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Just got an email from the graduate school saying that the department at Nebraska recommended me and they said congrats !!!!!



Did you ever figured out what happend?


This seems to contradict your old posts. 



Edit: gratz!

Edited by GeoDUDE!
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Did you ever figured out what happend?

This seems to contradict your old posts. 

Edit: gratz

First, congratulations columbia09. But like GeoDUDE!, I am also confused--it sounds like you've been accepted at the grad school level but declined at the departmental level from what you've posted here. Did you apply to two different departments? What is the timeline on all of this (eg does the graduate school acceptance predate the departmental notification despite being sent later), and did the department change it's decision one way or the other?


Additionally, what I meant earlier (whether your prospective advisor is "sensitive" or not), is that involving the department without speaking to him first can have negative professional ramifications for him (the opinion of his peers, departmental rules about offering acceptances, internal grant consideration to cover your costs). While I'm pleased it worked out for you, things could have gone south for you depending on the personalities involved--it is clear the department admin you contacted did not ask your prospective advisor what was up before going to the chair.

Edited by Usmivka
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No just one department I'm going to wait and see what my advisor says. It is very possible that this was just a mistake and the department did in fact recommend me either that or my advisor said something. In any case I'm just happy that things worked out 

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E-mailed POI at Boulder. He told me that they're in a 'holding pattern' currently. Probably a nice way of saying you're wait-listed/rejected. I'd encourage others to e-mail them if you really want to know. 

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Also the only thing I'm concerned about at this point is the big f word because the email i received, which was from the department, did not mention anything regarding it. I'm just going to wait until I hear back from my advisor or the department about it  

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Also the only thing I'm concerned about at this point is the big f word because the email i received, which was from the department, did not mention anything regarding it. I'm just going to wait until I hear back from my advisor or the department about it  

The whole scenario is so very weird. I hope it's all explained in due time, and all is well. 

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So I found out that my POI forgot to email the department saying to admit me. The bummer though is that they didn't give me a TA position and I don't believe my advisor has funding unless he found some within the last three weeks somehow. I'm going to have to talk to him about options now. They stated though that it is possible for me to get a TA position if someone else doesn't accept one 

Edited by columbia09
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Ok, so I emailed one of my POI's and it seems as though I'm on some sort of waitlist (maybe rejection list), but this is what he said, any insight would help:


"It is good to hear from you. The admissions committee deemed that you are admissible to the graduate program in geophysics. However, it is departmental policy to only accept students that can be supported on a GRA or GTA. At this time my GRAs are committed to current students. I have one pending proposal that can potentially provide GRA support, but I do not know yet. The GTA pool is extremely competitive because it includes students from all geology sub-disciplines. Currently you are placed in the GTA pool “waiting list” and we are waiting to see how that evolves.
I will let you know as soon as I have more information. Good luck finishing your studies this semester."
and later after I replied (I asked about how often GTA's become available):
"GTA offers are a moving target. Some offers we make are turned down, but we do not hear from students for a while. Then a student that has accepted a GTA gets put on a GRA because a grant gets funded so the GTA is released. So it is hard to predict the outcome.
I will keep an eye on the GTA situation and let you know if something changes."
What do you all think...?
I should say he was very quick to reply my emails, and is generally a very friendly person towards me.
Edited by anco3393
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colombia09:  That makes more sense.  Professors are notoriously forgetful.  It comes with having half a bajillion things to do every day. 


anco3393:  To me, it sounds as it is meant exactly as it reads.  You are accepted, but you are not funded yet.  You are on the TA waiting list.  Depending on where you are on the list, if someone declines, you will be offered the TA position.  Most departments have the policy of not admitting students who aren't funded.  I would think that if funding falls through, you will then be rejected.  Since a lot of students wait until the deadline to give themselves enough time to make a decision, you may not hear about whether you are offered a TA position until after April 15.  Crappier than a yes, better than a no. 

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This place is dead. I thought this was the exciting part of the year.

Oh definitely. I've been lurking, but nothing has changed on my end. You guys have played words with friends, right? Well I really like the nudge feature that allows you to tell your opponent "hey, not trying to rush you, but don't forget I'm waiting here." I wish I had that right now for grad school. Being waitlisted suckss.

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I am definitively on a waitlist for the last school I'm waiting to hear from. At this point I'm more anxious to hear back about the NSF GRFP and NDSEG since winning one of them might get me off the waitlist.


I work full time in an office environment and am getting restless in these last few weeks. Anyone have suggestions for productive ways to spend down time at work so I stop mindlessly refreshing my email every minute? I read literally every article on google news each day already. If nothing else, I've become a very informed citizen.

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This place is dead. I thought this was the exciting part of the year.

It seemed like last year around this time people were getting decisions left and right. Weird to have such radio silence in mid-March.

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Just waiting for April 15th...maybe I'll hear better news then.  In the meantime, I'm thinking about putting in a late application to UNLV.


They are still taking applications for fall? 

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They are still taking applications for fall? 


The application deadline has passed, but most schools (UNLV included) you can set up a late application submission.


Edit:  Which basically puts you on the waiting list, if you pass the cuts.

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The application deadline has passed, but most schools (UNLV included) you can set up a late application submission.


Edit:  Which basically puts you on the waiting list.


That's interesting. I did not know that. How does one go about doing that?

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That's interesting. I did not know that. How does one go about doing that?


Contact the person in charge of the graduate admissions applications.  Sometimes its a faculty member, sometimes an admin.

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