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Everything posted by xypathos

  1. If they were to announce next week and they haven't contacted you, unfortunately I think it's probably too late. I certainly hope not though and I realize that this is a nightmare. I figured their system would alert you to something missing. Hopefully they'll take it as an error on their end and work something out with you!
  2. Nothing has come across the Results forum either. Last week of Feb, first week of March is standard for Chicago for MA results.
  3. I always advise to err on the side of caution and dress formally for anything that constitutes an interview. I don't know how Baylor specifically schedules their interviews but if there's an official interview, I'd certainly dress formally for that. If there's a social event I'd probably stick to business casual for those. Save the showing up in blue jeans and a hoodie for when you're officially in.
  4. I forget when Emory's interview weekend is but I'm pretty sure it was last weekend. If you weren't invited to the interview weekend, it's safe to presume you were rejected. If you attended the interview weekend then you'll know your fate 1-2 weeks later - they tend to notify really quickly.
  5. Any of your top schools will have access to Sanskrit resources, so Harvard (perhaps any school part of BTI), Yale, Chicago, Duke, maybe Princeton.
  6. We had a guy at Vandy that did a quasi-joint MDiv:MD and while doing his general surgery residency was doing a PhD in Religion, both still at Vandy. That said, he’s the kind of guy you see one of in your life. Edit: Yale has/did a joint program with forestry that always looked really cool.
  7. It's entirely possible that their interview candidates don't use GradCafe, we're an extremely small portion of the applicant pool.
  8. Last cycle I got my acceptance to TST late mid February, I think somewhere around the 20th. I was notified about two weeks later though that there would be no funding for American students and was referred to FAFSA to file for federal loans.
  9. Yea, we should start hearing back from some schools in the next 1-2 weeks, though several schools won't notify until March 15 or immediately thereabouts. More to your point, yes - some schools notify rejections first, some last, and some (looking at your UVA!) have a reputation for not letting you know anything.
  10. In addition to @Averroes MD's points, it's relatively few schools that will kick you back to the M* level. So, even without a Master's, you risk still getting rejected. Now, you could ask the school, in the case of rejection, to consider you for Master's admissions but that's a tricky gamble to take.
  11. I'm not sure what you two are speaking of, @SmallFishBigPond seems to have edited their post, it's just a white quote box on my end.
  12. It seems off but I can't confirm/deny it. No one has claimed an acceptance on the Results forum and they were still interviewing candidates last week, per an internal calendar. It's possible that they notified a couple of high priority candidates but BC notifies by phone calls, not emails - it's not their standard procedure.
  13. My contact at Yale has confirmed that they've finalized everyone they care to interview but not everyone has been interviewed yet.
  14. We try but there's only so many distractions to go around!
  15. Competitive interviews are when there’s six slots but you interview say twelve people. Generally they’re in person and often a mix of single (you and a faculty member and/or you and several faculty) and group events though the group events are often more of a chance to observe social dynamics. Non-competitive is if there’s six slots then you generally interview those six. Sometimes more get interviewed but it’s to build a waitlist.
  16. I went in 2014. It’s mostly a meet and greet of their top accepted students. It’s a way for the school to now sale themselves to you. They have their top faculty on hand, they bring in big name alumni, wine and dine you at some really nice restaurants. Some of us went out drinking with some of their faculty and they showed us their favorite spots in Manhattan, Harlem, and Brooklyn. I thoroughly enjoyed it and it moved Union to the top of my list but was offered a far better package elsewhere.
  17. Haha, if past cycles are anything to rely on - it should be fairly quiet this week and next, and then hopefully, the floodgates open for 1-2 weeks, then silence til mid-March.
  18. Yale began sending out requests for interviews approx. two weeks ago. Don't read into it, POIs are contacting applicants at their leisure and it's often just a simple phone call. Yale Univ. requires them to interview so while it's helpful not to bomb it, it's kind of just a checkbox. Some won't try setting up phone interviews for another 1-2 weeks.
  19. My contact has said that all interview invites have gone out. If you haven't gotten one, I'm sorry but it's them, not you.
  20. It varies some, especially should they get hit hard with winter. Generally, Union begins notifying the second week of February of acceptances, waitlist notifications go out toward the end of February, then rejections toward the first week of March. Union also tries to "encourage" their initial acceptances to decide within 2-4 weeks so often a second round of acceptances will begin to trickle out toward late February. They have at times gone pretty deep into their waitlist too.
  21. I can speak to Union's process quite extensively, not so well plugged into Fordham. What kind of information are you looking for? UTS recently decided that they're no longer admitting students that they cannot fully fund. As a result, that means they accept approximately one student per subfield/department - sometimes funding permits a second student somewhere. Right now faculty in each department are advocating for their preferred candidate. It varies a little but certain candidates are automatically disqualified as simply being less than ideal, then faculty create a ranking of what they perceive to be the strongest candidates. If you end up toward the bottom on several faculty list, you're cut. This process goes on until they have about ten candidates left and then it's a fight to the death Some departments, like Theology, get 40 applicants that they consider competitive and this whittling down process takes a LONG time. Other departments, like Practical Theology, only gets about 8 applicants that they consider competitive so it's over in no time.
  22. Yea, rental property owners just about everywhere are notorious about making rent prices available on their websites. That said, if you're living walking distance to campus - 800/month for a one bedroom, closer to 650 or so for a studio. Some rental owners offer all inclusive pricing (internet, cable, heat, etc) but that's hit or miss. I presently live in Syracuse while my partner finishes her PhD, small world!
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