good to know when UMich will respond soon!



Upon acceptance to a program (with good funding) that I am pleased with (I want to attend all, but some more than others), I will first cry from happiness and/or scream like I won the lottery. Then, Im totally going to call everyone and brag. I think alittle bragging is appropriate in this case lol.



That is a beautiful story, ashiepoo72! That is something very personal, and thank you for sharing with us =D I too have a similar story. Both of my parents were professors in Budapest, Hungary. Unfortunately, during the Communist Era they were forced to pledge their service to the government, and when in the early 1990s, Hungary denounced Communism, they lost everything. We were kicked out of the country, lived for a number of years in a refugee camp in Marseilles, and then finally, immigrated to Cali in 2001. Since then, my mom, who was a biology professor, is working as an RN at CA Mens Colony Prison. My dad, a former medieval theologist professor, is working as a notary. Although I was too young to remember my life in Hungary, I can totally see how much my parents have suffered, and how much they lost. Going into academia for me is also a very personal decision.



Thank you for letting me know! One of my POIs actually called me today and left a voice mail with a similar message. I was at work, so I couldnt pick up, but I presume her telephone call is good sign for me?


@Josh J.

I know my UCLA POI quite well, and the last time I spoke to her, she told me that responses will be sent out in the final 2 weeks of FEB. Maybe a few letters will be sent out this week, but a bulk will be sent next week, for sure.



I've done the same thing lol. Whenever I talked to my parents, I give them an update on my applications, and when I do, I always make a few references to this site. This is a very very supporting, and solid community! Glad I stumbled upon it!!



I had a similar experience with Duke. They wanted all my transcripts from the time I went to UC Berkeley (dropped cause my parents needed help in LA), community college (went to two), and finally from UC Davis. First they didnt get my community college transcripts, then they lost my Berkeley ones. It was a very frustrating and messy time. Lets hope I dont have to do it again next application season >.<..



I want to shake and cry like a lunatic too =(



After last week with three rejections, Im really really really hoping for some good news this week. I need it.   :unsure:



Just remembered theres a new episode of Walking Dead. That'll keep me distracted for a good hr haha

Edited by LeventeL
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Congrats to all the Chicago admits, and congrats on the awesome offer Chiqui!


It's pretty great coming online after a day away and seeing so much good news happening. Let's hope it's a sign for a good week to come. 


Welcome aboard Aubstopper. I had the same issue with Davis (not getting my MA transcript and not accepting a digital replacement), so totally feel your pain. Really hoping there's some good news for us late admission review folks after the courier costs ate my grocery money


Had a job interview today, got email rejections for 2 jobs while I was there. All I want is an acceptance and a job to see out the next few months. If both could come through this week, that'd be swell... 

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Having spent most of my 3+ years off working in academic administration (ironically given my transcript situation, I've worked as an assistant registrar in two Chicago-area universities), I know exactly what is and isn't possible and the general timeframe for these sorts of things. Hebrew U was willing to do a paper transcript but I either had to do regular shipping (which takes 30 days!) or 3-day rush from the Middle East costing $80. Given that the application was around that price and that EVERY other university I applied to just did unofficial uploads, it just seemed crazy to me...especially since it was encouraged that we send our transcripts AFTER applying meaning everything was a rush transcript. I went to two community colleges (one where I took only one class), undergrad, study abroad, and grad school (5 transcripts to wrangle).

I know that at least in regards to my application to Davis, that it hasn't been evaluated yet (as of the previous Monday). The admin said that nomination for a particular fellowship had a deadline of the 4th of Feb, so it was preferable to get everything in before then (though they stated that your application could possibly still be evaluated even when incomplete).


My current job (i work in politics from home, in my pjs), luckily, has been extremely supportive of my applying to grad schools (even allowing me to go PT for 3 weeks), but they are going about this assuming I'm going to be leaving the position this summer. It is likely that I could end up without any acceptances AND no job. :( I'm confident in my applications but damn, some people's backgrounds are crazy intimidating!  

Edited by Aubstopper
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I got that same email, doesn't seem to be a rejection though? I didn't get an admissions though. Did the people who got admitted get that same email?

I didn't apply to Chicago but I got one. They started sending me stuff after I took the GRE again this September.

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Congrats to the chicago admits. I did my masters there. A challenging and great place. Looks like I didn't get an acceptance there, but who knows, maybe I'll make the wait list.

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