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Be honest... How many times have you checked your email today?

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I work at a desk. My email and gradcafe are constantly open. I check the email tab maybe once every three minutes. I also have a Page Monitor plug-in for Chrome, which scans the results search for my still-pending application keywords about once every ten minutes. 


I also usually check my remaining application portals once a day, on the off chance a decision has been posted without my having been alerted. 


In the evenings, though, I've taken to cooking to distract myself. Tonight I'm going to try to make a pork belly quesadilla. 


Ditto to the cooking thing! Hard to check your email when your hands are covered in food :D It's a great distraction. 


I work at a desk as well, and it's pure torture----- email and gradcafe are always up. Why do we do this to ourselves? 

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I'm 6 hours ahead of east coast time (in central africa) and I've been checking my email since I woke up. Of course, I have to wait 6 and 9 hours (west coast) for people on ad coms to wake up. Repeatedly checking is giving me and my phone the blues.

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The built in email app on my phone stopped working......now obviously this is not terrible, like I just open chrome and get to my email manually, but my phone will no longer send me instant push notifications when I get new mail. Normally I would not freak out about this--it has happened before, it will fix itself in a few days. It is a minor, minor inconvenience at most. But right now, while I am waiting to hear from schools? It feels like someone killed my puppy. In front of me. With a wood-chipper.

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I'm an email junkie because I have push notifications on my phone! So I don't "check" per say, but every time I see the little email icon, I get all excited. For no reason.


Just to follow up what I said last night... lol, ironically today in class I got a push email for an interview on my phone! (during an assignment where my professor asked us to use phones/tablets to look something up) I was very pleased and then pretty distracted in class!

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Just to follow up what I said last night... lol, ironically today in class I got a push email for an interview on my phone! (during an assignment where my professor asked us to use phones/tablets to look something up) I was very pleased and then pretty distracted in class!

Nice! That is a wonderful distraction to have! 


Today I checked my email and I had one email titled "Admissions" I was so excited that I nearly threw my phone across the room... only to find out that it was from a local community college informing me that they are currently enrolling for spring semester. Thankfully they send a follow up email 4 hours later with the same title. Needless to say, the experience was soul crushing. Still waiting to get a real admissions email from one of my three prospective schools  :mellow:

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Nice! That is a wonderful distraction to have! 


Today I checked my email and I had one email titled "Admissions" I was so excited that I nearly threw my phone across the room... only to find out that it was from a local community college informing me that they are currently enrolling for spring semester. Thankfully they send a follow up email 4 hours later with the same title. Needless to say, the experience was soul crushing. Still waiting to get a real admissions email from one of my three prospective schools  :mellow:


It'll come when you least expect it!

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I've lost the track of how many times I checked my email today... Maybe 20? 50??
Even though I know that a decison probably won't come before March, I can't help checking my email and the application page every minute.

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I know with near certainty that I won't hear anything until March 1st at the absolute earliest, so I've managed to check the application portal only once or twice a day.  Once March 1 rolls around, I'm sure I'll be in there hourly.   <_<

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At least 15 from my phone, plus the constant refreshing on my iPad when I'm in class or working.  I've managed to only check results pages once a day, sometimes less (cut it down from never closing the browser window).  It's unhealthy - I can't wait for the end of March.

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I checked my email a lot before the waiting game began, but now it has become an obsession. Even knowing that I am unlikely to word until the beginning of March, I have probably checked my email 200 times a day since the beginning of the month.

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Oh you know, the standard 15-20 times per day. That is, aside from checking my phone incessantly for missed calls from a department and for new emails. Let's not forget the application portals that I know that virtually none of the schools I've applied to will even use for notifying applicants. 

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So much I should be deemed insane (if the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results).

In the last hour I was at work, I told myself I wouldn't check my email til I got off. All I can say is, epic fail.

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I'm on my work laptop pretty much every hour that I'm not asleep. So I have my Gmail open as a tab constantly. Even though I know it will dynamically refresh and show a (1), I still pop over to that tab and refresh it just in case an email comes through that exact second. I can't wait until April 15th. 

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Swear....each hour as a rule and by watch I refresh my email accounts...getting goosebumps 24*7.....no decision still from any of the applied schools so more anxious when I read about acceptances from various schools already....Really happy for all those who have been accepted

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