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Fall 2010 Admission Results

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Sure they CAN be sent from home, but would they? Who knows, really.

Without a doubt, yes they would, and yes they have. It's not an issue of who knows, it's an issue of who is doing the notifying...

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I hope its not a hoax, actually...at least that way we would all hear by the end of today/tomorrow...

...and it would also mean that some crazy person isn't sitting there typing entry after entry for the better part of an hour...

I agree. It'd be nice to hear, regardless of the outcome. It's also sort of sad to imagine someone who actually enjoys writing false gradcafe postings. Get a hobby (or a job)!

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Well, it looks as if the prankster has achieved his desired effect.

also screwing up the info for next years group of applicants....hopefully some admins will clean up the results board....

Edited by Rory
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Who is that Yale rejection?? unsure.gif

How rude, hoax people/person!

The Princeton ones especially have to be fake, if no one on here is claiming the decisions, and also because it's sooooooo early for them to be releasing their decisions, historically speaking.

Although the one reject that mentions danette rivera is clever. Nice touch, hoax-ies.

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Oh my god now they're doing the same thing for Yale. Don't people have better things to do with their time?? I think I believed Princeton because last year results were out on a Thursday and also it's only 1 week early which isn't unheard of.

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How rude, hoax people/person!

The Princeton ones especially have to be fake, if no one on here is claiming the decisions, and also because it's sooooooo early for them to be releasing their decisions, historically speaking.

Although the one reject that mentions danette rivera is clever. Nice touch, hoax-ies.

I did not apply to Yale but I've reached the point where I'm not going to buy into any posted results until someone here claims the decisions.

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I wonder why this is happening so much this year. I read through last year's thread and I don't remember seeing any "do you think it's a hoax?" messages. Surely last year's applicants were just as nervous/anxious as we are.

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As someone who has not applied to Princeton, and thus has no interest in lying to myself: I think we can safely say the Princeton results (and now the Yale results) are fake, so everyone should calm down.

When Northwestern had 4 results posted last week, all of them also said who they were on the board; same with other schools I've been keeping track of closely. So the odds of 15 people hearing responses and none posting here? Zero.

So every one breath!

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SuddenlyParanoid - Where you leaning at this point? University of Mars?

I'm not sure. I'm trying to weigh placement, fit with department and possible advisors, and how much fun life at each school/city would be. I won't have time to visit everywhere probably so I'm going to have to make some cuts. And I'm still waiting for a few decisions.

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FYI one of the Yale responses has attached a username to it: politico33. I hope someone isn't impersonating someone else again.

Edited to add: looked it up and the username doesn't even exist.

Edited by Ziz
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With regards to my top choice, Suddenly Paranoid, so far I would say it's hard to distinguish between FSU, UC-Davis, and UT-Austin. Will be visiting all three. Rice probably lags those three a tad, and then Georgia and Oklahoma run way behind (in fact, I probably need to, in a seperate post, get some advice on how to go about turning down their offers- do I do it when I've decided which offer to accept or do I do it earlier to help people on wait list but at the same time if asked where I'm going have to tell them that I haven't decided but I know you aren't it!?)

Still need to hear whether I'm wait-listed at UNC (though very doubtful), as well as what Rochester, MIT, and Minnesota decide. So sadly, while I know the aforementioned schools are reaches, this process is far from over.

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FYI one of the Yale responses has attached a username to it: politico33. I hope someone isn't impersonating someone else again.

Edited to add: looked it up and the username doesn't even exist.

Sorry I didn't see your edit when I went to post. I didn't find the name either. I kind of wish the Yale ones were real just so we could get the waiting done with.

Edited by anxiousapplicant
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