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It's Passover that's looming for me. A whole whack of judgmental family members all in one place at one time, all around to ask me "So do you have any life plans already?" Or "I don't see why you don't just call them and tell them to make up their minds faster. Do you want my cousin to call them? He went to graduate school, I think, so they might know him. Or was it grad school he went to? I can't remember. Something about electricians. But I'll get him to call them."

Oh man. Feel for you - - - oy vey.

But that was funny. ;)

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is it just me or can anyone else just canNOT physically function properly during this waiting period?! I've been waiting since the beginning of February and every week I tell myself, "right, it's THIS week, THIS IS IT, i'll find out by the end of this week" and every time my blackberry vibrates with an email I literally pounce on it only to find out that someone's invited me to buy their hens or whatever on Facebook Farmville.

Seriously... two days ago, I woke up telling myself, 'it IS this week. It HAS TO BE.'

IT BETTER BLOODY BE if i want to start functioning properly again and get on with my life!!!!

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is it just me or can anyone else just canNOT physically function properly during this waiting period?! I've been waiting since the beginning of February and every week I tell myself, "right, it's THIS week, THIS IS IT, i'll find out by the end of this week" and every time my blackberry vibrates with an email I literally pounce on it only to find out that someone's invited me to buy their hens or whatever on Facebook Farmville.

Seriously... two days ago, I woke up telling myself, 'it IS this week. It HAS TO BE.'

IT BETTER BLOODY BE if i want to start functioning properly again and get on with my life!!!!

ROFLMAO! I hear you on the Facebook thing. "No, I do not want to join your Mafia. No, I don't want to buy any pigs for my Farmville. No, but thank you for sending me the heart, hugs, drinks, cappuccino, chocolate, or whateverthef*ck else you think you need to send me when I'm waiting for THE most important phone call of my life. Yes, of course I still want you to be my friend." AAAAGH. Even better is that my husband and sons discovered they can make me crazy by waving junk mail envelopes at me when I walk in the front door. They only made that mistake once dry.gif .

~ m

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I received one email saying that I will receive a decision by March 1. And even though it is only 5 days away, it is driving me nuts not knowing. I'm trying to be upbeat about this, but it is hard when I have received mostly silence. :blink:

looking at your stats, we're on the same boat. at least you have A DAY that you'll be sure you'll get the news. that's not my case. I'm dying here. but, I'd rather wait two more months, as long as I get accepted somewhere.

big hug.

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Hi, I'm a newbie here. This wait is killing me!! I submitted my apps Nov. 5th so soon it'll be 4 months of anguish. Aaaarghh!!! blink.gif IUB sent me an e-mail telling me to expect an answer no later than Feb. Since I haven't heard anything from them, I guess... MARCH IS IT!!!!

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It's Passover that's looming for me. A whole whack of judgmental family members all in one place at one time, all around to ask me "So do you have any life plans already?" Or "I don't see why you don't just call them and tell them to make up their minds faster. Do you want my cousin to call them? He went to graduate school, I think, so they might know him. Or was it grad school he went to? I can't remember. Something about electricians. But I'll get him to call them."

Hee hee hee... I feel your pain. Fortunately, my parents are 3000 miles away. Thank Ha-Shem.

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Hi, I'm a newbie here. This wait is killing me!! I submitted my apps Nov. 5th so soon it'll be 4 months of anguish. Aaaarghh!!! blink.gif IUB sent me an e-mail telling me to expect an answer no later than Feb. Since I haven't heard anything from them, I guess... MARCH IS IT!!!!

You know... it wasn't killing me until my adviser told me, "It's February, you should be receiving word any day now." Up to that point, it never really struck me how soon a decision was coming. Now, I'm totally on edge, checking my email every 30 seconds, refreshing the "results search" between email checks, and hitting the plunk red wine pretty hard.

The wait is killing everyone. You're not by any means the exception. March it will be! wink.gif

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looking at your stats, we're on the same boat. at least you have A DAY that you'll be sure you'll get the news. that's not my case. I'm dying here. but, I'd rather wait two more months, as long as I get accepted somewhere.

big hug.

I would prefer to wait longer also as long as I get in. However, I need something to come in before my contract comes up for renewal with the university where I teach. If I get at least one accept, then it at least takes the pressure off of the choice of whether to teach at my current institution.

I think a lot of us are in the same statistical boat; however, I wished the seas weren't quite so rough. unsure.gif

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It's Passover that's looming for me. A whole whack of judgmental family members all in one place at one time, all around to ask me "So do you have any life plans already?" Or "I don't see why you don't just call them and tell them to make up their minds faster. Do you want my cousin to call them? He went to graduate school, I think, so they might know him. Or was it grad school he went to? I can't remember. Something about electricians. But I'll get him to call them."

Ah yes. Fabulous that Passover has to be very early this year, not after April 15th.

I can see my grandmother doing that for one of the schools I applied because she knows one of the big donors at that place. But so far, from our conversations, she's anxiously waiting to hear from ME instead of jumping the guns. Gute Bubbe, gute Bubbe.

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is it just me or can anyone else just canNOT physically function properly during this waiting period?! I've been waiting since the beginning of February and every week I tell myself, "right, it's THIS week, THIS IS IT, i'll find out by the end of this week" and every time my blackberry vibrates with an email I literally pounce on it only to find out that someone's invited me to buy their hens or whatever on Facebook Farmville.

Seriously... two days ago, I woke up telling myself, 'it IS this week. It HAS TO BE.'

IT BETTER BLOODY BE if i want to start functioning properly again and get on with my life!!!!


I stopped functioning properly about a month ago. And I'd go refresh my inbox like every 30 mins.

LOL...and I so agree with you of the Facebook thing.

I'm now in the middle of a crossroad that I do not know which way to go. Just freaking give me an answer so that I can move on. Working and waiting for an answer at the same time sucks. For one, I can't tell my boss for sure whether I'd want to take up that project that starts on June. On top of that, I can't tell her why I can't make up my mind, cause no one at work knows that I'm applying for grad school yet. (Leaving them out of the applying process is a good idea, cause I don't want constant questions about "How's that application going?" or "Any news?" or "Do you need me to go find a replacement for you already?")

Okay, I'd stop ranting now. :P

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This month can't get over soon enough. My schools dont report till march and work up the ante in my going somewhere by announcing another round of layoffs. If I don't go, I have less than 50% chance of having a job in a few months anyway. Arg!

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It's Passover that's looming for me. A whole whack of judgmental family members all in one place at one time, all around to ask me "So do you have any life plans already?" Or "I don't see why you don't just call them and tell them to make up their minds faster. Do you want my cousin to call them? He went to graduate school, I think, so they might know him. Or was it grad school he went to? I can't remember. Something about electricians. But I'll get him to call them."

Oh no... I totally blanked out the actual seder this year... I mean, I know passover's looming (it's all the people at the stupid store talk about), but I actually FORGOT about the dinner itself...

I don't even have any idea where we're doing it...


Now I'm just waiting for all those questions. At least the new job will take off some of the pressure, and I think that most of my extended family is somewhat ignorant of the grad school applications...

Thanks for reminding me! *humph*


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I'm just hoping those rejections come soon.

I mean, come ON - I KNOW I'm not getting in this year, why keep me in suspense????

Hurrah March!!

I have been used to the rejections letters in the end of February... Hope March would be the new begining to everyone!

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I have been used to the rejections letters in the end of February... Hope March would be the new begining to everyone!

I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed for all my friends that are waiting for acceptances as well B).

And I haven't heard squat all February, which I find extremely surprising. I was pretty positive I would get tossed out in the first round (not good GRE's, unfocused SOP, and NO SUBJECT SCORES). The fact that some notifications have gone out and that I haven't heard anything at all is actually quite surprising...

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Ditto ditto ditto. Looks like some scoop for NSSR says the first batch of letters goes out March 10th...I don't know if I can wait that long.

I'm okay with getting rejection letter(s), but it's the waiting that's so rough for me. I'm usually a patient person with stuff like this, but with this, I'm sure my bloodpressure is higher while I sit and wait. Sigh.

Cheers to Marchblink.gif

I thought I would have to wait til at least March 20, as that is when NSSR decisions came out last year

So learning of March 10th is kind of shocking

Now if I don't receive anything around the 10th, I'm going to start freaking out!!

And I'm currently in Paris, France, so waiting for an International Letter and wondering if La Poste screwed up its delivery might bother me


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I stupidly sent in my applications early (not really early, but about a week to a month before the various deadlines) thinking that if I sent them in early, I would hear back from my schools a little earlier......JUST KIDDING! Apparently that is not how grad schools do business, as I am still waiting to hear ANYTHING from ANYONE. And yes, I made the mistake of telling everyone that I was applying to grad school (as they wanted to know what I was doing with my life since I graduated in December), and now I have to tell everyone that I haven't heard anything, its almost embarrassing.

So I lift my glass to March, you damn well better come in like a lion, roaring my acceptance (to at least on school) at the top of your lungs, and leave like a happy and content little lamb that just dropped off a giant fin aid package at my feet.

HEAR HEAR! cheers all

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On the other side of the coin:

No!! It can't be almost March! The article that I was supposed to be working on all during the month of Feb is due at the beginning of March! Curse you short month!

Ditto...March 26th I am presenting a paper and I have so much more work to do it's not funny anymore. Which is why I'm on the site...procrastinating more. Somehow I think my paper will write itself :)

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I thought I would have to wait til at least March 20, as that is when NSSR decisions came out last year

So learning of March 10th is kind of shocking

Now if I don't receive anything around the 10th, I'm going to start freaking out!!

And I'm currently in Paris, France, so waiting for an International Letter and wondering if La Poste screwed up its delivery might bother me


Just looked at your area of study...from the Grad Cafe results page, there were two entries like this:

The New School For Social ResearchPhilosophy, PhD (F10)Other via E-mail on 23 Feb 2010A23 Feb 2010"The Admissions Committees are hard at work selecting the fall 2010 class. The fist decision letters are scheduled to be mailed beginning March 10. After that date they will continue to be mailed as decisions are made."

So I would say for your program it looks like the first letters might go out March 10th...giving 10 days for the mail, I'd say March 20th isn't too far off. I also saw in the results for Int. Affairs (my program) that there were a few entries in mid-March and the first week in April.

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I just received an email from GeorgiaTech and it was just to inform me that they have all my information. GREAT 2 months and a half after I sent them.... they should now that any one at this time is expecting a different kind of email... an email with some decision in it..... but no, they just play with this confirmations when one is under so much stress and anxiety...



March is it!!! It must be it!!!

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One of my schools included this in their "we have all of your materials email":

Thanks for being such a competent applicant and having everything ready for review. I really appreciate it. I wish you all the best for a successful outcome!

Nice to know that even if I get rejected, I was a competent applicant. I might print that out and put it on my fridge because it actually makes me smile.

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Just looked at your area of study...from the Grad Cafe results page, there were two entries like this:

So I would say for your program it looks like the first letters might go out March 10th...giving 10 days for the mail, I'd say March 20th isn't too far off. I also saw in the results for Int. Affairs (my program) that there were a few entries in mid-March and the first week in April.

I know; I posted that info

10 days is a long time; mail usually takes on average 2 days domestically (at least from NY to DC where I am originally from)

so i still think that results came out later last year than they are anticipating this year

furthermore, March 20th was the earliest result post. People were receiving acceptances until April

I hope those late acceptances were applications received later, on a rolling basis

I want to hear my acceptance ASAP!!!!!!!

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