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Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2015 admissions


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LOL blh22, exactly how I feel. I wish it would be March already! Waiting while job searching ... very unsuccessfully is like a double knockdown to my self esteem plus too much time on my hands haha. 

Unfortunately commuting with no income for volunteering became unsustainable and now I have wayyyy too much free time :( 

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Good luck everyone!! I have no idea when Ryerson sends acceptance letters, and I don't want to start calling and bothering them yet lol! I reviewed previous threads and it seems like people get them anywhere from the end of February to early April.

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Now why didn't I think to find a Ryan meme! Love it haha



Good luck everyone!! I have no idea when Ryerson sends acceptance letters, and I don't want to start calling and bothering them yet lol! I reviewed previous threads and it seems like people get them anywhere from the end of February to early April.

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K, so, I don't want to be the cause of more heart attacks, but I just got an acceptance email from Carleton. 


Maybe this will help: 



For one year though right??!

I feel highly invested in making sure purplegrey doesn't faint from this news.


Also I am loving these memes and guided relaxations, haha.


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whatttttttttt!!!! oh my goodness!!! Okay, I can't handle this, okay I can but ahhhhhh! CONGRATS!!!!!! That's great news!!!

K, so, I don't want to be the cause of more heart attacks, but I just got an acceptance email from Carleton. 


Maybe this will help: 


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Thanks for the thoughts :)! I'm sitting in class freaking out. I knew I should have self-controlled this website until the end of the day. 

For one year though right??!

I feel highly invested in making sure purplegrey doesn't faint from this news.


Also I am loving these memes and guided relaxations, haha.


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kourterr - Yes, I am basing it on what happened last year.  I know it can be different though.  Last year I was applying as well and I was waitlisted.  Acceptances went out on February 21, most people who were rejected got a letter on the 24th and I got a waitlist email on the 26th.  There is no guarantee that they will be going out this week, I just have myself convinced that if I don't hear by the end of the week it's bad news.  Last year I emailed and they responded to me that the acceptances would be going out at the end of the week (that was on February 18 last year).  This year I am too scared to email and I don't want them to think I am a crazy person....although I am starting to think I just might be ;)

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I don't know if anyone has answered this yet (I don't think so, but sorry if it is redundant!). Can the people who have been accepted into Advanced Standing @ U of T clarify if their ROSI accounts have been updated, and also if the original graduate application page says "decision made"?  Congrats to everyone who have received offers!!!!!!!!!

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I don't know if anyone has answered this yet (I don't think so, but sorry if it is redundant!). Can the people who have been accepted into Advanced Standing @ U of T clarify if their ROSI accounts have been updated, and also if the original graduate application page says "decision made"?  Congrats to everyone who have received offers!!!!!!!!!


Hi Everyone, I second the question above. Has anyone's ROSI status been updated since receiving their acceptance letter? Also, any word on whether or not any rejection letters from UofT have been sent out/received yet?


Thanks, and good luck everyone!

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For those of you in Ontario applying to advanced standing MSW programs, have you tried to enter the job market with a BSW? I graduated with my BSW in May 2014 and found it really difficult to find a job in the GTA/Kitchener/Guelph/Waterloo/etc area. I ended up moving to Alberta for a six month contract in July 2014. My contract recently ended and I chose not to renew (rural Alberta honestly is just not for me...). As of now I'm trying to decide if I should just move back to Ontario whether or not I get into an MSW program and try to find work.. or if I should try to land a job in Calgary or Edmonton as those cities at least seem less competitive than the GTA.  I would love to hear people's experiences of trying to find work in the GTA! :)


I know you asked about finding work in the GTA- which I can't comment on- but I can comment on finding work in the Calgary region. Calgary is currently hiring caseworkers for children's services if this is something you are interested in. The posting is still up for it on the government website. I'm working as a caseworker currently, and although it is hard work, it is rewarding and pays well. I work mostly with people who have their BSW, but there are also several others who have their MSW, as well as those who (like myself) have a regular bachelors degree and a ton of experience. 

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I have my fingers crossed for you! It's only Thursday 2:30 so there's still a few hours and tomorrow. Also, since it was family day in Ontario, maybe they are one day behind and the rest of the acceptances will be sent out on Monday. Try and look on the bright side :)

I'm equally freaking out because I don't want an email from Carleton since that means a rejection - so every time my phone vibrates I don't want to check it with fear it's the rejection email. I'm actually going to be devastated if that happens. I'm ready for a rejection from Laurier and U of T, but not Carleton. I really really want Carleton to accept me. I'm so anxious and stressed out. Ugh, so scary. 


I freak out everytime my phone dings too - hoping its NOT carelton ... 

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Oh my gosh, so happy to have found this thread! Although I still have at least a month to wait, and just watching everyone else freak out is making me anxious...eep. I'm really starting to wish that I'd applied to more schools than just Laurier!

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