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One week left in February


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Seriously, mid-February? The applications were submitted by Dec. 15. By January 1, I would have voluntarily signed up for cryogenically freezing myself (Avatar-style) to make it through the end of this process. And now it's freakin' mid February. Wow.

I'm glad to report I've only gained maybe three pounds and haven't alienated everyone in my life (but still terrible at replying to voicemail/email because of the perpetual "Did you hear anything yet?"). I may have gained a modicum of character from being patient and calm. Maybe.

Any other semi-good or good reports out there about how you're holding up?

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Seriously, mid-February? The applications were submitted by Dec. 15. By January 1, I would have voluntarily signed up for cryogenically freezing myself (Avatar-style) to make it through the end of this process. And now it's freakin' mid February. Wow.

I'm glad to report I've only gained maybe three pounds and haven't alienated everyone in my life (but still terrible at replying to voicemail/email because of the perpetual "Did you hear anything yet?"). I may have gained a modicum of character from being patient and calm. Maybe.

Any other semi-good or good reports out there about how you're holding up?

congratulations! You are doing spectacularly well holding up under the pressure, I would say! :) For my part, I am eating more chocolate these days, drinking more wine these days, and delighted with myself for not caving in and smoking again (I quit last May...but that was before this hellish ordeal!) :blink:

Mainly, I think I am getting upset looking at the results page and watching so many people badmouth programs they were rejected from. I mean, if you think it is "a POS program anyway", why bother applying? If you "had no intention of going there anyway", why did you apply? It is upsetting, because some of those programs and schools are ones I and my friends have applied to. I wish people would think before they post in terms of badmouthing schools they applied to. :( Some of us are dreaming to get into those schools.....

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I am holding up fairly well thanks to Zumba, my sister, and the occasional binge session. Luckily, I didn't tell any of my friends that I was applying and my performance at work hasn't went down to much.

Ohhh will I be glad to hear back from my schools by the beginning of March (inshallah).

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I am holding up fairly well thanks to Zumba, my sister, and the occasional binge session. Luckily, I didn't tell any of my friends that I was applying and my performance at work hasn't went down to much.

Ohhh will I be glad to hear back from my schools by the beginning of March (inshallah).

RTS - I did not tell anyone I work with either, except the woman who wrote my teaching rec (she is a colleague who is also applying to grad schools; we wrote each other a rec, lol) The only people who know that I have applied to PhD programs are my husband, his parents, and my mom and sister, and a neighbor of ours who is also a good friend. That way, if I do not get in, then nobody has to know about it one way or the other. It would be dumb to go broadcasting that I might have to leave in this economy, eh? Hopefully, I will get into UNC-CH or UVA and not have to go anywhere. Fingers crossed!!

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I complained with agony this morning to my friend/the administrative assistant in my department. She tried to reassure me that there is NOTHING wrong with me and I should do things to stay in my field and it says a lot that I'm re-applying, etc, etc. I said to her, "But I'm not worry about that. I know what I should be doing... but... you'd think that doing this for the second time would be easier than the first. And it's not. I'm talking about the emotional stress that comes with this process! How can I do this again!" She said, "Well, then you just need to have a little faith in yourself. Just try."

It's hard to believe that I have survived a month since I submitted my last application (a PhD program with a late app deadline but I had others due earlier)... and that was one hell of a long month.

Fuck you, Economy. You've sent people applying to grad schools off the whim, driving up the number of applications, and universities to cut back on funding, making this process all seem... impossible to do.

Seriously, in the GRAND scheme of things, if you've been accepted to just one program, be happy. If you've been rejected, remember everyone else except for a lucky few admits have been rejected as well.

Okay, c'mon, one more week.

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congratulations! You are doing spectacularly well holding up under the pressure, I would say! :) For my part, I am eating more chocolate these days, drinking more wine these days, and delighted with myself for not caving in and smoking again (I quit last May...but that was before this hellish ordeal!) :blink:

Mainly, I think I am getting upset looking at the results page and watching so many people badmouth programs they were rejected from. I mean, if you think it is "a POS program anyway", why bother applying? If you "had no intention of going there anyway", why did you apply? It is upsetting, because some of those programs and schools are ones I and my friends have applied to. I wish people would think before they post in terms of badmouthing schools they applied to. :( Some of us are dreaming to get into those schools.....

As a sister of a younger brother who just can't quit smoking, even with the best of intentions, please keep doing great and don't start. Even one can be derailing. I can't fathom how the pressure would make smoking seem like a relief. Very glad you've been able to stay away. Okay, moving along!

I had the BEST cheeseburger tonight. And fries with RANCH! There needs to be a smiley for happy drooling.

And yeah, the acceptance someone got tonight to our top school - um, yeah. They better be grateful :)

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I'm waiting to hear from 5 of my 6 schools. I'm really, really hoping for at least one more acceptance so I could at least have some choice regarding my next however many years in school. To make matters a bit more 'urgent' I'm not completely sure that my current acceptance is the best fit for my research goals...whereas three of my other schools are amazing fits, but also major reaches.

I'm guessing that this last week of February will either bring me lots of joy (a single acceptance from one of the three would do this), or lots of sadness.

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Still waiting to hear from 4 out of 5 of my schools. I'm deeply concerned. sad.gif

I'm still waiting from all 13 of mine, although I know one has already sent out all of its acceptances. I'm really not expecting much because I realized too late that I'm not really qualified to attend most of the ones I applied to (which, mind you, are not all decent schools). I kind of have this feeling that some of them may never get back to me at all, like I'll end up getting a "silent rejection" because they can't bother with me, but I guess we'll see. The deadline for some of mine hasn't even passed yet so I can't get too upset. Good luck to everyone!

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I have to hear from all of my six schools. I'm losing faith in the strength of my application and even thinking that I shouldn't have started with this ghastly ordeal to begin with. But I keep on soldiering on, eating massive amounts of junkfood and smoking frantically. Hope it's over soon, whatever the outcome may be.

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I submitted all of my apps in November. NOVEMBER!!!! No news yet, but no one has heard from any of my programs, and most have now said notification in March. Too much food, wine and wasted internet time. Even knowing there won't be news for two more weeks does not stop me from checking, and checking, and checking. Sigh.

ETA -- I find it comforting to read and re-read my SOP's and confirm I put my best effort out there.

Edited by waytooold
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I haven't heard from any of my 4. And 3 of them have started sending out acceptances.

My cigarette consumption is reaching new heights (between this, job hunting, and translating freelance at odd hours of the night).

@Ticklemepink - I'm sure that when I do this again next year I'll be even more of a nervous wreck. After all, I'm fairly sure I'm NOT getting in this year, and I'm still biting my nails waiting for those damn rejections already.

Next year, when I'll really be hoping for acceptances, I'm sure I'll be in a much worse state. I will, however, also be much better prepared!! (and possibly more confident...)

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I heard from one this month and I've yet to decide if that's made the waiting better or worse. Usually, while I want time to pass pretty slowly, I spend all day itching to cross another one off of the calendar. Just hoping that I'll make it until the end of March without going totally insane.

Apart from that, I've been exercising like mad. Everytime I feel stressed out about the potential rejections coming my way, I hop on the elliptical or go running or hiking. I might be over-doing that since I've lost 19 pounds in the last month. Probably isn't healthy but better than many alternative ways of coping with stress, I suppose.

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I'm waiting to hear from 5 of my 6 schools. I'm really, really hoping for at least one more acceptance so I could at least have some choice regarding my next however many years in school.

This. I've got one acceptance that I think is pretty solid, but now that I have it, I'm just hoping for one more so I have a CHOICE. Maybe I'm too greedy, but please oh please, just give me one more acceptance and I'll be forever happy and stop wishing for more. I promise!

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I'd be happy with just one acceptance. sad.gif I'm starting to doubt that one is forthcoming. Please oh please, just one acceptance.

I second this, I would do anything at this point to get just one acceptance. I don't even care if its not a good school, I did apply to some pretty crappy ones. If I'm not in school this fall I'll probably end up on the streetunsure.gif

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I heard from one this month and I've yet to decide if that's made the waiting better or worse. Usually, while I want time to pass pretty slowly, I spend all day itching to cross another one off of the calendar. Just hoping that I'll make it until the end of March without going totally insane.

Apart from that, I've been exercising like mad. Everytime I feel stressed out about the potential rejections coming my way, I hop on the elliptical or go running or hiking. I might be over-doing that since I've lost 19 pounds in the last month. Probably isn't healthy but better than many alternative ways of coping with stress, I suppose.

Finally going to resume working out tomorrow. I know it's one of the more reasonable ways to alleviate stress.

And very able to relate to the urge to check days off the calendar. I wonder if there's anything else in life like this, to where you'd rather just not have this month . . . maybe waiting for your child to be born or something? Disneyland when you were a kid?

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