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Fall 2018 French


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@HomewardBound Congratulations! i am at Pitt for my master's right now in Spanish and English. I know a few people in French, and they're all cool and smart. Most everyone I know is under 27. A colleague did a year in France, for instance. And I understand that Gender Studies is strong. Pittsburgh is also fairly affordable on the stipend and lots to do. Edwidge Danticat visited last year; she had dinner with students. Lots of great cultural events and readings. And there is about 2.5-3k in conferences funds between all the certificate programs, departments, etc. which you are under no obligation to complete but can use to travel. Pitt has lots of small amounts of funds one can apply for to augment the stipend. Hope this helps if you consider it. PM if you want!

@madamoiselle Sounds good! I know it's not the largest program (Cornell), so please keep in touch! Also, looking at Michigan now. :)

Felicidades to everyone! 



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5 hours ago, madamoiselle said:

@Pacayas @Saltshaker I just got clearance from work -- I'll see y'all in Ithaca! (Will start a PM closer to visiting days :)) 

And I completely agree, Pacayas -- the stipend is amazing. Tons of opportunities for travel! And hey, NYC and Toronto are only a few hours away ;)

Happy END OF JANUARY, EVERYBODY! Best of luck for February!

Yay, this is so exciting! I’m happy that I’ll know other people who’re visiting. :)

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54 minutes ago, madamoiselle said:

Congrats to y'all @n.m.m. on Columbia and @Saltshaker on Michigan!!!! That is amazing!!! 

It's been a very exciting and fast-paced 48 hours, haha :P (I'm running out of upvotes!!) 

Thank you! I feel you on the likes and upvotes, I can’t react to anyone’s acceptances anymore. But know that I’m doing it in spirit!

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@everyone Thanks for the congrats and stuff! : D

@Pacayas Thank you so much for the extra info. And I'm glad to hear your thoughts on the gender studies program, as I'd be working with Dr. Todd Reeser. We've already emailed back and forth, and I absolutely love his work on masculinities. I'll PM you after while!

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2 hours ago, madamoiselle said:

Congrats to y'all @n.m.m. on Columbia and @Saltshaker on Michigan!!!! That is amazing!!! 

It's been a very exciting and fast-paced 48 hours, haha :P (I'm running out of upvotes!!) 

Thank you so much! Like @Saltshaker said, I can't like or upvote anything else today haha but thanks y'all for your affirmations! <3

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31 minutes ago, Monsieur Vénus said:

I was admitted into Michigan too!! I'm so excited, it's my first admissions offer. Plus Michigan is one of my top top top programs

@Saltshaker are you planning on going to the open house?

I’m hoping to! I’m going to wait a bit to see if I get any other offers, because visiting UVA and Cornell will leave me with only 5.5 days off until June. But if I do go to the open house, I’ll shoot you a PM!

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Bonsoir tout le monde!

I just discovered this page, and I am glad about it! Congratulations on all your applications, it's amazing!! And I'm sure February will bring good news as well :)

So I'm from France where I did my master and I am a Fulbright TA in the US this year, which led me to apply for a PhD next fall. So far, I'm going to Emory and Northwestern campus visits and I have an interview planned with CUNY. My only official admission is Wisconsin Madison, et j'en suis ravie, I like the program here!

I hope to see some of you soon in Atlanta or Chicago!

Excellente soirée à vous, et encore une fois, félicitations or "chapeau bas" as my grandmother used to say :) 


Edited by lesmainsdelsa
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Could I ask y'all to way in on this? Is it acceptable for me to bring my partner along with me on a campus visit as long as I notify the department that I will be doing so? My partner will definitely have a pretty significant say on where I end up in the fall because she will almost certainly be moving with me and trying to find a job in that city. Because of that, it's important to me that my partner also gets a sense of the place we might be moving.

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32 minutes ago, Monsieur Vénus said:

Could I ask y'all to way in on this? Is it acceptable for me to bring my partner along with me on a campus visit as long as I notify the department that I will be doing so? My partner will definitely have a pretty significant say on where I end up in the fall because she will almost certainly be moving with me and trying to find a job in that city. Because of that, it's important to me that my partner also gets a sense of the place we might be moving.

I almost accidentally clicked "report" instead of "quote". Guess I'm not awake. I'm in the same boat with the partner thing. I think it's probably worthwhile to let the department know you'd like her to come along.

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@HomewardBound @Monsieur Vénus I say go ahead and ask the department if it would be okay. This seems to be a common question, and the worst case scenario is that they're going to ask you to rent a separate hotel room for your partner (they tend to put potential students in a double room together!) 

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Congrats @HomewardBound

And thanks @HomewardBound and @madamoiselle glad to know I'm not the only one thinking about this. I just went ahead and asked!

Also, I'm incredibly embarrassed to realize that I spelled "weigh" as "way." Apparently I wasn't awake either.

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Good news -- I just got an email inviting me to NYU's visiting days!! Travel expenses covered and that jazz. I'm not sure if I can make it because I already have a trip booked to Berlin, but dammit, I'm gonna try! 

And HELL YEAH @HomewardBound, you are just kicking ass! I'm so excited for you and Penn State, what an awesome school :)



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5 hours ago, HomewardBound said:

@Everyone  Well, apparently my Penn State interview didn't go terribly after all. They just offered me admission with full funding. Am I dreaming?

Congrats! Now I’m worried, I haven’t heard anything from them... Who interviewed you?

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43 minutes ago, HomewardBound said:

@Saltshaker Thank you! And don't worry, it's earlier than their anticipated date by two weeks. You'll probably hear soon! I was interviewed by Dr. Boittin, Dr. Gélinas-Lemaire, and Dr. Jean-François. You?

The exact same people, actually. I sure hope to hear back soon! They told me on Monday it would be three weeks and I felt my soul shrivel and die a bit. 

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@Saltshaker Yep, I felt the same way. Maybe we went through some sort of wormhole, and it's been three weeks. It was a really fast turnaround!

@Everyone Today is the most newsworthy day I've had this entire admissions cycle. U.C. Davis just got in contact with me. More full funding and such! I'm so excited + so anxious about having to make a decision!

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