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Any late Dec/early Jan applicants? Waiting is so difficult!


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10 hours ago, sjoh197 said:

I actually hate the "No news is good news" too. But that's because my uni sends out rejects after acceptances (I think that's the case with a lot of schools) So no news is just a pending rejection.

I'm glad I'm not the only one! I feel like a bit of a curmudgeon, but it's nice to know I'm not alone.

6 hours ago, med latte said:

@Forveveronward, I feel your pain. It's only been two weeks since my deadline, and I keep looking at the calendar, wishing to fast-forward a month. I'm thinking about calling the office in a couple of weeks to ask when they send notifications. I can see from GradCafe that it is usually the end of Feb., but maybe if I call and ask I'll glean some insight on my status. 

As someone who has waited twice the amount of time you have, I wish I could tell you that waiting gets easier, but it really doesn't. :( I was feeling the same way at the two week mark. The school did send that "Your application is complete and we received all your materials" email, which was nice but I've heard nothing since then,

Do you really think calling will help? I mean, I'm worried about 1) being annoying and 2) having the person on the phone say "Oh yeah we sent out all our interview requests last week." As much as I want information, I think hearing that would absolutely slay me. Still, the graduate admissions coordinator for my college has been really nice. She replied to my emails within hours of sending them and was the one that sent the confirmation email to all applicants. Maybe I can just email her come mid-Feb. I'll be lurking in this thread waiting to see what you do as well! 

5 hours ago, RCtheSS said:

I submitted an application January 10, didn't get all my LORs in until January 15, and received an acceptance today.

What the hell is going on?! Still kind of shocked.

Congrats! That's like, record turn around time. Here's hoping the rest of your applications work out in your favor as well. :)

3 hours ago, SLPgradstudent said:

So, I was on the phone just now, and trying to pull up an email to check something for the person I was talking to.  Sitting in my inbox is a message with the subject "Your Application Status."  I totally had one of those moments where I totally forgot what was going on, where I was, or what I was supposed to be doing.  I hear my name a couple times through the phone, which brings me back.  As soon as I got off the phone, I open the email, which contains a somewhat disappointing "Thank you for your interest in [our school].  Your application to the Speech-Language Pathology program has been sent to the department for review. Decisions are usually made within four to six weeks. You will receive an email once a decision has been made."

At least I know they're starting to look at applications finally.  I don't know what it's going to be like when I actually get the decision; I almost lost it just from the subject line, and this isn't even my top choice school (but I would still be thrilled to get in!)  Oh well, back to the long wait!

What an awful email :( I would have totally had the same reply (and would have likely tried to check my email while on the phone). Still, it's good to know that your application is complete and ready to be looked at - one hurdle down, eh?

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15 hours ago, Foreveronward said:

What an awful email :( I would have totally had the same reply (and would have likely tried to check my email while on the phone). Still, it's good to know that your application is complete and ready to be looked at - one hurdle down, eh?

It wasn't that bad really, I just got excited (or stunned?) over nothing.  I'm glad my application is ready to be looked at finally.  I submitted that one at the end of December, so I've been waiting a month already.  In retrospect my reaction was amusing, but I'm definitely ready for this waiting game to be over!

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An update: On Thursday, I received my first acceptance from a program with a January 4th deadline.

Two minutes later, I got an interview from a program with a December 1st deadline.

15 minutes later, I received an acceptance from a program with a December 15th deadline.

Needless to say, I was in a glass case of emotion for the rest of the day.

(Also received a rejection from a program with a December 19th deadline on Monday, btw, but I don't like to think about that one. Shun the nonbeliever! SHUN.)

So, really, don't expect to hear from a program last purely because its deadline is later.

I have yet to hear from programs with 12/1, 12/15, 1/1, and 1/15 deadlines.

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2 hours ago, gingin6789 said:

An update: On Thursday, I received my first acceptance from a program with a January 4th deadline.

Two minutes later, I got an interview from a program with a December 1st deadline.

15 minutes later, I received an acceptance from a program with a December 15th deadline.

Needless to say, I was in a glass case of emotion for the rest of the day.

(Also received a rejection from a program with a December 19th deadline on Monday, btw, but I don't like to think about that one. Shun the nonbeliever! SHUN.)

So, really, don't expect to hear from a program last purely because its deadline is later.

I have yet to hear from programs with 12/1, 12/15, 1/1, and 1/15 deadlines.

Congratulations Gingin!!!! That's such amazing news. :D I'm so happy for youuuuu!

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14 minutes ago, CornUltimatum said:

Allrighty guys, we're coming up on February and we should finally start hearing some news. I'm pretty excited!

Let's hope so. I've already got one email with a rejection, and apparently they notify early (Ohio).

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So I just had an unexpected interview with Yale yesterday which is atypical for Slavic. The DGS for Slavic told me they will be sending their admissions letters in the second and third week of February. She said the committee hasn't made any decisions yet, but I was extremely surprised to be interviewed because out of all the Slavic programs I applied to Harvard is the only one that has interviews.

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9 minutes ago, KingNikolai1 said:

So I just had an unexpected interview with Yale yesterday which is atypical for Slavic. The DGS for Slavic told me they will be sending their admissions letters in the second and third week of February. She said the committee hasn't made any decisions yet, but I was extremely surprised to be interviewed because out of all the Slavic programs I applied to Harvard is the only one that has interviews.

Congratulations on your interview!! I've noticed that, for some of the programs I applied to, they do interviews some years and no interviews other years. It *might* have to do with funding. They might be really interested in 7 people but have only 5 funded spots, so they call and talk with the applicants to get a better idea of just how to make the difficult final cut. 

Or at least that's my hypothesis! 

Either way, good luck, and I hope you get some good news soon!

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15 hours ago, sts4656 said:

This is the only time when I hate the weekends. :D Finally Monday has come, yay! :) 

Me too!  So excited that it's February!!!

Of course, I was waiting for February so that I could start waiting for decisions.  The come any time between February and mid-April.  Now the (real) wait begins!

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My first choice school (George Washington) deadline wasn't until January 15th. I feel like I'm going to be waiting forever! And no one in the Education sub forum seems to have applied there, so I'm totally in the dark about whether info has come out or not. *Screams internally* 

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Ugh, as if I wasn't anxious enough, now I'm having to deal with transcript issues. 3 of my schools wanted the transcript mailed to them. I'm not sure whether one of them got it because they don't have a site that shows that, but my last two apps that were due on January 15 allow me to check the status of my application and they both say they haven't been received. My undergrad university says they sent them on January 5, but I've spoken on the phone with the other schools and they say they have not received them. (Though ASU did tell me that it hasn't finished matching transcripts received in late December/early January to the applications) So I spoke to my undergrad university today to have them just resend them all. Thankfully they were very prompt in responding and even let me know that two of the schools use the same digital service they use and they could actually send those electronically and they would get them today. Sadly, ASU does not do this, and it has to be mailed to them. I really hope that works out because ASU is my top choice. And I'm just freaking out because they all say the application can't be processed until they have the transcript. Ugh. Okay, end rant.

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8 hours ago, tedwards09 said:

My first choice school (George Washington) deadline wasn't until January 15th. I feel like I'm going to be waiting forever! And no one in the Education sub forum seems to have applied there, so I'm totally in the dark about whether info has come out or not. *Screams internally* 

I hear you.  I finished my apps in December, but the deadlines were both in January, so I've already been waiting a while.  Now we've reached February, and I'm expecting to hear back this month (maybe even this week) if it's good news.  Of course, I'm worried I'll still be waiting to hear back at the end of the month, and feel like they must be rejecting me. And all of this is going on in my head before the real wait has even started!  Can I join your internal screaming party?

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Truly sympathize with you all, thought I would just sit back and relax and be chill as a cucumber once everything was submitted. But finding myself sleeping less soundly at night and already checking my email all the time :(

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12 minutes ago, Neist said:

I'd be happy if my applications' status went to anything other than "Submitted" or "Completed."

I feel like this is a simple request.

Ha... yeah, mine is still at "application received" on one portal and "complete" on the other. 

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