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Fall 2010 Admission Results

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I'm sorry to hear things didn't work out the way you planned. I will keep my fingers crossed for you. I really understand how you feel, because I went for the same strategy - I was told I had a (more or less) guaranteed place at my undergrad institution, so I only applied for schools I would definitely choose over it. I must be very frustrating to have your safety choice behave like this.

I am in Europe myself right now... very unnerving to have to wait until the afternoon to get news, right?

But with your undergrad record, I am sure you will get some other school in the States. What is your concentration?

And btw, where are you from? v. German name..

Yeah waiting for the afternoons is rubbish! Trying to sleep in in the mornings to make the wait less gruelling...

My concentration is comparative politics and democratic studies, particularly looking at how supranational institutions work. Yours?

Name is German (actually Blumenau, not Blumenrat) but I'm British, in London. And you?

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Try not to worry too much Oxon. You got into Stanford! I'm still sitting here trying to not go 0 for 13!

I know, I'm sorry. I am incredibly happy about Stanford, I really am; and I am lucky to be in a situation to have Stanford to go to, no matter what. But like most people here (and for many reasons, some of which are personal), I have my heart set on one place, and for me that place is Harvard.

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For people still stressing about Berkeley (myself included), I have good news. I emailed the Graduate Advisor and got this response:

We have started to send out decisions today, which will continue well into next week. You will hear from us by email.

I'm hoping by "you" she means me specifically and that my acceptance is imminent, but I'm probably overanalyzing it. Encouraging nonetheless. Congrats to all those who have gotten in already!

Edited by fromark17
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So I guess our Minnesota friend is staying in the closet for the time being...


omg 64 ppl reading topic now! :o :o :o :o :o :o

In all seriousness, I'm freaking out. I just need to hear from UCSD, but then again I don't want to have my dreams crushed into a find powder and blown away by the Santa Ana winds before my eyes.

Congrats to everyone today who got good news. For those of us waiting in silence, let us mourn together.

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For people still stressing about Berkeley (myself included), I have good news. I emailed the Graduate Advisor and got this response: We have started to send out decisions today, which will continue well into next week. You will hear from us by email.

I'm hoping by "you" she means me specifically and that my acceptance is imminent, but I'm probably overanalyzing it. Encouraging nonetheless. Congrats to all those who have gotten it already!

Well into next week -- are they trying to cause heart failures?! Can't they make sure to respond at least within 2 days - or at least within the same week!? Thanks for contacting them Fromark!

Edited by Tan
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For people still stressing about Berkeley (myself included), I have good news. I emailed the Graduate Advisor and got this response:

We have started to send out decisions today, which will continue well into next week. You will hear from us by email.

I'm hoping by "you" she means me specifically and that my acceptance is imminent, but I'm probably overanalyzing it. Encouraging nonetheless. Congrats to all those who have gotten it already!

Excellent research!

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<br />I'll cling to that hope until a theory person writes that they've been accepted, as that hasn't happened just yet! But I'm still trying to accept the fact that I'm probably out of that one. Megan, what's your subfield again?<br />
<br /><br /><br />

I'm Comparative/Area Studies

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Yeah waiting for the afternoons is rubbish! Trying to sleep in in the mornings to make the wait less gruelling...

My concentration is comparative politics and democratic studies, particularly looking at how supranational institutions work. Yours?

Name is German (actually Blumenau, not Blumenrat) but I'm British, in London. And you?

Sent you a message smile.gif

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Well into next week -- are they trying to cause heart failures?! Can't they make sure to respond at least within 2 days - or at least within the same week!? Thanks for contacting them Fromark!

I totally agree. I would much rather them send out decisions all at once so I knew for sure one way or another. It beats waiting for potentially a week, stressing, and checking my email every 30 seconds.

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I totally know what you mean. And for me it goes way beyond that fact that it's Harvard. I think it's an awesome fit, research-wise, first and foremost. It's also a large department, which is great for a comparative politics person because I wouldn't be limited, region-wise.

Oh, well, all we can do is wait! Oxon, I want you and I to have lunch together at the admit weekend. This is my goal for us. smile.gif

Haha... that's a great vision. I wish.... smile.gif

(and it also assumes that I havent suffered a heart failure in the meantime...)

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still no one claiming Harvard? Any details (like your subfield, when other decisions are coming out, etc) that you might have gotten from your adviser would be really appreciated smile.gif

Yes, please! I don't want to beg. But then again, I do. Please give us more info! smile.gif

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I just received an email from Berkeley telling me I was accepted! Needless to say, I'm ecstatic - especially as I likely got bad news from Northwestern and thought the same about UCB this morning. (Also: The email came many hours after this morning's posters, which confirms they are doing this slowly and not at once, so no one despair!)

Edited by Tan
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I just received an email from Berkeley telling me I was accepted! Needless to say, I'm ecstatic - especially as I got bad news from Northwestern and thought the same about UCB this morning. (Also: The email came many hours after this morning's posters, which confirms they are doing this slowly and not at once, so no one despair!)

Congrats! That's excellent!

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It looks like the Harvard post was a hoax- a really really mean and uncalled for hoax. People need to be a little bit more sensitive to our hearts ;)

Also- cpaige I don't know why people keep voting your posts down, but I've apparently run out of my positive votes for the day on the board otherwise I would help you out!

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Just got an admit email from Berkeley! I am officially flipping out. $21,000 for five years, and $4,000 for summers. Seems like the budget crisis hasn't hit the grad funding (yet).

This is good to hear, as I was the idiot who threw almost all of his eggs into the UC basket. :P

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Just got an admit email from Berkeley! I am officially flipping out. $21,000 for five years, and $4,000 for summers. Seems like the budget crisis hasn't hit the grad funding (yet).

Apparently it did though, since people got $25,000 and $4,000 for summer last year :(

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Yes, the Harvard offer doesn't seem to be real. I emailed Thom to inquire into my application status, and he replied that they haven't made decisions yet. So unless the person claiming it can supply details, I am refusing to believe he or she got an offer.

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Someone posted this re: Harvard

I was the one who posted the acceptance. I was pulling everyone's chain; I'm not even in poli sci. I felt bad after reading the intense psychic convulsion of one poster, who I hope is OK....

Wow... Yeah, Harvard deserves to notify us later than other schools. It is my DREAM school as well because of Frieden, Shepsle, Hiscox and Rodrik (an economist thinking like a political scientist).

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Someone posted this re: Harvard

I was the one who posted the acceptance. I was pulling everyone's chain; I'm not even in poli sci. I felt bad after reading the intense psychic convulsion of one poster, who I hope is OK....

Yeah that's what I was referring to when I posted. I agree, it's a terrible joke. Too bad the results page can't actually be regulated, it would cut down on a lot of spam and tension overall. Ah well.

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Someone posted this re: Harvard

I was the one who posted the acceptance. I was pulling everyone's chain; I'm not even in poli sci. I felt bad after reading the intense psychic convulsion of one poster, who I hope is OK....

I wonder whether the poster was referring to me. Quite obviously was. Extreme psychic convulsions.. I actually had to laugh, although this kind of joke is really not funny at this stage.

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