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Getting in from wait list

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I have a feeling I'm going to be waitlisted at many schools and I just wanted to know if anyone on here has been waitlisted and actually given a position at the school later on? Please let me know, I'm not sure if that happens often, or if you're waitlisted its basically like being rejected.


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27 minutes ago, Wildfox92 said:


I have a feeling I'm going to be waitlisted at many schools and I just wanted to know if anyone on here has been waitlisted and actually given a position at the school later on? Please let me know, I'm not sure if that happens often, or if you're waitlisted its basically like being rejected.


I was waitlisted at two schools last year, and one of them accepted me after I had already accepted another offer.  My field is English, and waitlists for different fields could be different.

Edited by cowgirlsdontcry
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I actually think it's pretty common to get in off the waitlists. It may be a little frustrating to have to wait until people who got accepted to send in their "no thanks" to the school, but I think it definitely happens. I know several friends who got in off the waitlist at schools.

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I was accepted off the waitlist from 2 out of the 4 schools I was waitlisted at, and am now attending one of them.  There were also a few acceptances, and several rejections.  Applying to grad school is rough- especially for SLP.  Good luck through this process!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was accepted into one school that I was initially waitlisted at! This school I was accepted into was at the end of July after I had already accepted my position at another school but still. Two schools I was waitlisted at I think I was about one person off of actually being accepted into because they would do multiple rounds of accepting off the waitlist and I made it to the last round. My one friend was accepted off a waitlist and that's the program she ended up going to! So don't think of it as a rejection!

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I applied to 11 schools and got waitlisted at 2, and then accepted into 1. I don't regret at all applying to a lot of schools! Also you need to remember that waitlists are NOT a rejection--as long as you stay in contact with the school, you can show that you're genuinely interested in their program. Good luck!

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  • 1 month later...

I was recently waitlisted by my top choice and they stated that if an interview slot opened, they would notify me. Does THAT happen often? I would think everyone who applied would accept the interview invite and that they would select from that group...so basically I read the letter and counted it as a rejection. I am debating on emailing them and restating my interest and thanking them but I’m feeling a tad pessimistic about my chances. What should I do??

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I was waitlisted at 3 schools, and got into 2 of 3 I was waitlisted at. It definitely happens. The only one I considered going to that I was waitlisted at, was really expensive for out of state students so I declined. But the tuition may give you an idea about how likely you are to hear from them. I'm assuming a lot of people chose less expensive options. 

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