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Be honest... How many times have you checked your email today?

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i can't count. sometimes when i want to check it said " updated just now "


This happens to me too often lately.  Now that it's officially March, I feel like I'm checking several times every hour.  Going crazy waiting!!

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Well, financial aid at least got my FAFSA. I can check my awards at the end of March by logging on with my student ID.... That doesn't yet exist. On a good note a saw a blue bird today, supposed to be good luck. Please lord let that be a sign.

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Another Financial Aid email stating I meet or exceed their Satifactory Academic Progress Standards for Financial aid. Um, ok. Well at least that department tells people things in a timely manner! I swear my head is going to explode checking the portal and my email and waiting for push notifications.

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I think I have finally gotten to a point in my email addiction where I am actually afraid to check it. My first decision letter, which was a rejection, has me paranoid that more bad news is on the way. That bad trip has me on the straight and narrow hahah I think I might finally be cured. I don't need my email fix as bad as I thought I did. 

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I'm still checking my email compulsively, even after hearing back from all my programs.... Now I'm corresponding with current students and professors, waiting on funding information, and waiting to hear about visit days. Will it ever end??

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  • 2 weeks later...

Checking my mail is getting annoying. I check that thing like every hour to two hours. I want to move on with my life and either know that I am grad school bound or not. I am trying to be patient but it is hard.  

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I think I've been checking my email at least twice every waking hour for the past week. Now that I've found this site, I have something to check in between checking my email.

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I use to only check gradcafe results like 3-4 times a day and I was doing pretty well about refraining from checking my email. That was until five people posted that they heard back from my program today.




Refresh email every 5 minutes even though it gets pushed to my phone anyway. In between refreshes, I check the cafe results search to see anyone else posted from my program. Occasionally, I'll eat and sleep. lol...but seriously.

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There is always an email tab opened in my browser, but I still check every ten minutes, so 50-100 times. :wacko:

I also check gradcafé results 20 times per day.

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