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are we friends now?

I want to hugg Papa Smurf

he iz teh so cute

(so much better than my Scully licking Mulder icon, which sounds exponentially more enthralling than it actually is) :(

...Can I have it?

I saved it in my "i love me" folder, waiting to pounce and change my avatar to Papa Smurf, and vanquish you should you protest to my stealth thievery


Alright, yes, we're friends and you can have it, and in fact, it's probably better that you do if we're working toward a lofty vision of humanity that can only be brought about through a strongly brewed potion of patriarchal communism, radically visionary music, and an underground network of fast-working cyber friendship. So long as the "hugg" comes with a face lick, that is. (or a head-bump. The head-bump is my 1-year old's favorite mode of affection and I'm starting to believe in it). Oh, and also give me some positive happy clicks because someone didn't like my assertion that paying a FEE for a SERVICE entitles us to a little INFORMATION, and so now my reputation is in the red. Don't like that so much, not very smurfy, if you ask me...

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January rocked - first acceptance.

February blew - two rejections (both today....awesome).

March - hopefully one more acceptance. At least they've been leading me on with two visits to campus, four phone interviews (two different profs), and multiple emails all telling me how much they want me. But I know they don't meet until next week! (They being University of Wisconsin, my top choice and also the top ranked school in Ed Psych.)

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And my birthday is on the 18th. Either give me a great birthday present or beat me down beforehand so that I can actually muster up the energy to enjoy the damn birthday.

Yeah. My birthday is the 2nd. I've officially forbidden anyone to check the mail that day. I don't want bad news on my birthday.

It was bad enough to get the "Sorry, but no..." email from Princeton while I was at work this week. And only an hour after my day started, so I had to be not only functional but cheerful for the next seven hours. The office's project director knows I'm waiting, and she told me she's going to stock up on chocolate just in case.

I'm hoping March is good news for me this year.

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Here's to March! I have one acceptance in hand, thankfully... but radio silence from all other applications. Last week started the slow trickle of news on the results search from a couple of my top choices (UMD, UCSB, UCSD), so I'm banking on some answers this week or next!

I'm off to scour my spam box for missed messages and contemplate the very personal discounts on hydrocodone, viagra and high school diplomas.

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Embrace the MARCH MADNESS! Woohoo!

I've got a yes from one school, a no from another, and nothing but silence from the other five. I'm looking forward to getting notified (even if it's only rejections from here on in!) so that I can start to finalize my plans for the fall!

Anybody else feel like we're in a plane way up in the air, looking down at the ground and wondering where we'll land? And how we'll land (i.e. will we need those life vests and emergency exit rows?)

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Here's to a better month all around. February kinda stunk. May everyone receive the acceptance letters of their dreams!

Yes!! I'm keeping my fingers super-crossed; I don't care if they get stuck!

I have a feeling that there are a few ton of people here who will be checking their application status at 12am...

:lol: :lol:

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i hate waiting for the results! this is the most impatient i have been my whole life!

Anyone else applied for M.Arch 3+ program at U. Michigan Ann Arbor, U. Washington Seattle, UCLA, UCBerkeley, UNM, Arizona State, UCDenver, CalPoly Pomona?

Got waitlisted for Arizona State which sucks! I just need one college acceptance, and I will be fine.

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omg it IS MARCH. ACK.

At my interview, my interviewer told me the adcom was meeting to make its final decisions ON MARCH 1. That's TODAY. That means 18 hours or so from now, a bunch of people will be deciding my future.

...and I might not hear back for DAYS afterward. DAYS.

My new fear is that I will be waitlisted. I do not know HOW I will cope. (Okay, yes, I know I'll cope with it the way everyone else does...by waiting, because that's what you do. But right now, it feels like I'll spontaneously combust if I have to wait any longer.)

Edited by piccgeek
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Here's to a better month all around. February kinda stunk. May everyone receive the acceptance letters of their dreams!

Glad to hear your optimism has come back Hermes! I agree, good luck to everyone in t-minus 1 hour depending on where your located!!

Just a thought to this who will be waiting past March to say April: What if a school sends out an acceptance or rejection on April 1st (April fools day) and then rescinds the decision the next day saying that it was all a joke... isn't that just a horrible thought? Has that ever happened? I'm dreading that day in April but March, March it is!

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I know that we people today have a very low tolerance for uncertainty. And I guess what we are saying is just let us know where exactly we stand and we will be fine even if we are rejected from places.

I wonder how many other places we behave exactly the same, when we are waiting for that phone call after the date, When we have left a message on an answering machine and are hoping for a return call. When we have just undergone an important medical examination and the results have not come as yet.

I can just tell you that Buddhism tells us to be mindful. What that means is when you are anxious just tell yourself you are anxious without judgment, when you tell yourselves perhaps I won't get through anywhere (to not be disappointed when you actually don't make it) just tell your selves I just had a pessimistic thought. When you think about all the monkey like antics you are going to perform when you actually get the accept, just tell yourselves I just had a daydream. Similarly, you can also tell yourselves i just enjoyed drinking a soda, I just smelled orange in the supermarket, the rain makes a nice sound.

It might help...

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It's March *takes a deep breath*

Theoretically, I should receive something this week. I still haven't heard anything from my six schools. Needless to say, I'm stressed out like shit.

As for being waitlisted; I'm pretty sure I'll be sick if I hear such news.

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I have yet to hear from two schools: my number one choice and a real long shot. At least I have a fall back plan, although it is not a great plan. Worse comes to worse, I'll accept the consolation prize, since I'd have to wait out a year anyway to apply again.

I need to decide by March 16, so I hope my two other schools send me word soon. Here's praying for the best! laugh.gif

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I can just tell you that Buddhism tells us to be mindful. What that means is when you are anxious just tell yourself you are anxious without judgment, when you tell yourselves perhaps I won't get through anywhere (to not be disappointed when you actually don't make it) just tell your selves I just had a pessimistic thought. When you think about all the monkey like antics you are going to perform when you actually get the accept, just tell yourselves I just had a daydream. Similarly, you can also tell yourselves i just enjoyed drinking a soda, I just smelled orange in the supermarket, the rain makes a nice sound.

Good point. Last night I had a dream that I got my letter and called the dept chair from my undergrad to meet me for coffee so he could open it. It was an acceptance letter and I was happy (obviously), etc etc. That's the first dream I had about getting a letter in the mail, I'm glad it was a happy dream

Now let's see what March has in store!

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