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Welcome to the 2014-15 Cycle


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Hey gang,


Looooong time lurker, first time poster.  This is my first cycle, and my job requires me to be near a computer all day, so there are few distractions from this torture.


That said, congrats to all the recent admits!  Let's stay positive folks, we've all worked hard, and we're all gonna be fine.



"The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion."  Camus

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Hey gang,


Looooong time lurker, first time poster.  This is my first cycle, and my job requires me to be near a computer all day, so there are few distractions from this torture.


That said, congrats to all the recent admits!  Let's stay positive folks, we've all worked hard, and we're all gonna be fine.

Fancy that; my neuroticism requires me to be attached to the computer almost all day, so I totally understand. 

What programs have you applied to?

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Hey gang,

Looooong time lurker, first time poster. This is my first cycle, and my job requires me to be near a computer all day, so there are few distractions from this torture.

And what do you do for a living? I'm wondering vaguely how many applicants have jobs. (I'm a financial journalist)

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Fancy that; my neuroticism requires me to be attached to the computer almost all day, so I totally understand. 

What programs have you applied to?


Most of the UC's (LA, Davis, San Diego, Irvine), Michigan, Chicago, and Northwestern.  I am applying for American/Quant subfields.  My stats are decent, but nothing special; math classes destroyed my GPA.  


Speaking of which, are there ANY Quant-nerds on this board?

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Hey, bromo-sapien!  What programs you looking at/what you looking to work on?  




And what do you do for a living? I'm wondering vaguely how many applicants have jobs. (I'm a financial journalist) 


Sartori, I'm in Tech Support at a software company.  Nothing fancy, I'm a punching bag for people who can't figure out business software...financial journalist, eh?

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Most of the UC's (LA, Davis, San Diego, Irvine), Michigan, Chicago, and Northwestern.  I am applying for American/Quant subfields.  My stats are decent, but nothing special; math classes destroyed my GPA.  


Speaking of which, are there ANY Quant-nerds on this board?


Same here: applied to all the UC's with the exception of Davis and Merced, though for Irvine I applied in sociology, and the other three you mention.  It looks like our apps won't be in much competition though since I applied in IR/CP.  My stats are pretty modest too, which is why I cast a large net.  Good luck!  I hear that having solid employment can offset other factors such as lower GPA.

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financial journalist, eh?

Yep, I cover economics for a newspaper in Abu Dhabi. It's interesting. I have a long backstory, academically and professionally speaking, which as BFB says, raises the variance but not the mean...

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Hey, bromo-sapien!  What programs you looking at/what you looking to work on?  


I applied to the programs at MSU, FSU, and UF, and am interested in IR and behavioral game theory/political methodology. I... like to think it's a good thing (??), since it is where the programs I'm applying to appear to be the least saturated (aside from just IR, of course). 


Would love to be able to focus primarily on game theory, though. Good thing it's extremely applicable within (nearly) all of the subdisciplines in poli sci!.... and also applicable to many other fields.... including video games.... like Virtue's Last Reward.... (hoping someone has the slightest idea of the Zero Escape series)


Best of luck to you - looks like you have some pretty amazing schools on your list.

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Email from Notre Dame Graduate School... oh wait they just can't find my official GRE score report  :huh:  *crazed laughter*.


I worked for a think-tank in Belgium (despite not speaking a word of Flemish or enough French), but have finished there to prepare for a 3,000 mile cycling trip and I definitely won't be going back! Trying to work on Plan B at the moment..

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I hadn't heard. What makes you expect today?


Last year, decisions were released from Jan. 27-28. But in the previous years, they have been released closer to the beginning of Feb. (around Feb. 1-3).

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Last year, decisions were released from Jan. 27-28. But in the previous years, they have been released closer to the beginning of Feb. (around Feb. 1-3).

Tea leaves and entrails. At least we're all in the same boat. Do people have Plans B?

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Tea leaves and entrails. At least we're all in the same boat. Do people have Plans B?


Plans A-N are the 14 schools I applied to. 

O is an Anti-human trafficking organization

P is the FBI

Q is a National Geographic photographer

R is marry into money. 

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I applied to the programs at MSU, FSU, and UF, and am interested in IR and behavioral game theory/political methodology. I... like to think it's a good thing (??), since it is where the programs I'm applying to appear to be the least saturated (aside from just IR, of course). 


Would love to be able to focus primarily on game theory, though. Good thing it's extremely applicable within (nearly) all of the subdisciplines in poli sci!.... and also applicable to many other fields.... including video games.... like Virtue's Last Reward.... (hoping someone has the slightest idea of the Zero Escape series)


Best of luck to you - looks like you have some pretty amazing schools on your list.


Yeah, I'm hoping that Methods makes me stand out, as it doesn't seem that popular (compared to IR and Comparative), but I have no idea how I match up to other folks' quant ability.  I do love how applicable game theory is to...everything, really; as a Professor said to me: "Once you see...the game theoretical logic...life is all games and subgames, it is all strategy..."  I'm hoping to use game theory and network analysis to look at the flow of information on social networks.  Pretty hot topic these days, eh?
Good luck to you too, Little Mac!  Hey, all we need is for one to say 'yes,' right?  
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Yeah, I'm hoping that Methods makes me stand out, as it doesn't seem that popular (compared to IR and Comparative), but I have no idea how I match up to other folks' quant ability.  I do love how applicable game theory is to...everything, really; as a Professor said to me: "Once you see...the game theoretical logic...life is all games and subgames, it is all strategy..."  I'm hoping to use game theory and network analysis to look at the flow of information on social networks.  Pretty hot topic these days, eh?


Good luck to you too, Little Mac!  Hey, all we need is for one to say 'yes,' right?

Methods != game theory, alas.

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