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2 minutes ago, 123hardasABC said:

I find it hard to believe that an adult human being doesn't know how to vacuum. Even my cat is able to turn one on (to her dismay).

I had three roommates that summer, and none of them had ever lived on their own before (summer internship = no roommate choices). This girl was from India, and her family had servants, so she didn't know how to do basic cleaning. It was an interesting summer...

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Joining in on the living alone/housemate debate. I've had some pretty 5h1tty roommates in the past: one in halls at undergrad forced himself into my room and onto me (thank you martial arts training), one went skitz became a stalker and then pulled a knife on me. My current roommate is almost human-phobic, won't go into any room if I too am in that room and her hair gets EVERYWHERE but other than that I'm good. My best living situation was in a house with 3 guys. 

I think I'm going to need to live with others at least initially, it'd just be great to have someone I could come home to and have a natter. But equally I would want background checks!! ugh it's challenging.

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2 minutes ago, piglet33 said:

Joining in on the living alone/housemate debate. I've had some pretty 5h1tty roommates in the past: one in halls at undergrad forced himself into my room and onto me (thank you martial arts training), one went skitz became a stalker and then pulled a knife on me. My current roommate is almost human-phobic, won't go into any room if I too am in that room and her hair gets EVERYWHERE but other than that I'm good. My best living situation was in a house with 3 guys. 

Wait... WHAT?!?! Please tell me you got the police involved.

Also, the last one... are we roommates? :P

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@piglet33that kind of scares me. i plan to live in student housing if i get accepted and i've read about roommate pulling knives on roommates. it's the first time i'm going to live on campus if i get accepted so i'm worried. also that roommate who forced himself into your room is scary AF!  

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The first two crazy ones were an absolute nightmare as they were two of my first experiences of renting away from home (I'd travelled but that's so different). Police were involved but as it was a case of my word against theres, not a lot could be done. The university got involved too - the stalker housemate brought random druggies home and you'd see them doing lines in the kitchen. That I had photographic evidence for but again the university didn't do anything and the police didn't do anything. I ended up having to break my lease (and the land lord was really arsey about it) and move back home, commuting 2hr drive each way (that's a long way here...lol). Yeah so that put me off roommates. 

Oh and a note on the guy who entered my room. He had a reputation on campus as being an arse, had tried it on with other girls too, used to get really violent when drunk and throw the fridge around the kitchen (yep...still plugged in to the wall). Ugh it was an utter nightmare. All the uni said was "it's not really our business. unless he causes physical damage to someone, or steals, he can do as he pleases." @raaawr don't let my stories scare you! Everything worked out for the best, and now I have some interesting tales to tell lol.

Now though, despite the fact she seems frightened of me, I have no real complaints. Life would be a lot easier if I could just rent a room in a house/apartment initially, as it means I'd only need a bed and a few kitchen things to move to the US, plus it'd give me a chance to build American credit history. But...people. Ugh!

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Just now, raaawr said:

Why did the police do nothing when you have photographs? :/

Wasn't sufficiently clear to do anything with. Plus, she was a social worker so they didn't want to be seen as hurting one of their own. (nothing against social workers, this one was just particularly bad)

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I have 6 pet tarantulas, a cat, and a very rude bearded dragon, a large plushie sheep collection, and an odd obsessions with watching pixar/dreamworks movies over and over again.... that's usually enough to scare away even house guests... let alone potential roomies. That's why my boyfriend is sooo wonderful. 

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18 minutes ago, raaawr said:

@piglet33that kind of scares me. i plan to live in student housing if i get accepted and i've read about roommate pulling knives on roommates. it's the first time i'm going to live on campus if i get accepted so i'm worried. also that roommate who forced himself into your room is scary AF!  

Yeah... maybe this will happen to one in every 100,000 roommates. Of all the things to worry about, this isn't one of them :P

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@sjoh197 it all sounds great, other than the pet tarantulas...

@raaawr you'll be fine, I was just incredibly unlucky at the time. 

@gingin6789 I'm sorry. Plenty of schools still to hear back from though. A positive is it's definitely beer o'clock here so no judgement.

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14 minutes ago, gingin6789 said:

*gets notice of Emory rejection*

*Calls husband over*

Me: Is it too early for a beer??

So glad I'm not the only one.

When I find myself obsessing and checking my email/app status page I'll go to the gym.

I've been going to the gym a lot.

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12 minutes ago, passenger47 said:

When I find myself obsessing and checking my email/app status page I'll go to the gym.

I've been going to the gym a lot.

Oh yes! I force myself out the house at 6am, I'm in the gym by 6.15, train for 2 hours, then classes and research and meetings, then yoga/pilates, I'll find time for a million mugs of tea and coffee in there, get home around 4/5pm, get on with reading and coursework then, cook a nice dinner and THEN I'm allowed on status checks/emails/grad cafe results page.

Over this waiting period my cooking skills have improved 10-fold, and my fitness has skyrocketed! Hooray for productive distractions :D 

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@gingin6789 I was drinking rum and juice with my roommates at 11 this morning. One of them's having relationship problems and we didn't have to work today, so we drank. No judgement.

@passenger47 @piglet33 I wish waiting made me want to go to the gym...my apartment's super clean now, though! I'm a nervous cleaner.

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Well the federal government is closed today, which means my office is also closed. Yay for working at a non-profit that follows the federal work schedule! I can work done from home, at least.

So far I've done a good job of not checking application status pages, but I have started to comb through my schools' websites for any news about potential admitted students' visitation events. I'm glad I did, because my friend's wedding (I'm a bridesmaid) falls on one of the weekends that two schools have planned events for. Doesn't hurt to plan for just-in-case situations. 

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As a married father, I'm glad I do not have the option of dealing with some of the housing situations everyone else has to deal with.

These stories are terrifying! If I get into a program and it does not sufficiently cover the cost of housing, I'm just going to have to take out loans to supplement my income. I see no other option.

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6 minutes ago, Neist said:

As a married father, I'm glad I do not have the option of dealing with some of the housing situations everyone else has to deal with.

These stories are terrifying! If I get into a program and it does not sufficiently cover the cost of housing, I'm just going to have to take out loans to supplement my income. I see no other option.

I'm lucky that I'm moving with a partner, so we'll (likely) live off-campus (I have a dog, so it would be tricky to find one with an inclusive pet policy anyway). Financially, I want to try to stretch my stipend as much as possible (since we're moving for me to do this), but he might be able to work remotely (he's a computer programmer), so I think we'll be in a decent (but obviously not independently wealthy) position. We also are older (late 20's / early 30's), have our own transportation, and probably want to be somewhat isolated for our own sanity. 

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@gingin6789aw sorry to hear that. I'm sure you'll get into other programs soon.


on a side note, I don't know if I'm the only one here doing it but do you guys ever look are the admitted student portion on the website of the programs you applied to even though you don't have results yet? I feel like reading it even though I'm not sure if I'll get accepted. lol.

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5 minutes ago, 123hardasABC said:

Turns out one interview was enough! I'm celebrating with beer and popcorn for lunch instead of working!! (aka: yet another excuse to not write my thesis)

@123hardasABC - Congrats! If you want any info about moving to/living in STL, I've lived here the past 3 years, so I can answer any questions. :)


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