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kent shakespeare

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  1. It sounds like a headache, actually, since Quebec has its own immigration policies and a different civil law than the rest of Canada. In Quebec, even recognition of common law/de facto marriages is different. It may require an actual contract between the two of you before a notary in Quebec, before it is recognized. http://www.immigration-quebec.gouv.qc.ca/en/choose-quebec/daily-life/family/marriage.html Even getting recognized as your spouse, it will not be an easy ball of wax to get her a legal work permit. Even to get basic residency, you'll probably have to show that you have enough funds for both of you to live on. If she has specialized skills and speaks French, that's a help, but it's still a harder kettle of fish than you just getting a study permit. You may want to at least consult with an immigration lawyer. here's another site to dig around in: http://www.immigration-quebec.gouv.qc.ca/en/immigrate-settle/temporary-workers/obtaining-authorizations/certificat-permit/applications-spouse.html. and lastly... another option (not the best, but it may be of some help): She might want to consider living in Plattsburgh, NY or even Burlington, VT, where she can work, and still be within an hour or so of you. Maye at least until she can get a work permit.
  2. you're hardly the only one to encounter this sort of situation; I'd be very surprised if UTSA is that inflexible. Contact your PhD supervisor at UTSA, too, and get their input and assistance.
  3. A friend of mine was just accepted at CUNY Brooklyn (within the last 2 days). He said their admissions were delayed because a key officer had been stuck in Europe during the volcano incident. Not sure if that was just Brooklyn, or CUNY-wide.
  4. I'm 41, an finishing up my 2nd semester in an MA program. I got an AAS in my 20s, but went back for a BA a couple years ago, and finished up last May. I really enjoyed being an older student, but there was a slight social distancing. I made friends, but certainly wasn't part of the usual social peer groups. As an older student, I was more focuses, more likely to ask questions/speak up, which made me appreciated by both profs and young students (thy often knew me even when I still couldn't tell them apart, especially those from larger classes). Here in my MA cohort, of 17 of us, 1 is in her 50s, 2 are in our 40s, a couple are in their 30s, and the rest re 20-somethings; mostly at the older end of that range but a couple that have continued straight high school-BA-MA program without any interruption. Of all of us at the older end of our spectrum, I'm the only single one; everyone else has family and pre-existing communities ties. I'm the only older student who moved here just for school, so I'm the one least connected socially. I do socialize a bit with the others (peers and younger), but I'm a bit of a 5th wheel at times.
  5. the western portion of Albany is very residential, and it is possible to be reasonably close to SUNY without being right in the student ghetto others have mentioned. Don't be too scared by all the talk of Arbor Hill; it is a rather small region and unless you're lining up a place blind, you will most likely avoid it entirely during your entire time in Albany. You do get used to cold and snow, and it's only a few months of the year. At my last U in northern NY state, we had a lot of south Asian kids who were shivering in October but fully adapted by the January term. But good idea on not planning on having to drive in it; you do get used to that, too, but you might as well be prepped for alternative travel. Plenty of west coasters have adapted well to the area before you. There are several buses that go to SUNY from various directions. Google CDTA to check out routes and frequency. Carolina, Waterworks Pub is the best-known gay bar. I've never been there, but friends really love it. There are other places, too. One sees gay couples holding hands in public places, parks and the mall,s and I've never heard of problems. Even though Albany is small by metropolitan standards, it still has plenty of offerings.
  6. Lots of people go through CCs and make their way to grad schools - including me. No biggie. Just try to build the best experience out of it (not just grade-wise, but experience-wise).
  7. I think the point was that this thread's original issue is small potatoes compared to people who have had to grapple with much tougher life situations. Ethnicity-related comments aside (and I read the 'white' comment as a synonym for 'privilege,' rather than leaping to defensiveness), she does have a point; it'd be nice if questioning an optimistic partner was the biggest issue I had to face.
  8. also, a month or so in advance won't raise eyebrows - plenty of people do that. Especially to apartment-hunt.
  9. as long as you have your passport, letter of acceptance and award letter, and $ for your study permit, you should be fine. anything extra, like additional funds available to you (bank/loan papers) are assets, but probably not even needed. I brought a lot of extra stuff to be on the safe side, and didn't even need it.
  10. maybe your supervisor could lend their #? or the department? or the International students office?
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