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49 minutes ago, AngryRobot! said:

What if Trump becomes president? Should I go to US?

This is seriously a consideration of mine. This election is going to have a greater bearing on my life than any US ones previously. Kinda scary that so much can hinge on something you have no say over (as an international student).

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11 minutes ago, piglet33 said:

This is seriously a consideration of mine. This election is going to have a greater bearing on my life than any US ones previously. Kinda scary that so much can hinge on something you have no say over (as an international student).

I say Trump is playing a game. He will win the Republican nomination and say "screw you guys", I am just trying to prove a point. All you tea partyers are CRAZY!

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38 minutes ago, AngryRobot! said:

I say Trump is playing a game. He will win the Republican nomination and say "screw you guys", I am just trying to prove a point. All you tea partyers are CRAZY!

I think Trump is secretly in cahoots with Hillary... since they're personal friends. "I'll make the Republican party look like such a joke, that even if I'm not the nominee no one will vote for anyone in the party!" 

Then again, I don't really give a damn. I'll cast my vote for Bernie, sure, but I'm getting sick of this whole thing since 90% of every research meeting I attend is political banter.

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5 minutes ago, Pink Fuzzy Bunny said:

I think Trump is secretly in cahoots with Hillary... since they're personal friends. "I'll make the Republican party look like such a joke, that even if I'm not the nominee no one will vote for anyone in the party!" 

Then again, I don't really give a damn. I'll cast my vote for Bernie, sure, but I'm getting sick of this whole thing since 90% of every research meeting I attend is political banter.

Why? You study Physics!

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Just now, Pink Fuzzy Bunny said:

My professors are that type. The type that, in the middle of doing a physics calculation, will shout out "Oh! By the way, do you want to see a video of me doing the ice bucket challenge?!"


Yeah once I google the guy who invented Lasso and found him doing bucket challenge on youtube.

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Can I just say that after joining this forum I've learned a lot about other programs, and I've definitely learned to be thankful! I can't believe two things:

1) Most programs have interviews? WTF?!?!

2) Some programs, after giving you an offer, apparently require an answer within a few weeks? Again... WTF?!?!


In physics, all graduate schools agree that the deadline is April 15. 

Edited by Pink Fuzzy Bunny
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Currently en route to my first in-person interviews *deep breathes*. I can't believe I'm doing this. 5 months ago I wasn't even planning to apply to PhD programs—I was too scared of it being "hard" and didn't want to experience rejection. Glad I chose to do this, as I have several interviews (and hopefully more than one acceptance down the road). 


Congrats to everyone with acceptances already! To those with rejections....I feel you. It definitely sucks, but this isn't the end for any of us :)

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4 minutes ago, artsy16 said:

Currently en route to my first in-person interviews *deep breathes*. I can't believe I'm doing this. 5 months ago I wasn't even planning to apply to PhD programs—I was too scared of it being "hard" and didn't want to experience rejection. Glad I chose to do this, as I have several interviews (and hopefully more than one acceptance down the road). 


Congrats to everyone with acceptances already! To those with rejections....I feel you. It definitely sucks, but this isn't the end for any of us :)

Best of luck to you! Not that you need it... :)


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Artsy, best of luck! You've got this!! 

Pink, I feel lucky, too, that only a few of my programs do interviews. However, the interviews for the programs I applied to are less like "sit down one-on-one" and more like "get to know profs and current grad students over delicious dinners, campus tours, and tours of the town."so that's nice, at least! 

In other news, I go back to my university tomorrow... Which means back to my basement apartment two hours away from my husband (he works at another college). I'm gonna miss him, and the sunlight flooding in from the many windows in his apartment! 

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@artsy16 good luck, i'm sure you'll wow them :)

I'm with you both - @Pink Fuzzy Bunny and @gingin6789 in that only one of my programmes interviews, it's a relief! I have the pre-interview skype conversation with the POI tomorrow. She wants to prep me on my actual interview! 

@gingin6789 oh no to leaving your husband! You'll soon be busy with work again though, and 2 hours isn't so far (i'm finding silver linings). I skyped the boy last night and right now I'm hoping I get an acceptance so we can end 5 years of long distance (Cali/NY --> UK) and be on the same continent. 

Sunlight, what's that again? I swear we have only seen grey, dreary skies for months now. 

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@Pink Fuzzy Bunny good question! I've already skyped this POI twice, and spent 2 days with her when I visited the department back in September (I had kinda an unorthodox pre-application), and have already had 1-1 chats with the majority of the faculty, including the guy who makes the funding decisions so I'm unsure exactly what they want. 

I can talk more about my MSc course now (when I applied I'd only been going a month) and have a better picture of my research interests but as for what she's going to prep me on, your guess is as good as mine! I get the impression that she would like me in the department, so I guess it's an insurance that I say the right things to the right people? Who knows! I'll let you know tomorrow after I've had the pre-interview interview!!!

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4 hours ago, AngryRobot! said:

I say Trump is playing a game. He will win the Republican nomination and say "screw you guys", I am just trying to prove a point. All you tea partyers are CRAZY!

I want to believe that he's satirizing our political system. Unfortunately, I don't think that's the case.

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@piglet33 Thanks a bunch for the pointers!

So guys, I'm in a strange situation. I applied to 6 colleges last year - a MSc for Spring 2016, and 5 PhD programs for Fall 2016. I got an acceptance from the MSc program, and now I'm enrolled for this semester. The program is not top level, but has good benefits, and I'm feeling OK with it.

However, my plan now is to see where I'm accepted out of the 5 PhD programs, and if I get a good option, I'll just leave this program and start over with a PhD in the fall. In a way, I'm treating the MSc program as a semester-long internship.

A week ago I was informally accepted at GATech (yay!), and will be chatting with the program coordinator over Skype. Here is my question: do I mention that I'm currently enrolled in a MSc program, at least temporarily? Will it hurt my chances at being taken seriously? Do you think I can I use the stipend and benefits I'm currently getting as a bargaining chip when interviewed?

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1 hour ago, gingin6789 said:

Pink, I feel lucky, too, that only a few of my programs do interviews. However, the interviews for the programs I applied to are less like "sit down one-on-one" and more like "get to know profs and current grad students over delicious dinners, campus tours, and tours of the town."so that's nice, at least! 

Leaving your husband must be awful, but those campus visits/interviews sound incredible!

I just realized that, if I get accepted anywhere, I'm going to have to choose my school without ever actually setting foot on any of the campuses...

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12 minutes ago, aksiksi said:

@piglet33 Thanks a bunch for the pointers!

So guys, I'm in a strange situation. I applied to 6 colleges last year - a MSc for Spring 2016, and 5 PhD programs for Fall 2016. I got an acceptance from the MSc program, and now I'm enrolled for this semester. The program is not top level, but has good benefits, and I'm feeling OK with it.

However, my plan now is to see where I'm accepted out of the 5 PhD programs, and if I get a good option, I'll just leave this program and start over with a PhD in the fall. In a way, I'm treating the MSc program as a semester-long internship.

A week ago I was informally accepted at GATech (yay!), and will be chatting with the program coordinator over Skype. Here is my question: do I mention that I'm currently enrolled in a MSc program, at least temporarily? Will it hurt my chances at being taken seriously? Do you think I can I use the stipend and benefits I'm currently getting as a bargaining chip when interviewed?

Well, why wouldn't you mention it? My guess is they'll either ask what you're doing right now, or find out via some other method. 

Maybe don't use it as a bargaining chip though... unless they ask.

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3 hours ago, aksiksi said:

@piglet33 Thanks a bunch for the pointers!

So guys, I'm in a strange situation. I applied to 6 colleges last year - a MSc for Spring 2016, and 5 PhD programs for Fall 2016. I got an acceptance from the MSc program, and now I'm enrolled for this semester. The program is not top level, but has good benefits, and I'm feeling OK with it.

However, my plan now is to see where I'm accepted out of the 5 PhD programs, and if I get a good option, I'll just leave this program and start over with a PhD in the fall. In a way, I'm treating the MSc program as a semester-long internship.

A week ago I was informally accepted at GATech (yay!), and will be chatting with the program coordinator over Skype. Here is my question: do I mention that I'm currently enrolled in a MSc program, at least temporarily? Will it hurt my chances at being taken seriously? Do you think I can I use the stipend and benefits I'm currently getting as a bargaining chip when interviewed?

I'm a little confused why you did this but more pressing I think is: did you say you were doing a master's on your application?? Schools expect you to have finished a degree to which you're working by the time you enroll, if you stated it was in progress. (In other words, having the master's was a plus and was part of the reason you may have been accepted over someone else.)

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