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Fall 2010 Admission Results

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I just missed an international call, I can't trace it further than that, I thought it was my dad, until I rang him back and he said it wasn't him.. so now I'm super paranoid and can't really ring them to ask since I rang them yesterday and if it wasn't then I look like a complete stalker! Consoling myself with a belief that they're not going to reject me because I didn't answer the phone....right? :lol: Also..t was probably a call centre in India or somewhere :)

What was the area code? If it's in one of the areas your schools are in, it could be good news!

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What was the area code? If it's in one of the areas your schools are in, it could be good news!

I can't tell, it just says "we do not have a callers number", which it only ever says if it's International (and I'm an international student applying to the US), and since I'm not expecting calls from International numbers, it was either a University or a call centre..just when I was getting used to the idea I was rejected! Just want closure now.

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I just received this email from Michigan (I was worried that my transcripts hadn't been received):

"We did receive your transcripts. Your application is complete and is currently being reviewed. We should have decisions made within a week."


Cornelius Wright

Department of Poltical Science

University of Michigan

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congrats, nervouscomparativist!

looks like someone on the boards e-mailed Yale for a decision - I'm tempted, but I'd like to keep the illusion going for just a wee bit longer...

Hmm--too crazy to follow suit?

Also--Rory--is your username Gilmore Girls inspired? Because if it is, mad props to you!

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Duke is indeed sending out acceptances today. biggrin.gif

I am excited to hear from Duke as well, but Michigan acceptance really made this dynamic process kind of dull. Only Harvard can legitimately beat my bias towards Michigan, with Stanford, Princeton and UCSD, making the decision-making process tough... Good luck to all of you!

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Considering my semi-rejection from Yale, a rejection from Duke would make me pretty depressed about my prospects at the top 10.

Hey. But, Ph.D. admission is really random. It's mostly about the "fit." A friend of mine got into Stanford Poli Sci, but didn't get into a bunch of schools like Chicago, Berkeley, etc. So you should not base ur chance on a particular school like Yale. You're coming from Walsh SFS, I believe. It seems you have amazing credentials with a unique taste on your application. Some schools are vegetarian or meat-eaters, to give you an analogy. The schools where you are going to get most support would love to have you.

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I am excited to hear from Duke as well, but Michigan acceptance really made this dynamic process kind of dull. Only Harvard can legitimately beat my bias towards Michigan, with Stanford, Princeton and UCSD, making the decision-making process tough... Good luck to all of you!

Man, you're amazing. My top choice is Cornell, which is a top 20. I envy you. By the way, is your subfield AP?

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I was honestly a very good fit for Duke. That's what makes it so disappointing.

No matter how many times I've told myself this process was going to be rough, it's still so much worse to actually be rejected than to just think about it.

It was a personal email, so I assume most people still haven't be notified. They seemed to be spread over a couple days last year.

Edited by polisciFTW
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I was honestly a very good fit for Duke. That's what makes it so disappointing.

I know that sometimes the adcomm would not pick people that would 'seem' like a good fit. The reason is, we check the websites and see what in general professors study and we try to make sense of it. But sometimes professors go "nah, I don't wanna study this specific thing with this student in 5 years". So I heard it is good to actually e-mail those professors prior to applying and see if they would be interested in that certain topic.

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Man, you're amazing. My top choice is Cornell, which is a top 20. I envy you. By the way, is your subfield AP?

If my subfield were AP, I would stop coming here. Michigan's sole dominance in AP is well-known. I am IR, more specifically IPE. That's why I am mostly excited about hearing from HPS and UCSD.

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All you guys hearing is making me super excited and nervous!!! My school's won't announce this week I don't think...But Berkeley maybe next week? What do people think? And then Princeton possibly the week after?

Congratulations to everybody who has been accepted so far! And good luck to all the rest of us!

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I know that sometimes the adcomm would not pick people that would 'seem' like a good fit. The reason is, we check the websites and see what in general professors study and we try to make sense of it. But sometimes professors go "nah, I don't wanna study this specific thing with this student in 5 years". So I heard it is good to actually e-mail those professors prior to applying and see if they would be interested in that certain topic.

This is very true, and professors take turns to get students. There are so many random variables going on. The only thing we can do is what you just said and be strategic (but not insincere) at the same time.

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If there's anybody still waiting on Wisconsin, they finally updated my MyWisc, so I think they're done there.

Mine is still pending. I guess they dealt with people who got in first.

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Has there been more than one notified of acceptance at this point?

Two on this forum, one on the results page. I'm holding out hope that Duke isn't done accepting students yet.

Edited by interista
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