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AHHH got my first acceptance today! Even though I'd rank the school 5 out of 7 in my preference order, it's still a relief. Funny, too, because it was the latest application I submitted (February 1st), and my top choice (which promised notifications BY the first week of March) was due sooo early, on December 5th. These places follow no patterns, do they?

Nope, there is nothing like a logical pattern of deadlines/notifications/good news/bad news. It's like trying to make sense out of a very abstract painting (and you're someone like me, with no art theory whatsoever).

Anyway, congrats on the acceptance! ^_^

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As this month is marching through, I find myself stuck with an ambivalent feeling. On one hand, I am excited to hear back from the schools I have applied, but somehow I feel intimidated at the thought of rejections after nearly 3 long months I have been waiting. However, I defintely don't wanna wait until the end of June to hear something just like last year application season. That was just cruel.

I guess for now, I should take no news as good news. I only want one acceptance. Please!

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AHHH got my first acceptance today! Even though I'd rank the school 5 out of 7 in my preference order, it's still a relief. Funny, too, because it was the latest application I submitted (February 1st), and my top choice (which promised notifications BY the first week of March) was due sooo early, on December 5th. These places follow no patterns, do they?

The lack of a pattern is frustrating me! Out of the two schools that I applied to with a December 1 deadline, one accepted me in late January but still hasn't sent any solid information on funding (but they say unofficially that all PhDs will be funded fully for the duration - that's no help if it's not in writing!). The other program had a visitation day in early February and the adcomm still hasn't met. Ugh!

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The lack of a pattern is frustrating me! Out of the two schools that I applied to with a December 1 deadline, one accepted me in late January but still hasn't sent any solid information on funding (but they say unofficially that all PhDs will be funded fully for the duration - that's no help if it's not in writing!). The other program had a visitation day in early February and the adcomm still hasn't met. Ugh!

It's really hard to say if an adcomm has (1) not yet decided who's in or out, (2) put you on a waiting list until those who were given acceptances decide, or (3) made their decision and have not taken the time to inform those rejected. I'm still waiting for decisions from two schools and it is most aggravating. But I've also been told that it isn't uncommon for offers to go out until March. Nevertheless, the wait is driving me absolutely buggy. wacko.gif

Edited by Hermes
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It's really hard to say if an adcomm has (1) not yet decided who's in or out, (2) put you on a waiting list until those who were given acceptances decide, or (3) made their decision and have not taken the time to inform those rejected. I'm still waiting for decisions from two schools and it is most aggravating. But I've also been told that it isn't uncommon for offers to go out until March. Nevertheless, the wait is driving me absolutely buggy. wacko.gif

I found out that someone was accepted at my dream school last month instead of the time they told me that they would be sending out decisions which would be at the end of this month. So now I'm thinking that they're just going to do a mass email for rejections at the end of March. :(

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I found out that someone was accepted at my dream school last month instead of the time they told me that they would be sending out decisions which would be at the end of this month. So now I'm thinking that they're just going to do a mass email for rejections at the end of March. :(

I hope not! I was beginning to get discouraged at my top choice, logged in today and found out I'm in! Looks like you got into a couple schools, congrats on that! Maybe you were just further down the list for some reason?

Now I just want to hurry up and hear from my other schools.

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I found out that someone was accepted at my dream school last month instead of the time they told me that they would be sending out decisions which would be at the end of this month. So now I'm thinking that they're just going to do a mass email for rejections at the end of March. :(

At least you got in somewhere! If I don't get accepted somewhere, I might have to do a qualifying year at the Masters level and do this process all over again. sad.gif Never look a gift accept in the mouth. If you don't like the schools that accepted you, why did you apply there?

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At least you got in somewhere! If I don't get accepted somewhere, I might have to do a qualifying year at the Masters level and do this process all over again. sad.gif Never look a gift accept in the mouth. If you don't like the schools that accepted you, why did you apply there?

Where did I say that I don't like the schools that accepted me? I'm pretty happy about my 2 schools so far, but they're not my absolute top choice. My dream school is the perfect fit for courses, research, and they have over a 90% rate for employment in industry companies.

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Where did I say that I don't like the schools that accepted me? I'm pretty happy about my 2 schools so far, but they're not my absolute top choice. My dream school is the perfect fit for courses, research, and they have over a 90% rate for employment in industry companies.

Looks like we are applying to the same course and have applied to 2 same schools :) Which one is your dream school?

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Hey, two schools are enough if you get accepted at one of them. If you think you are a good fit at those schools and your applications were quality, then two may be all you need. King David may have had five sling stones in his quvier, but he only needed one to kill Goliath. Of course, those sling stones were the size of small cannon balls. Here's to applications that make an impact like a cannon ball. :D

I like this metaphor of David and Goliath! Hope we can hit our dream "Goliaths" soon...

I am tried, frustrated, angry at not getting replies by now! February was still hopeful, but march has got the temperature and my BP rising!!

People tell me international applicants get replies late.. because of funding issues and stuff.. so I am guessing most people here would be intl applicants? (please say yes, please say yes)

To pass my time, to stop checking my mail every 5seconds, to reduce my frustrations and more importantly as a backup, I have now started applying to Europe and Singapore. There are some really good programmes there too guys, which still have deadlines open!

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Seriously, I can't wish for anything but replies to come sooner!!!! Waiting is killing me.

Oh and I hope that my next rejection letters attached in emails will be named better than "Refusal Letter" which I thought was bit harsh (that was for Cornell, which I got denied three weeks ago).

Edited by FoggyAnhinga
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I am an international student, and also still haven't heard anything from 8 out of 10 schools. Hope is falling though, as the 2 responses were rejections.

Hi!! I am new here (although I've been visiting this forum since January :)) and I am also an international student. Where are you from? I noticed that you are a holder of a Fullbright Scholarship. I have something similar, and I want to know if that kind of scholarship may increase our chances of being admitted in some universities (I hope so!). I am applying to US and Canada. Thank you and good luck to you and the rest of the people here! :).

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Sorry, but won't be disclosing that,

as some stray adcom members might be searching this forum.

I would say I'd hoped it would increase my chances of admission,

but now that the rejections are coming in and there's no good news yet,

and not likely any to come,

I start to hope that it does not make a difference,

or is even weighted negatively,

because otherwise I must be seriously crap.

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I'm an international student as well, and I've got six rejects so far. Fingers crossed for so long now they're starting to stick that way.

I'm going to hang tenaciously on and bug everyone I applied to until I have twelve notifications in my inbox. And when I get them all and they're all rejects, then I'll give up. (I'm concentrating more on domestic programs, though. Optimism is one thing, and stupidity is another.)

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I know the adcom has had what they had planned to be their final meeting.

I know that in years past, applicants to my program have been informed of decisions either way within the first two weeks of March.

I know that checking my email 15 million times a day won't make the news come any sooner....but I just can't help myself.

I feel like I'm holding my breath, and pretty soon I'm just going to pass out. Goodnight moon, goodnight stars, goodnight everything!

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March has definitely been it for me, I got my first 2 acceptances yesterday and I am so relieved. I was so panicked about where I was going to be and what I would do with myself next year if I didn't get in and it is a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. I got into a decent MA program and I couldn't be happier. I feel like it's all about PhD's on this forum and that MA's are sort of looked down upon as a last resort but that is what I wanted - I don't even think I want a PhD at all at this point so I am happy. Now the next hurdle will be trying to find a place to rent with my horrendous credit.. huh.gif

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@socnerd: I know what you mean, I just got my (unofficial) first acceptance yesterday too! Surprisingly I'm not that excited about it because my standards for the schools I applied to we're much below average due to my below average GPA and GRE but it's nice to know that someone likes me out there!

I feel like that too, like I'm the only one applying for Masters (MS) here but I'm hoping to improve my candidacy as a potential PhD grad student.

Hurray for March! Let's see what the rest of the month brings!

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Man, seems like everyone's receiving decision in march except for me. I only received one decision in february (rejection) and still heard no news from other schools at all... any chance they might stay working during weekend and email out decisions???

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Man, seems like everyone's receiving decision in march except for me. I only received one decision in february (rejection) and still heard no news from other schools at all... any chance they might stay working during weekend and email out decisions???

I guess we can only hope... I still have 5 to hear from... :/ I sincerely hope we don't end up having to post "April is it!"

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It looks like I may actually hear from 2 schools this week. One says they're sending out all admissions decisions by the end of this week, and the other one actually has an acceptance posted now on the results page (the first result posted for any of the 4 programs I applied to). This is making me even more anxious than I already was. It doesn't help that the one school I feel certain I won't get into is the one that's sending all decisions this week, and the other one is definitely the second most competitive of the four I applied to, so it's highly likely I'll end up with 2 rejections to start things out with. Based on last year's results, I may not hear from my other two (less competitive) programs until April.

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