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PhD Applicants Fall 2017


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10 hours ago, SocialPubHealth said:

Thank you! I did email them and was told that the response would be up at the latest the end of this upcoming week (3/10). Did you get accepted? If so, does the notification appear anywhere on the decision desk platform? Would appreciate your insight! Thank you!

I heard back February 16th(ish) for CHS via email. Perhaps you are on an informal wait-list and maybe a few spots will upon up after this weekend. Good luck!

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13 minutes ago, JSnow said:

I heard back February 16th(ish) for CHS via email. Perhaps you are on an informal wait-list and maybe a few spots will upon up after this weekend. Good luck!

I hope so! Thank you! Looking at previous years' results, I see that there generally seems to be two waves of acceptances/waitlists... hoping to make it in somehow!

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10 hours ago, nycpizza said:

To the person who received 'app under final stages of review' email from Columbia. Did they get back to you with a decision yet? Or tell you when they will be sending out decisions? The wait is getting a bit ridiculous. 


No, I am also still waiting! I actually have three schools (including Columbia) that have not released their decisions yet, and the ones I have heard back from are being slow to release funding information. It is going to be so stressful to have just a couple weeks to make a decision after all of this.

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Just thought I'd share some positivity.. Thank you all for helping me through this whole process. I'm just waiting on UCLA now and appreciate so much all the forum messages, results posts, and inbox messages that you all have contributed. It really felt nice to be supported throughout this process. I hope we all receive good news in these upcoming days...it seems like these are some of the most stressful, given that most folks are already done with their notifications. I encourage us to repeat that its not over til its over (to myself first). We could all be waitlists, for all you know...which, at this point, is great lol. I'll post updates as they come, but for now, THANK YOU!!!:D

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Anyone else who interviewed with Johns Hopkins (HPM) still waiting on a decision from them?Have you tried reaching out to anyone at JHU to see if they have a sense of when we might hear? I emailed twice last week and didn't get a response. At this point it's easier for me to assume it's a rejection so I can limit my choice set and focus on the schools I've already been admitted to, but I'd still love to have some closure...

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1 hour ago, thetemp said:

Anyone else who interviewed with Johns Hopkins (HPM) still waiting on a decision from them?Have you tried reaching out to anyone at JHU to see if they have a sense of when we might hear? I emailed twice last week and didn't get a response. At this point it's easier for me to assume it's a rejection so I can limit my choice set and focus on the schools I've already been admitted to, but I'd still love to have some closure...

May I ask which concentration you applied to? I don't know whether the decisions are different by track, but I emailed the head of the Health and Public Policy track and she said that she wouldn't be able to tell me anything about funding "until March" which I know is vague, but I think at least that concentration hasn't sent out all their acceptances. I think I did see some for Health Services Research and Policy, and maybe one of the other two.

Sorry if this isn't all that helpful! Keeping my fingers crossed for  you!

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1 minute ago, JHUHealthPublicPolicy said:

May I ask which concentration you applied to? I don't know whether the decisions are different by track, but I emailed the head of the Health and Public Policy track and she said that she wouldn't be able to tell me anything about funding "until March" which I know is vague, but I think at least that concentration hasn't sent out all their acceptances. I think I did see some for Health Services Research and Policy, and maybe one of the other two.

Sorry if this isn't all that helpful! Keeping my fingers crossed for  you!

Thanks! I applied to the Health Services Research and Policy concentration. 

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22 hours ago, SocialPubHealth said:

Thank you! I did email them and was told that the response would be up at the latest the end of this upcoming week (3/10). Did you get accepted? If so, does the notification appear anywhere on the decision desk platform? Would appreciate your insight! Thank you!

I got accepted via email. However it said that the university still had to make the final decision (department had already said yes).

I still haven't heard from the university itself, hence no funding offer yet. I emailed to ask about it and they said there's been some sort of delay. 

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12 hours ago, JSnow said:

I heard back February 16th(ish) for CHS via email. Perhaps you are on an informal wait-list and maybe a few spots will upon up after this weekend. Good luck!

Have you received a funding offer yet? Also has the university officially sent you a letter yet? I got my department acceptance email around the same time as you.

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Is anyone else being asked on a daily basis where they're doing their PhD/DrPH? Because I'm kind of losing my marbles over here. Everyone I've talked to who is already in a program said they heard by February. I'm starting to think NOWHERE wants me. I haven't gotten a single acceptance or rejection.

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6 hours ago, mph2phd2017 said:

Is anyone else being asked on a daily basis where they're doing their PhD/DrPH? Because I'm kind of losing my marbles over here. Everyone I've talked to who is already in a program said they heard by February. I'm starting to think NOWHERE wants me. I haven't gotten a single acceptance or rejection.

Oh, I'm sorry, that really sucks :(   I told like three people, precisely because I didn't want to be asked all the time, and I still feel like I get asked way too many times.  Kind of like, "I WILL LET YOU KNOW WHEN I KNOW."  

It's definitely strange that you haven't heard back from any schools either way, but it might mean that you have been waitlisted everywhere...... have any of those schools/programs sent out acceptances yet?  If yes, then I would email/call the admin and ask whether the school has an informal waitlist that you might be on.   There have been a few posts here recently where people found out their waitlist status only after they called (which I think is ridiculous, but that's another story.....).   Do any of your programs have later submissions?  All of mine had December deadlines (one might have been Jan), but I know some have March deadlines......  

Anyway, really sorry you're in this sucky situation :( 


5 hours ago, nycpizza said:

Does anyone know what "manual" means under SOPHAS application status [the tab where it says materials received and verified for every application sent]? It says "manual" instead of verified for one of my programs.

No clue.  Weird though!  Has it always been "manual"?   I would email SOPHAS through their "questions" page.  I had a bunch of questions back in December and they got back to me pretty quickly.  


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9 hours ago, zalidina said:

Have you received a funding offer yet? Also has the university officially sent you a letter yet? I got my department acceptance email around the same time as you.

I officially declined yesterday before I got word on funding, although I was told I was nominated for a fellowship. The app-status change came this morning, most likely because of the move  made yesterday. It does seem like official information should be coming soon....

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10 hours ago, mph2phd2017 said:

Is anyone else being asked on a daily basis where they're doing their PhD/DrPH? Because I'm kind of losing my marbles over here. Everyone I've talked to who is already in a program said they heard by February. I'm starting to think NOWHERE wants me. I haven't gotten a single acceptance or rejection.

This really sucks - I'm super sorry! I think no word means you are still in the running! Keep up hope. Things are really moving now - I'm sure you will hear something soon. 

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12 hours ago, zalidina said:

I got accepted via email. However it said that the university still had to make the final decision (department had already said yes).

I still haven't heard from the university itself, hence no funding offer yet. I emailed to ask about it and they said there's been some sort of delay. 

Thanks for sharing!

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2 minutes ago, gshel057 said:

Anyone have good stories of getting admitted off the wait list to share? Currently waitlisted at my dream program (at Hopkins) and trying to hold onto hope..!

Which program/dept are you waitlisted on? I'm in a similar situation!

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Anyone able to claim the post from the results page about Columbia's PhD Epidemiology program?  Did they give any indication of why it would take 2-3 more weeks for a response?

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13 hours ago, mph2phd2017 said:

Is anyone else being asked on a daily basis where they're doing their PhD/DrPH? Because I'm kind of losing my marbles over here. Everyone I've talked to who is already in a program said they heard by February. I'm starting to think NOWHERE wants me. I haven't gotten a single acceptance or rejection.

So sorry you're having to deal with this. :( This is such a stressful process, aside from having to also explain your current stress and disappointment to others.  I agree with JSnow, sometimes no news is good news!  A lot of people are accepted into these programs each year off the waitlist, so there's definitely still hope! 

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