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Fall 2010 Admission Results

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Congrats to the Chicago admits! I just got waitlisted there, but I'm not too bummed because it appears to be no ordinary waitlist. First of all, they said it's small. Also, they want to put me up with a current grad student and then spend an entire day meeting with faculty members, having a sherry hour, and going out on the town with current students.

Admits: if you decide not to go, please tell them ASAP! In the meantime, I am going to plan how I will win them over on March 12th. :)

Yeah this sounds like you'll be in soon. I doubt they'd go to all that trouble and expense if you weren't likely to be admitted.

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Are we assuming that Berkeley is done with acceptances?

I find that to be unlikely. Yesterday they told someone who posted back that the acceptance process would go on over many days, and relatively few people have posted Berkeley acceptances on the results page yet.

Edited by Tan
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Well actually, now that I think of it (and I do welcome any feedback anyone who applied to Rochester has on this matter), it's hard to know what's going on with them if they e-mailed some poor soul on Friday telling them they're in and then five days later tells them they're rejected. One of my LORs went there for his PhD so I had hoped that would help but who the heck knows.

Also, have we decided UNC is finished at this point? It seems that's how they handled it last year (aside from one person coming off the wait list in April), but again, would be interested to hear people's thoughts.

Just got some good intel on UNC. Talked to Chris Reynolds there, she said that all acceptances have been sent out but that the adcom is going to meet a week from today to decide a waitlist and will then notify people the next week (so in other words, two weeks from now). So those of us who haven't heard anything are either rejected or waitlisted.

Edited by APGradApplicant
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I have no idea what I'm going to do yet. I'm still waiting on a bunch of programs and I haven't gotten financial info from most of my schools save UNC and USC. I applied to a lot...apparently too many. :( Oh well. You never know how this process is going to pan out.

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I have no idea what I'm going to do yet. I'm still waiting on a bunch of programs and I haven't gotten financial info from most of my schools save UNC and USC. I applied to a lot...apparently too many. :( Oh well. You never know how this process is going to pan out.

Definitely better to have applied to too many than too few! Having to pick between schools is a great situation to be in. Even although it can be hard to make a decision when there are no obviously wrong answers to eliminate, the flipside of this is that you'll be happy with whatever you go with. So, not too bad :P

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I have no idea what I'm going to do yet. I'm still waiting on a bunch of programs and I haven't gotten financial info from most of my schools save UNC and USC. I applied to a lot...apparently too many. :( Oh well. You never know how this process is going to pan out.

NYU admits: anyone get in for theory?

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Congrats to the Chicago admits! I just got waitlisted there, but I'm not too bummed because it appears to be no ordinary waitlist. First of all, they said it's small. Also, they want to put me up with a current grad student and then spend an entire day meeting with faculty members, having a sherry hour, and going out on the town with current students.

Admits: if you decide not to go, please tell them ASAP! In the meantime, I am going to plan how I will win them over on March 12th. :)

Oh, it's on cpaige.

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haha that it is. what's your subfield? i'm comp politics.

American/public law

Edit: I just checked my calendar and I'll be out of the country March 12... so consider that a leg up!

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I just posted the University of Chicago acceptance. I've had a very lucky two days!

From the looks of the e-mail (and the fact that there's no other U Chicago posting yet though the email was sent two hours ago), I doubt they sent all the acceptances at once.

Congrats, that is really an accomplishment!

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haha i suppose. i'm sorry about that! it's unlikely we're in direct competition anyway, though.

I was at Chicago last year and my impression was that they had the wait-list figured out and it was just a question of how many admitted students would enroll. I think you're looking for people in your sub-field to go elsewhere and then you may get a spot. Chicago also encourages people to let them know early if they're not coming, so your odds are not too bad. But I would definitely let them know you're interested. They do have a very good program there.

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Y'know, someone not claiming a particular admit doesn't make the admit any less true, much as we all wish it would from time-to-time.

I'm certain there's not a 1:1 overlap between admits/rejections and forum posters here. Nor should there have to be. I think a lot of us are starting to fall into the trap of "if nobody posted, it didn't happen!" which is silly. Understandable, but silly.

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Y'know, someone not claiming a particular admit doesn't make the admit any less true, much as we all wish it would from time-to-time.

I'm certain there's not a 1:1 overlap between admits/rejections and forum posters here. Nor should there have to be. I think a lot of us are starting to fall into the trap of "if nobody posted, it didn't happen!" which is silly. Understandable, but silly.

I think a lot of people are just cautiously skeptical of big name acceptances, because some from Brown/Harvard/Berkeley were already proven to be false. As with those, the Princeton acceptances smell a little funny because they traditionally let everyone know at the same time (and accept 40 people!). So, those posted might be true, but people are understandably cautious.

Edited by polisciFTW
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I think a lot of people are just cautiously skeptical of big name acceptances, because some from Brown/Harvard/Berkeley were already proven to be false. As with those, the Princeton acceptances smell a little funny because they traditionally let everyone know at the same time (and accept 40 people!). So, those posted might be true, but people are understandably cautious.

Not to mention Princeton is closed right now...

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