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Oh, the agony of waiting


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I'm second guessing what I put down in my statement of purpose. D:

That way lies sorrow.

I tried to re-read mine and was a little disgusted (which always seems to happen when I read my own work).

Don't do it! There's nothing to be gained.

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I'm starting to think that I didn't clarify my research interests enough, but some of them had like a page limit for my statement of purpose and I also had to justify entering a program when I didn't major in that field as an undergrad or in my MA. I've also been rejected twice, waitlisted twice, and have two more schools that I have a feeling are going to reject me since they've sent notices a long time ago. I might end up waiting until April at this rate.

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I share @grad_wannabe's sentiments on not re-reading the SOP. I for one have been able to suppress the lure of doing that as I feel my research interest wasnt detailed enough and I fear reading it over may just show how clueless I was explaining it in the letter. Its so hard writting a SOP of just 500 words as you will definitely leave out some vital details that may have swunged the decision in one's favour.

All in All, the wait is terrible, one more week of this and I will make a nuisance of myself to the Admissions department.

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I’ve been very strict about not going back to look over any application materials after they’re submitted.  It hasn’t been a problem until this week… I REALLY want to read my SOP but I know it’s a terrible idea.  Instead I’ve been reading old encouraging emails from professors and some of the top papers from my masters program.  Reading those has been a nice change of pace from crippling self doubt that’s come as a result of this application process.  

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Yep. This waiting period is driving me insane. I still have one more interview but it would be nice to have an acceptance already in hand! (I've already interviewed at my top choices, and this other interview is my third choice).


An acceptance would be beautiful, and would make this waiting period at least a little bit less stressful. 

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An acceptance would be beautiful, and would make this waiting period at least a little bit less stressful. 


That is just it.  I don't have a single acceptance, not even a waitlist!  So all this waiting seems like a river flowing towards impending doom - it seems the longer it takes, the infinitely closer I get to the abyss without ever really reaching anything but an exponential level of crazy. 

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Just had an interview today and it's a rollercoaster thinking about how I did... Mostly I'm thinking it didn't go as well as it could have.  Also, it seems like there were WAY more applicants to spots available than in years past.  Sigh...

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I feel all of this so much! I'm now ruminating on whether I did something awful on my interview or where on the list I am. I've been stalking the results page and no one in my group has posted anything... Am I waitlisted? Am I on their "must have" list?? I'm a ball of anxiety!!

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