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First Year Students Fall 2014 How's It Going


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Have a 3.0 GPA coming out of my first semester. Didn't have a great one trying to live with my grandmother for the first time (trying to save on housing loans), I have discovered that I could survive there but I'm miserable there.


I'm hoping I can find some way to be able to live very close to school or even on the campus, but it seems that increasing my loans is the only way. Gma lives 1hr drive from the school, so that sucks. Don't have the gas to go there for anything more than class days so no friends at school or in the program.


Being in this situation right now I realize how incredibly fortunate I was to have housing at school or very close to school for all 4 years of my undergrad, it wasn't something I ever had to worry about my entire life until now (having a place to live). I work some part time jobs in undergrad but my dad paid most of housing costs which I am very thankful for. He's not in a position to help me pay for housing costs , or anything besides gas and some food if I need it, for graduate school and beyond.

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My first semester was incredible- aced all my classes, applied for some grants, worked in a great lab, established a wonderful social and professional network, etc.  It was all I could have hoped for and I truly enjoyed [almost] every minute of it :)


But now that second semester is starting I suddenly find myself completely out of steam.  I feel like I have zero motivation and am not sure I even want to be here right now.  Having 4 weeks off for winter break gave me a glimpse back into the world I left behind- the world of free time, friends, family, a paycheck, etc.- and suddenly grad school doesn't seem quite so wonderful anymore.  I'm sure it will get better, but I need to get through this slump.


Has anyone else experienced this depressing low after such a high?  I figure I should just wait it out and hope that things get better.  Thoughts?

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My first semester was incredible- aced all my classes, applied for some grants, worked in a great lab, established a wonderful social and professional network, etc.  It was all I could have hoped for and I truly enjoyed [almost] every minute of it :)


But now that second semester is starting I suddenly find myself completely out of steam.  I feel like I have zero motivation and am not sure I even want to be here right now.  Having 4 weeks off for winter break gave me a glimpse back into the world I left behind- the world of free time, friends, family, a paycheck, etc.- and suddenly grad school doesn't seem quite so wonderful anymore.  I'm sure it will get better, but I need to get through this slump.


Has anyone else experienced this depressing low after such a high?  I figure I should just wait it out and hope that things get better.  Thoughts?



I feel similarly.  The break has caused me to become a lazy lump.  Not in the mood to do anything, not even read for fun, which is something I used to love to.  I knew this program would be very hard for me, and I have done well considering the set backs I had going in.  But I fear not being able to follow through with it.  I just hope I have the backbone to finish this challenge.

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My first semester was incredible- aced all my classes, applied for some grants, worked in a great lab, established a wonderful social and professional network, etc.  It was all I could have hoped for and I truly enjoyed [almost] every minute of it :)


But now that second semester is starting I suddenly find myself completely out of steam.  I feel like I have zero motivation and am not sure I even want to be here right now.  Having 4 weeks off for winter break gave me a glimpse back into the world I left behind- the world of free time, friends, family, a paycheck, etc.- and suddenly grad school doesn't seem quite so wonderful anymore.  I'm sure it will get better, but I need to get through this slump.


Has anyone else experienced this depressing low after such a high?  I figure I should just wait it out and hope that things get better.  Thoughts?



I feel similarly.  The break has caused me to become a lazy lump.  Not in the mood to do anything, not even read for fun, which is something I used to love to.  I knew this program would be very hard for me, and I have done well considering the set backs I had going in.  But I fear not being able to follow through with it.  I just hope I have the backbone to finish this challenge.

Just want to encourage you guys that you can do it.  Our emotions are not static and throughout this journey I've experienced many highs and lows emotionally.  Everything from "I can't believe I got in!" to "What in the world was I thinking, I can't do this while mothering three little ones!", and I'm sure that roller coaster will continue.  Thank goodness for this forum where we can come and voice how we are doing and be encouraged by each other.  So I'm lifting you guys up today.  I'm here to encourage you and remind you that YOU CAN DO THIS.  Take it a day at a time.  When you are feeling down keep to your schedule and do the little things so that your coursework does not snowball because then you will feel even worse.  I have been so relaxed over winter break I'm am nervous about picking up the ball again and rolling with an intense schedule after being so relaxed.  We can do this! Say this several times to yourself putting emphasis on different words in the sentence.  Good luck guys! :D  :D  

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I'm feeling the same way, melancholy about being back in this big urban area after three glorious weeks in my small town, being doted on by my parents and hanging out endlessly with my sister and friends. The first time I went to the grocery store and remembered that I was buying food for myself alone and there would be nobody to share it with, the realization was incredibly depressing. I'm trying to start the reading for my research course next semester, but I just keep staring at the documents I picked and don't feel like reading to analyze at all. I read for fun all break and tried to forget everything having to do with school, and it was glorious, but being back in my tiny, overpriced apartment with roommates who are not my friends reminds me that I'm not in Kansas anymore. I really hope that I can manage to buckle down before classes start in a week.

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I am actually looking forward to my two classes tonight. I am ready to kick ass after a horrible first semester!

Let us know how your first night back goes.  Hopefully, this semester was better than last semester for you. 

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I didn't get as much done over break as I'd have liked, unfortunately.  I had a meeting with my adviser yesterday though and we have a lot of good stuff planned for this semester.  I'm pretty optimistic, but then again, I loathe having time off school -- I'd much rather have classes etc to occupy myself.  

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My class schedule is a hot steaming pile of a mess. There is almost no regularity to it. I was prepared to be a good sport about it, but new weekly scheduling commitments just got added on (and ran into multiple conflicts with other commitments, so currently being revised), and now I'm pretty cranky.


Probably wouldn't feel as frustrating if I wasn't preparing for the possibility of needing to euthanize my sick dog any day now while desperately grasping for any signs that she's getting better, but that's my situation right now, and it sucks a big one. 

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My class schedule is a hot steaming pile of a mess. There is almost no regularity to it. I was prepared to be a good sport about it, but new weekly scheduling commitments just got added on (and ran into multiple conflicts with other commitments, so currently being revised), and now I'm pretty cranky.


Probably wouldn't feel as frustrating if I wasn't preparing for the possibility of needing to euthanize my sick dog any day now while desperately grasping for any signs that she's getting better, but that's my situation right now, and it sucks a big one. 


Oh hon, I am so sorry.  I can't imagine the rollercoaster you are on. My thoughts are with you.

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Oh hon, I am so sorry.  I can't imagine the rollercoaster you are on. My thoughts are with you.

Thanks, I appreciate it. It's been very rough and has caused a number of small mental breakdowns as she cycles between looking promising and suddenly getting much worse. Not to mention the financial drain of making sure that we've tried every reasonable option that veterinary medicine has to offer her... But I'm very lucky to work with multiple supportive and highly compassionate people in my department and graduate program.

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Well my professor was a no-show to class last night. Turns out that my professor actually said that he was not going to teach this class this semester and the University did not step up and get another Professor. 

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Well my professor was a no-show to class last night. Turns out that my professor actually said that he was not going to teach this class this semester and the University did not step up and get another Professor. 


You've got to be kidding!?!?!  Are they going to do something about that?

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It's always tough to go back.  I am fighting a nasty cold I caught from my spouse (yay), and today is my first day of classes.  Wish me luck.  :P

Good luck!


My class schedule is a hot steaming pile of a mess. There is almost no regularity to it. I was prepared to be a good sport about it, but new weekly scheduling commitments just got added on (and ran into multiple conflicts with other commitments, so currently being revised), and now I'm pretty cranky.


Probably wouldn't feel as frustrating if I wasn't preparing for the possibility of needing to euthanize my sick dog any day now while desperately grasping for any signs that she's getting better, but that's my situation right now, and it sucks a big one.

Sorry to hear about your schedule and your sick pet.


Well my professor was a no-show to class last night. Turns out that my professor actually said that he was not going to teach this class this semester and the University did not step up and get another Professor.

What!! How did this happen? The university took your money they must provide a professor.
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My first semester was incredible- aced all my classes, applied for some grants, worked in a great lab, established a wonderful social and professional network, etc.  It was all I could have hoped for and I truly enjoyed [almost] every minute of it :)


But now that second semester is starting I suddenly find myself completely out of steam.  I feel like I have zero motivation and am not sure I even want to be here right now.  Having 4 weeks off for winter break gave me a glimpse back into the world I left behind- the world of free time, friends, family, a paycheck, etc.- and suddenly grad school doesn't seem quite so wonderful anymore.  I'm sure it will get better, but I need to get through this slump.


Has anyone else experienced this depressing low after such a high?  I figure I should just wait it out and hope that things get better.  Thoughts?

I'm definitely feeling this. First semester was an emotional roller coaster, but I made great friends and did well in my courses. Then the Winter break came and I realized what not being drowned in work feels like, and now I've spent the past two weeks staring at my thesis proposal and writing about one word a day before getting distracted. I have NO idea how it will get done at this point...

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They scrambled and got two adjuncts to co-teach the class. I have no idea what it is going to look like...I am wondering if I should drop it and pick up another class this semester instead. It is really weird and I feel like this class is going to be an issue :( . I feel really good about my Intro to Quantitative Methods. I am wondering if it is because I am so much more focused on my schooling this semester than last.

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They scrambled and got two adjuncts to co-teach the class. I have no idea what it is going to look like...I am wondering if I should drop it and pick up another class this semester instead. It is really weird and I feel like this class is going to be an issue :( . I feel really good about my Intro to Quantitative Methods. I am wondering if it is because I am so much more focused on my schooling this semester than last.

Go with your gut. Do you think the adjuncts have a good grasp of the material. Its really hard to say. I am currently enrolled in a class where the professor got pretty bad reviews. Initially, I wanted to wait and see if it was offered by another professor but later on however, this semester was the best semester to get it out of the way. So I'm taking the class and hoping for the best. I'm excited about the class and I'm hoping that when the end of semester evaluations went out last year the professor got some pointers on areas that need improvement. Best of luck which ever route you choose.

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Well they have a senior legislative staffer and a former Assistant Secretary of Energy co-teaching it so they are qualified  :P but I still have no syllabus or booklist so I have know idea what to expect.  <_<

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I want to be on winter break again. I caught the flu eating at the cafeteria. Feel horrible. Never eating at that trash place again. Coursework is good, I have one fun class in interdisciplinary condensed matter physics, but my advanced quantum class is terrible. Should I take a 3rd class on the physics of solar cells, or just chill out this semester?

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So uh, I thought I'd chime in with an update.


I survived my first semester. Went through a rough patch of I dunno- impostor syndrome? My self-esteem took a dive. I thought I was doing terribly. My adviser helped me through it though. I'm really grateful to have a supportive program. By the end of the semester I felt okay though. I made it, anyways.


The new semester is starting though. I'll be super busy with a number of commitments going on.


I might explode. We'll see how it goes. :) I'm excited. 

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I am never ever coming back a week late again. No conference is worth being a week behind by week two. Ugh. My classes this quarter are just not fun or relevant to my area. One of them seems to be intent on giving all the students either sleep deprivation or intense anxiety issues. Or both. Suffice to say that the joy of first quarter has gone, and I've been brought well and truly back to earth. Also, it's very cold, and I miss my bf who's a long way away :( SAD much?

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I have the bad luck to be catching a cold, developing a yeast infection, and suffering through a two-week heavy menstrual period right before classes start today. I feel absolutely awful physically, and I'm starting to stress about being at a zombielike level of functionality for the first week of classes. I hope that I can handle this. Thank goodness I only have one seminar and daily language classes this week.

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