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Thanks guys :) I think today was okay-ish for speed for me until about 3pm, then it basically stopped. I was at my externship until 3 so I was okay until then. Now it's like...GAHHHHH. But I've been trying to get ahead on homework for my online classes to pass the time (not just for fun-but because I'm going to a concert next weekend and I can't do it then). I just wish I knew why schools took so long. My undergrad had a deadline of March 1 and had letters out by March 14th.

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Just got mail from Adelphi and got super excited to find out it was only a booklet about their graduate programs :( pretty disappointed. I just want to hear from somewhere at this point!

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Another one of my schools-top choice, most competitive according to EdFind-has been sending emails. Last time I didn't get one from a school, got one a week later with a rejection. :(

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Thank you for who ever created this thread. This waiting process is killing me. I applied to 9 schools and have been rejected from 2. And I haven't heard from the other 7 schools. I applied late December/ early January which I thought was early for the February 1st and February 15 deadline. I honestly don't know what else to do if I don't get accepted into a graduate program. I'm trying to stay positive but I have broken down in tears. Good luck to everyone waiting, hopefully we hear from programs soon.

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I applied to 8 and I'm hoping it's enough. I've still got 5 to hear from...plus my interview today so really, it's 6. Instead, I've tried to focus on looking forward to other things-like the concert I'm going to next weekend.

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Finally received my first acceptance!! Thank you guys for all the support & good luck to all of you! Don't give up hope! I'm sure all of you will receive some good news soon :)

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Congrats! Where did you get accepted to!? :)

SUNY New Paltz! I'm undecided if I'll attend because I haven't heard back from any other school yet but I'm excited to have an acceptance!

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I applied to 8 and I'm hoping it's enough. I've still got 5 to hear from...plus my interview today so really, it's 6. Instead, I've tried to focus on looking forward to other things-like the concert I'm going to next weekend.

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How is everyone doing? Staying calm?


I am still reminding myself that no news is good news. We still have a chance. The adcoms haven't rejected us yet and that is GOOD news. Perhaps there is an adcom member out there somewhere who loves our SOP and is fighting to have us in their program! We just have to wait until they convince the other adcom members that we are a perfect match for the program. =D


Breathe in, breathe out, and cross your fingers!

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Thank you for answering. New York schools are taking forever. I received 2 rejections (CUNY Hunter, TC Columbia) and CUNY Brooklyn emailed me yesterday that my application is currently being reviewed by the department and that it will take about 6 weeks to hear a response. Does anyone have information on CUNY Lehman's interview? So far that the only school that I've heard from and might be my only chance of getting accepted into a graduate program. Thank you so much for letting me vent on this forum.

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Thank you for answering. New York schools are taking forever. I received 2 rejections (CUNY Hunter, TC Columbia) and CUNY Brooklyn emailed me yesterday that my application is currently being reviewed by the department and that it will take about 6 weeks to hear a response. Does anyone have information on CUNY Lehman's interview? So far that the only school that I've heard from and might be my only chance of getting accepted into a graduate program. Thank you so much for letting me vent on this forum.

Speechie, I had an interview for Lehman College for Spring 2014. They ask a couple SLP questions. I was asked what are my hobbies. Why did I chose Lehman was another question. I hope this helps.  No writing sample was taken from me.

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Speechie, I had an interview for Lehman College for Spring 2014. They ask a couple SLP questions. I was asked what are my hobbies. Why did I chose Lehman was another question. I hope this helps. No writing sample was taken from me.

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Hey arcanelady27, was is a relaxed interview? And do you remember what type of SLP questions they asked? I graduated May 2012 so I've been put of school for awhile. Thank you for responding and did apply again this year to Lehman ?

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Hey arcanelady27, was is a relaxed interview? And do you remember what type of SLP questions they asked? I graduated May 2012 so I've been put of school for awhile. Thank you for responding and did apply again this year to Lehman ?

Honestly, not a relaxed interview. It was quite uncomfortable. First off, you sitting in chairs made for children. I am 5ft 10in so it is not comfortable. Two interviewers are sitting across from you and a table is in between. I was told there are two admissions committee members from the dept looking at the interview from the window they use to observe SLP treatment sessions.  The two questions asked where give two speech disorders and two language disorders. The other question was  what are the 5 components of language.  


Yes, I reapplied. I was granted another interview is Fall 2014. If you look in this thread, you'll find my story...I hate recanting it!

Edited by Arcanelady27
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I am expecting to get a letter today or tomorrow. I'm so nervous I could cry. Just please let me get at least one acceptance. PLEASE!! Someone help me stay calm. 

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Hey arcanelady27, was is a relaxed interview? And do you remember what type of SLP questions they asked? I graduated May 2012 so I've been put of school for awhile. Thank you for responding and did apply again this year to Lehman ?

Speechie218, I am sorry my story is in the NY/NJ thread. 

Long story short I took my prereqs at Lehman. My adviser told me I would not  get into grad school with my grades. I had just started prereqs and had good grades. However, I went to Lehman back in 1999 and did not do well. I left and got my BA at Hofstra in 2003. I have a MS also. When I tried to explain this to her, she says to me " I do not know what you are trying to sell me here" . Everytime I met with her, she me told I would not get in... Fast forward to Nov 2013, interview time for admission to grad school. Guess who is my interviewer? this B**** adviser. I did not feel like I got a fair impartial interview. I took it to the chair and eventually to the dean. 


On top of that, my application sat in the office complete and not reviewed by department although it was complete. I confirmed it was complete months ago. This same day people were receiving dates for interviews.  That my experience with Lehman.

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How is everyone doing? Any updates?   I got interviews at 2 of the 9 that I applied to so far.  No word from the other 7 (yet).  3 of them have already started sending out results since the end of Feb, which makes me super nervous.  I'm not sure if I should call them and follow up on my applications? 


Does anyone know what day that everyone must hear by?  (I've read some posts by 4/15, but I just want to make sure)

Also has anyone tried calling to follow up?  What luck have you had with that? 


Thank you guys! Good luck to everyone and sending positive energy to stay patient and calm!! I know I have my moments where I'm struggling with that :/

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