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  On 2/10/2015 at 5:10 PM, aleksp said:

Does anyone know how to login my myUWindsor? I was never given any login information and my student numbers and what not are no working :S

I got the email confirmation and my student number, I can login and see my status. Maybe you can write an email to them to ask for it?


Fiestyfem- how were you notified about the Windsor program? Did they email you? Congrats!!


Not sure if anyone here applied (I didn't, since they only have a 1-year program and I am in the 2-year stream), but a friend of mine got an acceptance to McMaster's MSW today. So just a heads up, if anyone here applied there! Don't know any of the details and it's been like 7 years since we've spoken so I'd feel weird asking her for details, she just posted it on Facebook.


As for plan Bs, I'm still working on my plan B from last year, haha. I got a few relief positions in the youth services field (one at a youth shelter and one at a group home for young pregnant and parenting mothers) with my undergrad in child and youth care and am still looking for full-time work (I have been looking since JUNE!!!!). Sadly, I had just started these positions when applications came due, so I didn't have a ton of hours to show for them, but it's great experience and learning for me professionally and hopefully it will count for something on my applications ;). In the meantime, I have just continued to apply for full-time work knowing that the longer I work these relief positions, the better a candidate I am for both jobs and grad school. I figure that if I don't get in this year, I will just... keep working and try again!


Does anyone know approximately how many people University of Windsor accepts into each of the 2 year and one year programs?



From what I remember last year, I think there are 30 spots available for the two year track. Not certain about the one year program. 


  On 2/10/2015 at 11:42 PM, Dani4 said:

Does anyone know approximately how many people University of Windsor accepts into each of the 2 year and one year programs?



This wait for the two-years is so long! I have checking my accounts everyday, and I shouldn't be expecting responses for 2 months. Where is everyone from? Anyone from KW? :)


Hey everyone
It's so nice to hear from  more of you (especially those who have been reading for a while and are just joining now) - I like reading your posts and remembering that I'm not alone in this long, looooong wait!

My Plan B is to travel and then find work. My contract is up at the end of June so I'll be travelling and relaxing for July/August -- planned unemployment, which I'm actually extremely excited about!! I know that I need a solid break before starting grad school (which I haven't ever had), if I get in this year. If I don't get in, I'm planning to travel a bit more extensively, reapply for Fall 2016, and then look for full-time work again.

At this point I am hoping to either be flat out rejected or accepted. I really, really do not want to endure a waiting list. The waiting list SEEMS better than a rejection (and for some of you, it would be) but I honestly cannot tolerate uncertainty all the way up until September. I would rather just know, come to terms with a rejection, and move ahead confidently with my Plan B. I read on a previous forum that someone was accepted to the U of T 2-year MSW less than a week before classes started in September!! The thought of having to wait until then, and then potentially dropping all plans and maybe moving on short notice, is just excruciating.



would it be too early to send some emails to the depts I have applied to and ask for info on admission decisions?

  On 2/11/2015 at 6:54 PM, salvoquat said:

would it be too early to send some emails to the depts I have applied to and ask for info on admission decisions?

Salvoquat, you might want to try asking in a different forum related to PhD's in Canada or classical studies, this one is for people applying to the MSW programs in Canada. 

  On 2/11/2015 at 7:20 PM, b39 said:

Salvoquat, you might want to try asking in a different forum related to PhD's in Canada or classical studies, this one is for people applying to the MSW programs in Canada. 

sure, sorry about that!

  On 2/10/2015 at 5:10 PM, aleksp said:

Does anyone know how to login my myUWindsor? I was never given any login information and my student numbers and what not are no working :S

It's been years since I set myUwindsor up so I kind of forget,

But when I was admitted here for my BSW I had to log into SIS first.

They should have given you a student number and a PAC number and you use that to log into SIS. (Just google SIS university of windsor and the website should pop up). On SIS you can check application statuses, transcripts, etc. pretty much anything myUWin can do SIS can do too.

If you don't have a PAC number and still can't log in, I would call 519-253-3000 and ask for IT services. They're usually pretty good with this sort of thing.

  On 2/10/2015 at 8:12 PM, Jennbe said:

Fiestyfem- how were you notified about the Windsor program? Did they email you?


Thank you :)

I was notified by email but some of my classmates didn't get an email, but it popped up on their SIS and MyUWindsor accounts under applications.

  On 2/10/2015 at 11:42 PM, Dani4 said:

Does anyone know approximately how many people University of Windsor accepts into each of the 2 year and one year programs?


I've *heard* (please don't quote me, I'm not 100% sure if this is factual or not),

But for the two year program here there are roughly 4 applicants for every 1 spot...for the 1 year program I've heard 40% of applicants get in.

Most universities I have talked to are more than willing to give out this information; I would call and ask :)


Hi everyone!


Does anyone here know a lot about the advanced standing program at UBC-Okanagan? From what I gather it's a really great school for clinical social work and tuition in BC is much less than in Ontario. However, If I am accepted and choose to go, it will mean moving far away from family, friends, and my partner for a year. Wondering if it will be worth the discomfort.

  On 2/12/2015 at 3:37 PM, cheekss said:

Hi everyone!


Does anyone here know a lot about the advanced standing program at UBC-Okanagan? From what I gather it's a really great school for clinical social work and tuition in BC is much less than in Ontario. However, If I am accepted and choose to go, it will mean moving far away from family, friends, and my partner for a year. Wondering if it will be worth the discomfort.


Well, ultimately that is up to you! It's a matter of weighing the pros and cons of both.


One other thing to consider is that a big part of your job as an MSW student is networking through other students and your placements, etc., so think about where you will want to work and practice, since that's where you want the bulk of your professional network to be. No matter where you go, though, that year is gonna fly by, so even if you do go away and it really sucks to be away from everyone, it'll go by quickly (which can be a good and bad thing!)


Hey cheekss,


I just received my acceptance 2 days ago to the advanced standing MSW at UBCO, and I couldn't be more excited!! You are certainly right that tuition is cheaper (nearly half the price!), and I've also been told it's a great clinical school. The move is scary, but it's an incredibly beautiful place, and as lightning1129 mentioned, time will fly by. Also know, that other people (like myself) will be in the same boat, and sometimes just knowing that makes things a little bit easier. Yes I agree that a lot of networking is involved in this field, however, experience is also a huge asset, regardless of the geographical location of where that experienced was gained.


Also, to earlier posts on this thread (sorry, I have been slacking on this thread this year) I'm going to give you a little run down to give people some idea of how persistence and dedication really does pay off in the end. If this turns into an essay, I apologize in advance!


I applied 3 years ago, got wait-listed at 2/3 schools that I applied to for the 2-year MSW. The following year I applied to 2-year MSW and 1 year HBSW at Lakehead Orillia. Again, I got waitlisted at U of T, but got accepted at Lakehead. So for those who posted questions earlier in this thread about lakehead - this info is for you! The 1year program is definitely very difficult, and very demanding - as to be expected out of a condensed program. While yes, it may not be the 2 year MSW that you hoped for, it will still take you 2 years to get an MSW (1 year at lakehead, and then the 1 year advanced MSW) and you have 2 degrees. Furthermore, the program at Lakehead is so small, that you can build great relationships with professors during your time there, which is extremely useful for future applications, etc. They recommend you don't work, but about a handful of us worked during the program. It was not easy, but for me it was necessary (I had just made the decision to buy a new car... ooops!). Anyways, 6 months of hard work in Orillia for class work, and then 5-6 months of placement wherever you'd like - I think almost all people in my program went back home to do placements. If anyone has any other questions about this program, feel free to ask me! I highly recommend it to those who are trying to apply for the 2 year MSW.


Anyways, on my THIRD year applying for the MSW, I have been ACCEPTED (yay!!) to UBC Okanagan campus in Kelowna. While I am still waiting to hear from Laurier and U of T, my mind is already made up on going out west.


Long story short - keep trying! Explore other options (such as the HBSW), volunteer, and remember that eventually you WILL get accepted :)


Hope that's somewhat helpful for you guys. Any questions, feel free!


For those of you going out West check out placement options at Interior Health! I have a friend who works there that loves it. Also, if you're not set on going back to Ontario right after grad, Alberta Health Services has some great post-MSW positions that pay incredibly well.

Posted (edited)

cheeks - Welcome!  Glad to see someone else who is applying to advanced standing so we can all obsess together.  Hearing from Laurier is SO close.  Today is the 12th, we have to get through tomorrow and then the long weekend and then it is the 17th which means we could very well be hearing next week!!!  I want to get in so badly, even though I am already in at UofT, and I don't know how much longer I can stand the waiting.  If I get in at Laurier I will be opening up a spot for someone who wants to go to UofT.  While I love the program at UofT it will be hard for me to commute for classes (in the last couple of years I was diagnosed with lupus and celiac's disease so I am still struggling with health) so Laurier is definitely my top choice!

Edited by smpalesh

@purplegrey I could be wrong, but that appears to be concerned with teaching assistants and non-tenured positions. So, unless the professors on the admissions committee are part of that group of individuals I do not think it would affect the admissions process.  However, someone could always email Angela to find out a definite answer.

  On 2/12/2015 at 6:28 PM, soapaddict said:

@sdp732 what is interior health exactly ?


It's the local health authority in the Okanagan region in British Columbia. It's a great placement option for anyone doing an MSW at UBCO!

Posted (edited)

I literally think about whether or not I will get in EVERYDAY! I applied for the 2 year at U of T, York, Laurier, Carelton, and Windsor. 

I will likely be getting an apartment and moving out to be closer to which ever school I get into. 

Is anyone else going to be moving out and getting an apartment? If you do, do you plan on living along or with a roommate? 


On a different note, does anyone know how to add the "signature" where you can write what schools you have applied to at the bottom of your post? 



Edited by Social Work 93

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