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Fall 2010 Admission Results

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Let Coast,

I am the other Mizzou here. I got in yesterday. Did they mention which fellowship you were nominated for or just the stadard, it has to be approved by the graduate school but you will be a choice for full funding?

They did not specify any fellowship. The e-mail states they are offering a half-time assistantship which includes an 11k stipend plus tuition remission. I am going to call Dana Davis tomorrow for some clarification. Perhaps I will see you there in the fall.

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IĀ“m not fully convinced weĀ“ll hear from Columbia today, but it would certainly be a good start of the weekend (or, a really bad one)

hearing from Columbia (eitherway) would be the icing on the cake. That way, it would be settled, for me at least.

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hearing from Columbia (eitherway) would be the icing on the cake. That way, it would be settled, for me at least.

also, anyone hear anything more about Chicago? There was a raft of theory admits, then the standard email, then nothing it seems....

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:) I'm glad you are starting to understand the draw that Russia has. Once you start down that path, though, you never go back, so be careful.

With my couple rejections I don't mind saying that my regional area is Central/East Europe (not Russia), but I think all those post-communist places are like drugs. You get a little and you're addicted. I'm sure if I'd been to Russia it would be Russia, but I wound up a little further west.

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Congrats NEPA! By the way, are you from Northeastern PA? I am and where I'm from we call it NEPA. Just curious.

On the subject of Russia, in undergrad my major was International Politics and I had chosen Russia as my region of study. I loved studying it. Then I got to grad school (MA program) and my advisor told me to immediately choose another region to study. He said Russia "has been done to death and is out of fashion." That being said I could caution you against studying Russia, but I wouldn't. I think that's a silly attitude to have and I still plan on pursuing it. Someone has to teach/study it, right?

PS- Good luck everyone still waiting (like me)! I only heard from 1 of my 5 schools so far and I'm on pins and needles. Best of luck to all! B)

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On the subject of Russia, in undergrad my major was International Politics and I had chosen Russia as my region of study. I loved studying it. Then I got to grad school (MA program) and my advisor told me to immediately choose another region to study. He said Russia "has been done to death and is out of fashion."

So is Europe or Middle East or Latin America... I do not know but Far East Asia might be as well.

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Congrats NEPA! By the way, are you from Northeastern PA? I am and where I'm from we call it NEPA. Just curious.

Yep! I'm from Scranton, actually. Well, originally from closer to Wilkes-Barre, but I go to the University of Scranton now. (Now that I'm pretty sure where I'm going next fall, I could care less about anonymity, haha.) It's always nice to meet another "hayna."

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2 more until ace, SuddenlyParanoid :) Congratz.

I wanted to get my closure with NYU so I e-mailed them. Why can't they just say "sweetie, forget it, you are rejected"?! Instead, she gave me the classic BS: "The admissions process is ongoing and all applicants will be notified of decisions when it is complete". Bleh.

I will report them to ECHR! This is inhumane :D

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