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Fall 2015 Acceptances (and Rejections) Thread


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Does anyone know if it is appropriate to contact a school if you were rejected and ask for feedback on what you can do to make your application stronger for next year?

Edited by sdr2659
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I don't know if this is the right place to vent, but the frustration of these all just went to overdrive mode. Like almost all of you here, I worked my butt off for application, and have no back up plans that is viable or even anything remotely to anything I am comfortable doing. I am a Business major, my boyfriend, my family, all of them have been criticising me for wanting to do Sociology, they tell me what can you do with that? It's a useless subject for people with too much time..and last of all, they have been saying that I have been wasting my money applying for Sociology programs with a Bachelors of Business background and if I fail, it's cause I am too ignorant to recognise that. I have 4 schools left and the lack of response is turning me into a wreck. Nobody supports my decision to pursue this and so many people are waiting to see me fail. I don't know what I am going to do in September, most of us that haven't got any good decisions don't and brrr...potato. I just wanted to vent. Thanks for reading! 

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I don't know if this is the right place to vent, but the frustration of these all just went to overdrive mode. Like almost all of you here, I worked my butt off for application, and have no back up plans that is viable or even anything remotely to anything I am comfortable doing. I am a Business major, my boyfriend, my family, all of them have been criticising me for wanting to do Sociology, they tell me what can you do with that? It's a useless subject for people with too much time..and last of all, they have been saying that I have been wasting my money applying for Sociology programs with a Bachelors of Business background and if I fail, it's cause I am too ignorant to recognise that. I have 4 schools left and the lack of response is turning me into a wreck. Nobody supports my decision to pursue this and so many people are waiting to see me fail. I don't know what I am going to do in September, most of us that haven't got any good decisions don't and brrr...potato. I just wanted to vent. Thanks for reading! 

This is a tough process. I feel your pain. That you have a bachelor's in business is not necessarily a strike against you. Are you applying to the Master's level? Your GPA matters obviously, but your letters of rec and personal statement are huge. Have you established any relationships with professors at the school you are applying to? That makes a world of difference also. It's kind of late for it now, but that's what really matters. Hang in there. This is nerve-wracking, but you're not alone. If you stated that you wanted to work with certain professors at a university, you could send them an email and politely inquire if the admissions office/committee has contacted them about you, because you really want to work with him/her and so and so school is your first choice. It might not help, but can't hurt.

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This is a tough process. I feel your pain. That you have a bachelor's in business is not necessarily a strike against you. Are you applying to the Master's level? Your GPA matters obviously, but your letters of rec and personal statement are huge. Have you established any relationships with professors at the school you are applying to? That makes a world of difference also. It's kind of late for it now, but that's what really matters. Hang in there. This is nerve-wracking, but you're not alone. If you stated that you wanted to work with certain professors at a university, you could send them an email and politely inquire if the admissions office/committee has contacted them about you, because you really want to work with him/her and so and so school is your first choice. It might not help, but can't hurt.


Thank you, that actually made me feel a bit better. I took your advice and e-mail the professor to see if she has been contacted about me. It is nice to feel like I am able to do something about it (even though it might not help, as you said). Really, really hope that I get in, somewhere. 

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DGS of Binghamton told me this a few weeks ago: " We will be having our admissions meeting in mid February and you will hear from me regarding your status towards the end of the month."


Hang in there!


Boston U, UCR, Binghamton, UofOregon, Toronto? Any news? Anything? *Sigh*

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DGS of Binghamton told me this a few weeks ago: " We will be having our admissions meeting in mid February and you will hear from me regarding your status towards the end of the month."


Hang in there!

Thank you for the info  :)

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No prob! Also, I thought U of Oregon had already made their decisions, no?


It seems that some people had already heard form them (both rejected and accepted). My status still says pending, whatever that means.


Edited by sociologygrad
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Well, you applied to some seriously competitive programs... If it doesn't work out this year, maybe try again next year at different schools! I was denied a few years ago to my top choices. I just applied again this year and got in! So it can happen. Hang in there. 

I don't know if this is the right place to vent, but the frustration of these all just went to overdrive mode. Like almost all of you here, I worked my butt off for application, and have no back up plans that is viable or even anything remotely to anything I am comfortable doing. I am a Business major, my boyfriend, my family, all of them have been criticising me for wanting to do Sociology, they tell me what can you do with that? It's a useless subject for people with too much time..and last of all, they have been saying that I have been wasting my money applying for Sociology programs with a Bachelors of Business background and if I fail, it's cause I am too ignorant to recognise that. I have 4 schools left and the lack of response is turning me into a wreck. Nobody supports my decision to pursue this and so many people are waiting to see me fail. I don't know what I am going to do in September, most of us that haven't got any good decisions don't and brrr...potato. I just wanted to vent. Thanks for reading! 

Edited by Hydra_89
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I don't know if this is the right place to vent, but the frustration of these all just went to overdrive mode. Like almost all of you here, I worked my butt off for application, and have no back up plans that is viable or even anything remotely to anything I am comfortable doing. I am a Business major, my boyfriend, my family, all of them have been criticising me for wanting to do Sociology, they tell me what can you do with that? It's a useless subject for people with too much time..and last of all, they have been saying that I have been wasting my money applying for Sociology programs with a Bachelors of Business background and if I fail, it's cause I am too ignorant to recognise that. I have 4 schools left and the lack of response is turning me into a wreck. Nobody supports my decision to pursue this and so many people are waiting to see me fail. I don't know what I am going to do in September, most of us that haven't got any good decisions don't and brrr...potato. I just wanted to vent. Thanks for reading!

I totally understand! I used to be a business major and later switched. It was tough, but hang in there. Things will finally work out! You are doing something you really like and that's the point!

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I don't know if this is the right place to vent, but the frustration of these all just went to overdrive mode. Like almost all of you here, I worked my butt off for application, and have no back up plans that is viable or even anything remotely to anything I am comfortable doing. I am a Business major, my boyfriend, my family, all of them have been criticising me for wanting to do Sociology, they tell me what can you do with that? It's a useless subject for people with too much time..and last of all, they have been saying that I have been wasting my money applying for Sociology programs with a Bachelors of Business background and if I fail, it's cause I am too ignorant to recognise that. I have 4 schools left and the lack of response is turning me into a wreck. Nobody supports my decision to pursue this and so many people are waiting to see me fail. I don't know what I am going to do in September, most of us that haven't got any good decisions don't and brrr...potato. I just wanted to vent. Thanks for reading! 


Totally! I agree w/you 100% and feel the same way in alot of ways. I have a backup up north (Canada), but there are problems w/the offer I've .gotten. How to put this? If you know you wanna do this field, or whatev field you want, and its at all possible (esp at the financial level) to pursue it, don't give up! I'm beginning to think this is a bad year obviously, it's very competitive and you get a sense from the thread how in demand the top people are. But on some level, you have to block out the negativity, from your fam and SO  and all the pressure of the waiting, the rejects, everything. And persist. The MA backup idea in  the meantime if you dont have one isnt a bad idea, though it can be costly. Wait till all your decisions come in, hopefully you get an offer and you try to do something else if you can. This is my 2nd year doing this, I wish I could say it gets easier, for some people it has, maybe try to strengthen your portfolio in weak areas as much as you can if you do have to go through all this again. And ask the profs, you poi's or someone what they didn't like about your app maybe so you can fix it next time either at their school or wherever else you apply.

Edited by breaks0
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I don't know if this is the right place to vent, but the frustration of these all just went to overdrive mode. Like almost all of you here, I worked my butt off for application, and have no back up plans that is viable or even anything remotely to anything I am comfortable doing. I am a Business major, my boyfriend, my family, all of them have been criticising me for wanting to do Sociology, they tell me what can you do with that? It's a useless subject for people with too much time..and last of all, they have been saying that I have been wasting my money applying for Sociology programs with a Bachelors of Business background and if I fail, it's cause I am too ignorant to recognise that. I have 4 schools left and the lack of response is turning me into a wreck. Nobody supports my decision to pursue this and so many people are waiting to see me fail. I don't know what I am going to do in September, most of us that haven't got any good decisions don't and brrr...potato. I just wanted to vent. Thanks for reading!

I'm sorry you're dealing with all this. this may be slightly direct, but like just remember that this is YOUR life. you're tryna study sociology for YOU and YOUR life. not saying you should dismiss your loved ones, but just remember it's your life and goals and nobody else's. sending positive vibes <3

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Currently rejected from 3 and waitlisted st UIUC. Waiting to hear back from Purdue, but it seems they dont send rejections till early march. So i feel im keeping my hopes high for nothing.


(Deleted... sorry, misread your post!)

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I don't know if this is the right place to vent, but the frustration of these all just went to overdrive mode. Like almost all of you here, I worked my butt off for application, and have no back up plans that is viable or even anything remotely to anything I am comfortable doing. I am a Business major, my boyfriend, my family, all of them have been criticising me for wanting to do Sociology, they tell me what can you do with that? It's a useless subject for people with too much time..and last of all, they have been saying that I have been wasting my money applying for Sociology programs with a Bachelors of Business background and if I fail, it's cause I am too ignorant to recognise that. I have 4 schools left and the lack of response is turning me into a wreck. Nobody supports my decision to pursue this and so many people are waiting to see me fail. I don't know what I am going to do in September, most of us that haven't got any good decisions don't and brrr...potato. I just wanted to vent. Thanks for reading! 


I know it is very hard that your family doesn't seem very supportive of your decision, but what I always do at times like this is to think about professors who wrote recommendation letters on my behalf. I'm sure people who wrote your recommendation letters are very confident and proud of you, which is why they agreed to put their reputation on the line for you in the first place. Hopefully thinking of them will make you feel more supported! Hang in there!

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It seems that some people had already heard form them (both rejected and accepted). My status still says pending, whatever that means.




I got the response via email and my application online still says Pending.  I would maybe email them and ask about your application just to make sure.  

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Would someone explain how results are reported to the results page search engine here? Is it done by us or by the depts/admissions offices @ the schools? No one's explained it before.CUNY was nice enough to promptly respond to my limbo status within 24 hours of me asking, w/the expected reject.


I wonder if I'm one of those 5 rejects listed today, though obviously I didn't report it. I'm left feeling as crushed as the rest of you who haven't gotten in anywhere (even though I got into 1 place). My cv (meaning the total package of all my skills and experience) and math gre suck and I guess having 3 a minuses in course credits there and a ma w/an even higher  gpa in diff field from another local school isn't enough for their ad comms. I'm not the perfect fit, it's probaby not the best dept there for me and I didn't flirt w/the ad comm chair b/c his interests had little to do w/mine. I dunno I think genuinely they made the mistake, I was clearly smarter than some of my classmates from that dept in the small seminar I just aced. I know this'll upset some people but thats just true. That said, this was my best shot to stay home in nyc and I've lived here over 15 years so I have reaons to want to stay. It's still a good dept faculty wise and there were enough people close to my interests, I shouldn'tve been rejected and it just  makes things more difficult in my personal and every other area of life, I don't need any more of this! I get it hits close to home also  b/c the Marxist depts are the ones rejecting me as well, it's the fact that it's here on top specifically of schools like Berkeley, Santa Barbara and to some extent Wisconsin (applied to nyu in another field for some specific reasons, that isnt gonna work out probably either).

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Would someone explain how results are reported to the results page search engine here? Is it done by us or by the depts/admissions offices @ the schools? No one's explained it before.


CUNY was nice enough to promptly respond to my limbo status within 24 hours of me asking, w/the expected reject. I wonder if I'm one of those 5 rejects listed today, though obviously I didn't report it. I'm left feeling as crushed as the rest of you who haven't gotten in anywhere. My cv (meaning the total package of all my skills and experience) and math gre suck and I guess having 3 a minuses in course credits there and a ma w/an even higher  gpa  isn't enough for their ad comms. I'm not the perfect fit, it's probaby not the best dept there for me and I didn't flirt w/the ad comm chair b/c his interests had little to do w/mine. I dunno I think genuinely they made the mistake, I was clearly smarter than some of my classmates from that dept in the small seminar I just aced. I know this'll upset some people but thats just true. That said, this was my best shot to stay home in nyc and I've lived here over 15 years so I have reaons to want to stay. It's still a good dept faculty wise and there were enough people close to my interests, I shouldn'tve been rejected and it just  makes things more difficult in my personal and every other area of liffe, I don't need any more of this!


Hi, there is a link at the top of the search page to "submit your results."

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